Why did you leave?

by greendawn 43 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • sweet tee
    sweet tee

    Tired of the heavy yoke of the GB, bored with the meetings/literature/songs, new light didn't sit well with me, hypocrisy and lack of love ... wanted me and my kids to have a real life.

  • crazyblondeb

    "I was running out of reasons to get together with my 3 favorite elders frequently."

    I was tired of being molested by my stepdad, who was a MS. While at the same time every time I got in trouble at home, my parents would run to the elders. Which resulted in another po-wow with the elders.

    Does anyone else see something wrong with this picture!!!!!!!!!??????

  • Swan

    I spent too many years waiting for an Armageddon that didn't come and I was pretty sure it never would. If it did, I realized living forever with them would not be paradise; for me it would be hell. In the meantime it was my life, and I was pretty tired of them living it for me.


  • RichieRich

    I'll tell you why I am leaving:

    Hypocrisy- way too much

    Pressure- from the hypocrites

    Money- I want it

    Service- I'm tired of sweat stains in my dress shirts

    Meetings- I'll watch Billy Graham if I need Jesus

    Sex- See money

    Elders- Power happy retards

  • absent without leave
    absent without leave

    I did it, cause I use my brain now and again

  • freedom96

    I found out that the WTS is not God's chosen organization and their lack of love is not what it is all about.

  • Soledad

    I realized that the WTS is an organization controlled by MAN not by GOD. I got fed up with all the bullcrap meetings, field service and assemblies that were just a waste of precious time and energy. I got tired of waiting for my life to BEGIN. And finally, I got tired of the hypocrisy.

  • diamondblue1974

    1. The WTS view of education being my major soapbox subject.
    2. The 1914 generation bollocks and major goalpost change, was way too convenient for my liking and especially after reading Crisis of Conscience I believe I was right to take this view.
    3. The wholesale failures to protect children from abuse and molestation and their ommissions to report issues when they discover them.

    Besides these main three I have discovered many many more which lead me to never darken the KH doors ever again.


  • evergreen

    Got fed up having my life ruled by the old guys at brooklyn.

    .....Fed up having no time to my self

    .....Fed up having my head stuck in a book / magazine constantly

    .....Fed up going out in the ministry pestering the same people every few months.

    .....Fed up feeling constantly guilty all of the time.

    I could go on but eventually reading crisis of conscience was the real eye opener which made me decide i had enough.

  • Doubtfully Yours
    Doubtfully Yours

    I'm tired of "waiting on Jehovah". I was given this life to enjoy, make the most out of now, and to do the best I can for my fellow man.


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