What do you think of justice in the UK?

by dmouse 31 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mary
    Upside/down said: If some loser decides to break into a home ...if he is found by the owner of the home and DOES NOT have permission to be there he can be shot on sight..... The local cops even say if you shoot some dumb bastard who's robbed you you'd better make damn sure he's either IN your home or you drag his ass back inside or your toast.

    Holy crap! When can I move to Colorado?! Up here in Cana-duh, if someone broke into your home, our laws are so f*cked up that the powers that be would probably make us turn over our house keys to the intruder, but only if they were an illigal immigrant ...........we're not allowed to defend ourselves with guns or anything else up here........except maybe plastic knives from Kentucky Fried Chicken......

  • upside/down

    Please note.... (my comments) there is no real justice in the US.....it's a sham...like JW "love"....

    I was just noting a rare example of a few laws that actually allow people as individuals to take SOME action in certain reasonable instances. Verses the the criminal suing the person he robs because he tripped and broke his nose on their coffee table while escaping the scene of his crime BS you read about every day.

    The example I cited just happened to be something in the local news.... which although I disagree with how the citizen exercised his "rights", he was fully within them... even giving a warning. I would NEVER put myself in that sitch....no matter how right I was, especially knowing the laws in this area.

    People need to learn how to be nice to one another... and if someone gives you a clear warning... it pays to heed it.

    Didn't the Bible say... all things are lawful, but not necessarily advantageous? Like the person who foolishly reasons that while in a crosswalk I am SAFE and if anyone hits me it will be their fault... only to get killed by the oncoming car (refusing to yield to the obviously wrong car) while enjoying their millisecond of being "right" only to die. This nonsense actually happens.

    I'm just saying people also have the "right" to be stupid... whatever floats yer boat. Thank the tort lawyers for turning the US into lawsuit central.

    People out here tend to be rugged individualist for the most part (except for Boulder- which is 20 square miles surrounded by reality) and are very nice and tend to use common sense and get along real well. Very old fashioned... but that's changing too... just like everywhere... MTV is now the leader and promoter of "culture" to the upcoming generation...."God" help us all!!!


  • Elsewhere

    Texas laws are very similar. There is a "mischief in the dark" clause that says that if you hear someone in your yard at night you have the right to squeeze off a few rounds in the direction of the sound and kill whoever it is.

  • upside/down


    Dammit.. now were gonna have a stampede of Canadians and Californians.....

    Ain't it da sh*t when the good guys can shoot back?

    u/d (of the I moved from Cali, so I can't complain class)

  • Gill

    Oh dmouse, what have you started!

    In my house, we regularly tell the children to tidy up before we go out or go to bed because we don't want any burglars tripping over their mess and sueing us for any injuries.

    Also, the reason my husband has chains and padlocks on his ladders, in our very secure back garden is not so that they won't be stolen, though that would be useful, but so that no attempted burglar would fall off the ladder and sue us...and I'm not joking. This happens often enough for it not to be a joke in the UK!

    Oh England, sweet England, home of the free burglar and rich one too if he can manage to injure himself!

  • Dansk

    Too much emphasis is put on hitting bank robbers and fraudsters really hard, whereas murderers and drunken drivers get ridiculously low sentences. Money is given a higher priority over life.


  • fleaman uk
    fleaman uk


    It sounds like the Adultery Law is one similar to the one in France (dont know if they still have it)of the Crime of passion Law?

    Its still outrageous though imo.

  • avishai

    As far as the "crime of passion laws"

    It seems that I would naturally assume that any man in bed with my wife was not supposed to be there (i.e rape) and i'd just have to protect her!! If she had brought him in, and it was an accident.....

    I don't understand why more folks don't use that defense. Personally, I'd just leave 'em to it. Not worth the headache and hassle in court etc., that I could be spending fishing.

  • upside/down

    That would work... as long as I loved fishing more than my wife...

    Now there's a concept....hmmmmm Avishai, now you got me thinkin!

    To fish or not to fish.... what a silly question!

    u/d (of the loves to fish in Cabo class)

  • avishai

    Well, from what I've read, I'm just glad we have a lot of victims right's groups/ law's/ legislation on this side of the pond. I'm gald that for the most part if someone comes into my house to attack me and I kick his ass or he get's hurt, I won't be liable, and that the aburd lawsuits with criminals suing property owners for breaking their legs on windowsills etc. are by FAR the exception rather than the rule.

    Burgulars here know in some areas of the country that you BETTER make sure that know one is at home.

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