Do you exercise or do anything special to physically look your best?

by JH 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • JAVA

    About 4 years ago I was looking at some photos posted in a showcase where I work, and saw an overweight old fart in one picture. It was me! I joined the Y a few months later, and have been working out 5 or 6 times a week. I'm still an old fart, but I dropped the fat, and feel better. :)

  • HadEnuf

    JH...since my knee replacement I have gained a significant amount of weight. It is such a bummer. But my hubby says there is just more of me to love. Ain't he sweet?

    I figure if you don't like how I look...don't look at me.

    Cathy L.

  • JH

    I never judge other people's looks Cathy, and I hope others won't judge mine.... I'm far from being perfect.....

    Hey, I'm anxious for that party !!!!

  • kittyeatzjdubs

    i used to be obsessed with my weight. maybe it's just a coincidence that jw's seem to suffer from mental problems. anyway. i was very close to becoming anorexic while attending my last congo. it was a rather uppity and affluent one and all the elders wives were perfect and crap b/c their husbands would pay for them to get all kinds of plastic surgery...exactly the kind of environment a 18 year old female needs to be around. so to be perfect like the elders wives i cut my intake to only 35 calories a day and i worked out for 2 hours daily...i even made myself puke 2 or 3 needless to say, i went from 140 to 115 rather quickly. then i moved in with matt, and he soon caught on that i wasn't eating that much. he asked what the deal was and i told him about how i was dieting. he said that i was insane, and then he said this...I fell in love with you the way you are. i think you're perfect...what else matters?..... i love him so much!

    so the funny thing is that since i've left the jdub's, i haven't worked out in 5 months, matt is a wonderful cook, so i constantly eat like a pig, and i haven't gained an ounce...must be all the late night work outs.

    luv, kitty

  • liquidsky

    I work out out 4 times a week. Yoga and pilates. And I get alot of exercise doing yardwork.

    I pretty much eat like a piggy piggy though. =)

  • mapleaf18


    After losing 60 lbs, I do Cathe Frederich's pyramid workouts, Tamilee Web workouts, tae bo and some pilates to keep it varied. I feel funny if I go more than 2-3 days and not work out. I climb the stairs up and down 22 floors in my bldg. during lunch hour generally speaking or take a very long fast walk if weather permits. I hate the elevators

    I make sure my calorie count never goes over about 1700 a day. It's best between 1000 and 1500.

    I also do "manual labour" on the weekends w/ boyfriend

  • GetBusyLiving

    I workout at a gym four days a week for an hour and jog for 45 minutes on my off days. I love it.


  • mapleaf18

    oh yeah and the late night workouts are the BEST calorie burners

  • jwbot

    OY. I need to get back into the routine! But normally, I get on the elliptical for 40 minutes, do stretches and crunches, and try to eat healthy. I have been off though due to family stress and back problems, classes etc... But maintaining my weight at 130 which is fine. I hope to lose another 10 lbs and a couple sizes (the rule is 2 sizes per 15 lbs if exersizing). I want abs back!

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