Without the Internet. Would you still have been a active believing dub??

by Samuel Thorsen 71 Replies latest jw friends

  • love2Bworldly

    I left 20 years ago when the Watchtower was still teaching that Russia and the US were going to destroy Babylon the Great. So actually I could see even without all the mountains of other stuff I have learned the last couple years that they did not have the 'Truth'. And what really opened my eyes was a workshop 3 years ago at a Baptist Church on cults. The Watchman had a lecture, and a table with tapes and booklets that were pure Watchtower quotes of all the flip-flops over the years on different Bible verses. And I learned about the Beth Sarim house in San Diego (1930's or so I believe) where supposedly Abraham, Isaac and Jacob were going to be resurrected and the Watchtower Society was saving the house for them--when I found out about that particular item, that pretty much did it for me, I started realizing that the JW's were NUTS!

  • stillajwexelder

    Not sure - there are still hard copies of Ray Franz and other books and the pedophile scandal and othere things would have still hit the fan I think


    The Dateline pedophile scandal is what initially got me to really step back and think about things. The internet helped me along so that I didnt just dismiss my doubts and press onward on "Jehovah's Service" So I guess the answer would be probably still a believing JW but most likely an unhappy one.

  • TweetieBird


  • claytoncapeletti

    Like other have said, the internet really opened my eyes to how crazy witness beliefs are. Up till I found out about 607, the U.N and false predections I even defended the BORG when others talked about them. Once I found out all that's out there, I realized that I was in a cult and the freedom from being out is just AWESOME!

    Thank you internet and thank you Apostate Websites!!!!!

    " Brothers dont shank hands, brothers got to hug"


  • Jez

    I was disfellowshipped, DYING to have someone hear my story, I found freeminds.org and asked if I could post my story there. Randy was very very kind, listened and offered condolences. Through a link there, I found JWD.

    Love not being the identifying mark, has always always bothered me. My own real experience confirmed it as did hundreds of stories I have read here. I would not be as strong, unafraid, or positive today without having my fears and doubts validated via the internet.


  • hopelesslystained

    No. Left in 1977. Raised a jw, but even as a child I could see things did not add up. Once I got mature enough and brave enough to think for myself and trust my own gut feelings, I dropped them like hot s***t. But, I did/do still have a few lingering fears and triggers. After stumbling on this site about 1 yr ago, I have found it to be excellent therapy and validation of what my heart already knew; that my mind had been screwed with. Sooooo, thank you internet and all of you posting here!

  • m. kirov
    m. kirov

    I left a while ago, but I would still defend the religion- saying crap like: "I'm not living like a JW. If I ever go back to religion, I would go back to them." I didn't want to "bring reproach" when I was going in and out of the dope house or totally drunk in some bar. So, no. BUT, I would not have know about them joining the UN. It was "bennyk" who helped me out. He is well versed in the scriptures- he's read the bible 13 times and the New Testament and additional 8 times. He knows a little Greek and studdies various commentaries. In the beginging of the year I have had at least nine 3hour calls w/ him about the scriptures- that kind of interest was never there before or after I got baptized. I'm trying to live better, but am not yet abiding by all of the scriptures. I've bneen clean almost 3 years and intend to stay that way, but not to keep from being disfellowshipped I dispise "the truth" but love God and his Son (who is the head of the congregation, NOT the Faithful and Discreet Slave).

  • bennyk

    Before reading anything 'apostate', I had already left for reasons of conscience: my Bible-trained conscience would not permit me to worship the Golden Calf (WTS).

  • whyamihere

    No, I made up my mind based upon my true feelings.

    The website just made me realize I was not crazy.


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