Are You or Were You Ever On Meds For Depression?

by minimus 56 Replies latest jw friends

  • Terry

    For about six months I tried various St.John's Wort brands until I found one that worked. Once I learned where (in my head) to place myself when I needed that feeling of safety---I stopped taking it. Haven't needed it since then.

    For me it was a case of FINDING where to be when I was depressed or panic stricken. There is a brain state that is the COPING state. Once I learned it I found I was able to return to it at will.

    This may or may not work for others.


  • Soledad

    I sure was. Paxil and Serzone about 10 years ago. Once I left the WTS for good, I haven't needed the meds at all

  • EvilForce

    From my discussion w/ my parents it seems as though alot of Dubs are on the SSRI's.

    I guess this is a far cry from only 17 or 18 years ago when I remember them counseling a sister with Bipolar Disorder that she probably had demons in the house and shouldn't seek psychiatric help since they would probably suggest re-enacting the womb experience. I mean WTF.... The Awake has consistently told people what to do medically yet it's NEVER friggin right.

  • upside/down

    Was on them all... first Prozac, then Wellbutrin, Xanax, Paxil, Zoloft, Lexapro, Abilify, Lamictal, Trileptal, and some I can't remember...

    Then I quit the bOrg and a MIRACLE happened...

    I was to the point of suicide... I stopped (cold turkey) NOT RECOMMENDED AND VERY DANGEROUS.... been perfectly fine since.

    I run 4.2 miles every other day, eat right, lift some weights and RELAX. I dropped therapy for JWD,

    I saved $1,600.00 in monthly meds plus weekly therapy approx $500.00 per month.

    JWD got results none of the above did as it got to the root of my problem... I thought I was all alone and no one understood...

    Never Again!

    u/d (of the nice to have my sanity back class)

  • freedom96

    I haven't taken them, but for others, who it helps, good for them. At least with modern science there is something out there to help.

  • EvilForce


    "you were to the point of suicide"

    Did you have an "ah ha" moment of clarity? You know when finally your mind opens up and you realize you don't hate yourself anymore?

    I had one of those after an argument with a was if I "Finally could see".....weird.

  • Eyebrow2

    About 13 years ago I was diagnosed with depression and put on Paxil. My doctor explained the differences between Prozac, Paxil and Zoloft and we decided together that Paxil would be the one to try. Well, after a few weeks I ended up in the hospital because it was making things worse. After I left the hospital, I happened to meet a person that owned a pharmacutical consulting company in NYC. She told me to talk to my doctor about Efexor...because the side effects were supposed to be less. doctor switched me over, and it was like I went from hell to heaven in a few days.....

    I was on that for several months...then lost my job, couldn't afford it.(that was probably a good thing, actually) The draw back was that I really had to wean myself off it because if you just stopped taking it, you got sick. I had some good friends and family that helped me through.Anyhoo, at least through all this I was able to really learn and watch the signs...a few years later I started to see I needed help again. I went to my regular doctor this time, and asked for something...she gave me Zoloft. She also gave me some Ambian, because sometimes zoloft effected my being able to sleep. (Ambian is some good stuff...I only ever needed a half a tiny pill, took it for a few days, and then was back to normal sleeping pattern for a long time). Anyhoo, I guess I was on Zoloft for about a year or so, then I was fine...let's see that was over 7 years ago.

    I have been pretty good ever since, but I am still pretty careful about keeping an eye on my moods. There have been quite a few times in the last 7 years that I have been a somewhat depressed, but been able to get out of it by changing something, be it getting more excercise, making another change. So, I know now that if I am still depressed after trying various things...then it is time to pick up the phone a call a doctor.

    Anyhoo..that's my story...nothing earth shattering.

    By the way.,..I just wanted to add something here: when I went to therapy, I think it actually made things worse for a short period of time. There were some things as a kid that happened I didn't deal with until I was an adult. I had a good friend at the hall that was trying to help me, but it was overwhelming her and me, and we figured a "professional" would help. Well, my therapist was a great lady, but I don't think she was a good match for me. And I only saw the shrink once or twice to get the prescriptions. The reason I bring this up is that I think sometimes getting a good therapist or shrink can be just as or more important than being put on a medication. In hindsight, I think the therapist (who was pretty new actually) could have suggested we slow things down a bit. But hey, she did her best. She probably learned a lot from the whole experience too, hahah.

  • fairy

    i take 40 mg cipramil every day

  • minimus

    I love seeing accounts of those that needed medication as JWs and just like that, after leaving, no more major anxiety!

  • fairchild
    I take 3 doses of Stella Artois daily.

    Lol, I hadn't heard of that brand since I was in Europe. Makes me homesick, to realize that I have forgotten so much from home.

    Translation for people who are not familiar with Stella Artois : Englishman said "I take 3 doses of budweisser daily".

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