Your Most Embarrassing Injury!

by whyamihere 75 Replies latest jw friends

  • calamityjane

    I was about maybe 11 years old when this happened. My Dad was renovating our home so the door frames were not finished yet. I had a habit of watching my Mom put on her makeup in the bathroom. This time I had leaned up against the unfinished doorframe when I attempted to slide down into a squat position, I ended up with two slivers the size of toothpicks going through my pants and into my butt cheeks. It was the most excruciating pain.

    My mom said I'd have to go to the hospital and get them taken out by a doctor. I said no damn way am I going to let a doctor see my ass. So my Dad ended up with the job of getting them out.


    Good thread Brooke

  • pratt1

    The injury happened to an ex girlfriend.

    After sex - safe sex, I went to the bathroom to dispose of the used bag and instead of throwing it into the toilet, I missed and it fell on the tile floor. I didn't notice I had missed and I went back to bed.

    A couple of hours later, my girlfriend got up in the middle of the night and I hear a huge bang and a scream. She had slipped on the used condom and hurt her hip pretty bad.

    The next day I took her to her doctor and she threw me under the bus and told the doctor it was all my fault because of my bad aim.

    As you can imagine, the relationship did not last long.

  • whyamihere

    Thanks CJ!

    My friend had the same story as you. It was a See Saw though! It was funny to take her into the school nurse. I felt bad but God I did laugh.


  • calamityjane

    Brooke that's funny. I'm glad I'm not the only one that got slivers up my ass.


  • BrendaCloutier

    I have the grace of a 3-legged race horse..... Growing up I was always loosing my balance because of deformed feet.

    I was into sailboat racing for many years. One day in a race, I was on main sail trim, and I usually braced my body against the track with my legs while I pulled the sheet in to trim the sail. My back decided to go out at that moment! I was frozen with pain. The skipper was yelling "Trim the main! Trim the main!" and I couldn't even speak! Finally he yelled "Brenda, you ok?" and all I could do was squeek and barely shake my head. The crew had to unclench my hands from the mainsheet, and push my limbs to get my body back into a more normal possition.

    I took a codine tab and got shitfaced that night at a street party some sailing friends threw (had a blast and remembered most of it), went home and had to litterally fall into bed, which was a futon on the floor. I shoulda slept on the couch because I couldnt get up off of the floor the next morning. At least I had cancelled crewing the next day.

  • whyamihere

    OH MY GOD!

    You guys are so funny!


  • jt stumbler
    jt stumbler

    When I was about 5 I zipped up my penis in my pants. I can still remember running to my mother screaming. We had company over at the time.

  • RichieRich

    I used to have a pet iguana. He was really big (like 5 ft long) and he would run around the house free (he was trained to poop in the bathtub). THe day of the memorial, Dad told me to put him up before I started to get ready. He was under my bed. I reached under to get him and he must have been asleep because he bit me so hard he broke the tip of my index finger and left 3 teeth in me. It hurt so bad!!!

    Mom wouldn't let me go to the doctor because we had the Memorial that night... So my dad had to pull the teeth out of my finger with pliers and I had to go the memorial with ice on my hand. We went to the doctor afterward, but it was embarassing because I had to explain to everyone what an iguana was and why it bit me and so on....

    Dumb Witnesses.

    "Whats an iguana?" Where'd you get it?" Did it hurt?"

  • kls

    Ok since Evil went there i will to last week i got a huge blood blister on my tongue doing what Evil said. No questions !

  • IP_SEC

    damn kls, I'd hate to see what happened to his *******8 if you ended up w/a blood blister on your tongue

    Jeszzzus Chrassst.

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