Is Jesus God?

by Honesty 63 Replies latest watchtower beliefs


    Little Toe,

    I am not sure what to think yet. I do believe Jesus is more than what the WTS says he is. I really do not know yet what I believe regarding his identity but the WT is definitely wrong to relegate him to simply an angel.

    One thing that I think about is the fact that in John 1:1 Jesus is called "a god" by the NWT.. yet the bible specifically states that there is only one true god... in other words what is Jesus then, a false god???? We could go on and on and debate this until the cows come home. It was was already stated in the threads that it seems the bible supports both points of view. I was merely agreeing with some of the posters by saying that many so called christians, JW's included do not really imitate Jesus example. No he wasnt only just a model for us to follow... but he still was an example wasnt he? A model that many ignore IMHO. That was my point. I am open now to many opinions on who Jesus exactly is.

    However I do not agree with the point that some say that he was ficticious and did not exist. The very fact that the calendar is modeled after him testifies to this fact. Besides how could a bunch of Jews living 1900 + years ago fabricate this man and start one of worlds largest religious movements... impossible if the man didnt exist I say.

  • gumby
    However I do not agree with the point that some say that he was ficticious and did not exist. The very fact that the calendar is modeled after him testifies to this fact.


    Besides how could a bunch of Jews living 1900 + years ago fabricate this man and start one of worlds largest religious movements... impossible if the man didnt exist I say.

    In the same manner billions of Muslims are STILL swallowing the bullshit drivel of Mohhamed who existed shortly after Jesus supposedly existed. In the same manner Buddah had/HAS billions of followers.



    In the same manner billions of Muslims are STILL swallowing the bullshit drivel of Mohhamed who existed shortly after Jesus supposedly existed. In the same manner Buddah had/HAS billions of followers.


    Do you actually have an intelligent opinion on this or are we to take your clearly emotionally influenced comments to mean that you are just angry with anything JW or Christian and you want the world (here on JWD anyway) to know it!

    Dude we all were or are being hurt by the WTS doctrines and the type of attitude it encourages but its time to let it go. Keep it to yourself. At the risk of sounding cliche... "been there, done that" we know the WTS is wrong and we dont need your anger to remind us.

  • Amazing1914

    Hey Gumby,

    Christians would also appreciate knowing who the hell to pray to.

    Good point. One person in hell we could pray to is S-a-t-a-n. Just kidding. Well, Jesus made it clear that we could pray to either he or the father. The disciple Steven prayed to Jesus with his last words as he was stoned to death. We can also pray with (to) the Holy Spirit as the Apostle Paul made clear. So, I guess that the following definition may help.

    Ed Dunlap, former Gilead Registrar gave the following definition: There are two planes of existence: human and divine. On the human plane, there is "one" humanity but many members. On the divine (God) plane, there is "one" divinity, but only three members. Ed was never a "trinitarian" but he used the above to explain things seen in the Bible that appear to support the trinity. Oddly enough, what he defines is close to the more popular versions of the trinity doctrine anyway.

    So, at times I pray to the father, and at times I pray to Jesus, and on a rare ocassion, I pray to the Holy Spirit. I am not a trinitarian, nor anti-trinitarian. I just simply focus on my faith in Christ, and leave the details to God.

    Jim W.

  • LittleToe

    Ya know, that's ok

    I'm not pushing my beliefs here, I'm just presenting a perspective. Maybe it'll help, maybe it wont. I've lost too many "friends" over doctrinal interpretation (as have we all), and now every last one is precious. Besides, how could I be dogmatic, when I could be as wrong as the next person?

    Jim:I like the way you put that. Thanks.
    Interesting to hear Dunlap's perspective, too.

    Gumby:Do you doubt there was a person called "Muhammed"?
    (I know several )

  • M.J.
    Instead, God seems far more concerned with who and what we are as persons, as his children, than in whether we fully understand his nature.

    I've come around to see it this way too. If it was such a life and death issue, then it would be spelled out in the Bible, just like any religious organization's website under, "What we believe".

    To me, the biggie is to follow clear biblical directions like: "that all may honor the Son just as they honor the Father. He who does not honor the Son does not honor the Father, who sent him." (John 5:23)

  • tetrapod.sapien

    for me, i bypass arguments from doctrine or philosophy, not because they are invalid (far from it!), but because i have found no convincing secular evidence that he ever existed. ergo, if there is a high probablity that he never existed, then i have no problems answering: no, he most likely is not God.

  • adelmaal

    The only problem I have with the Trinity doctrine is that some people use it as an excuse to worship Jesus and forget about the whole God concept altogether. Just doesn't feel ok to me so I prefer to worship God with Jesus as my mediator and the Holy Spirit as my guide.

  • Narkissos
    if there is a high probablity that he never existed, then i have no problems answering: no, he most likely is not God.

    One could reach the opposite conclusion as well: if he never existed he might just be God.

  • greendawn

    Adelmaal, what groups over worship Jesus, I never happened to meet any.

    I don't know if that's worse than what the JWs do who over emphasize jehovah, doing away with the healing, reconciliatory, liberating influence of the Son.

    They got into a mess with a devilishly complicated moral code and being hopelessly stressed out when it comes to the issue of personal salvation, like the jews they basically seek salvation by works and come under bondage.

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