Did You Ever Think The "End" Was Going To Happen In Your Lifetime"?

by minimus 55 Replies latest jw friends

  • fleaman uk
    fleaman uk

    i think i spent the whole time i was in the Religion trying to convince myself it was the Truth and that the end was going to come definitely in my lifetime..after all, People who remembered 1914 would still be around when the end came right?

    Wrong!Because then the 1995 generation change kicked in and all my doubts that i had tried to suppress came bubbling to the surface until i realized for myself it most certainly wasnt the Truth and no End would come,at least, not the sort the JW,s promote.How i limped on for another 8 Years in the religion,giving talks ,being an MS,aux pioneering.....!!!???!!!!

  • tetrapod.sapien

    yes...(grumble grumble)...what a farce.

  • kittyeatzjdubs

    totally....i remember when i was a little girl, i would wake up every morning and run to the window to see if the end had come while i was asleep......my mom actually encouraged it. needless to say, i was disappointed every morning, and soon grew tired of being let down. i actually kinda started getting freaked out this past year, with the tsunami and everything...that scripture about earthquakes in one place after another kept running through my head. i finally started to chill out when matt sat me down to watch a t.v. special on that very subject. come to find out, all these natural disasters have been going on around the world since the beginning of time, but now we have the technology to track it world wide....so natural disasters haven't gone up in number...the people receiving news and information on it has.

    luv, kitty

  • Sunspot

    I never thought otherwise! I was convinced (for 30 years) that it was coming at any moment!

    Even after I left the WTS---for a while I still believed that the end was coming soon and that there would be a paradise on earth. My thoughts have changed a lot in 5 years.


  • AlmostAtheist

    Crumpet's comments reminded me of some pondering I was doing the other day on the total disregard for the future that this "just around the corner" attitude creates in JW's. Some were sharp enough to follow the Society's lead in planning for the future. While telling us that the end could come in "months, weeks", they were building palatial headquarters all over the world and putting 30-year roofs on Kingdom Halls. But most JW's I was in contact with were live-for-the-moment types that never thought about the future or life enrichment at all. Travel? Why bother, the paradise will be so much better anyway. Retirement? Ha! I'll never retire in this system! (No, you won't. You'll be washing windows at 85 hoping to make enough to cover your prescription costs)

    Some say, "Hey, it's just a religion. It wasn't for you, but other people need it." Because of the way they tune your thinking to never consider what impact today's decisions will have on your life tomorrow, I disagree. They destroy people's prospects for real life now, regardless of any thought someone might have about afterlife.

    This is actually one of their most destructive teachings, since it affects almost all of them.


  • dothemath

    I know of several brothers who openly criticized others for putting money into RRSP's...........(retirement savings- Canada). This was even mentioned in comments from the platform on one occasion.

    Some would say...........why bother with that?.......the end will be here long before you retire, what a waste?

    Of course now, the ones who did invest their money this way are far better off then the ones who denounced them for saving for retirement.

  • Why Georgia
    Why Georgia

    I was never a JW....

    But I was concerned growing up constantly about nuclear wars...especially after I saw that God Awful movie " The Day After."

    And growing up in California knowing the missiles were just down the street!

  • blondie

    I figured it didn't matter. I always pointed out that Abraham knew that it wasn't coming in his lifetime and he continued to serve God. Said it even in the years before 1975. Have to live in the present, not very productive if you live in the past or decide that life doesn't start until an unknown future date.


  • littlerockguy

    Do you honestly think I, or many others for that matter, would have became a JW if I didn't think it would come in my lifetime? I was a teen when I was dunked into the organization.

  • RevFrank

    1975 was an interesting year. According to those around 1874, 1914, was too. Even 1941 and not to mention 1925.

    Of course 2003 too, but that never got off the ground. Back in the early part of the 70's, I was studying with JWs and I got caught up in the 1975 thing too. With all of the world's problems I thought 1975 was the coming of Armageddon too. But after the brother's Dfd my ex-wife I discovered that as back as 1874 armageddon was coming. So after 1874 came and went Russell said, for sure, 1914 was the year all systems of this world will come to a close.

    "HEY RUSSELL, it's 2005. Either the new system is invisible or your ship slipped you by."

    Just a thought here, Jesus was quite clear when He said no man knows the time of My coming. The Father alone knows it.

    So......is the Watchtower the Father of Christ? Need I say more.

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