Are You or Were You Ever On Meds For Depression?

by minimus 56 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    I'm glad this has been a wonderful sharing thread!! Regarding booze, I think it's a JWs first choice.

  • BrendaCloutier

    Alcohol is a normal first choice drug. It is legal, easy to obtain, and readily accepted, especially during social occasions. It can also make things much much worse, as it is a depressant.

    EvilForce said:


    "you were to the point of suicide"

    Did you have an "ah ha" moment of clarity? You know when finally your mind opens up and you realize you don't hate yourself anymore?

    I had one of those after an argument with a was if I "Finally could see".....weird.
    I had one of those: It was my 25th birthday. My life was hell, and I couldn't bring myself to kill him because he wasnt worth serving a life sentence over. Divorce was not an option because of my JW upbrining although I had been out 6 years. So I played russian roulette with a 44 magnum, Smith & Wesson, 4 or 5" black barrel, walnut palm grips. Beautiful piece really. 1 bullet, spin the cylinder, point it at my temple, .... click. Look in barrell, point it under my throat, ..... click. Look in barrel, point at ceiling, ......BANG! I no longer wanted to kill myself, kill him, or kill anyone. I wanted a divorce. I got one finalized almost a year later.
  • BrendaCloutier

    PS: Anyone here who is new to taking anti-depressants, please give them 6 weeks to 3 months.... at least, to give them a chance to work, and give you a chance to get used to being closer to "normal".

    Hugs to you all.


  • love11

    Sorry so long, but maybe somebody needs to hear this.

    Actually, when I was in the witnesses I wasn't on any anti-depressants. I think because I grew up in it and for me it felt more like a social gathering than "church". I grew up with 3 sisters and my mom was always going to a get together like every weekend. We would vacation about 3 times a year with the witnesses and we always invented a reason to have a party. Basketball faceoff, tobogganing, football game, volleyball, picnic, trail walking, pool party, ice cream, square dance, 50's dance, saturday night fever dance, etc,. (I know it was corny, but at the time it was fun.)

    So when I was disfellowshipped I had no one to talk to, no more parties, no family, no friends. I felt like I was in solitary confinement! The only person who I ever talked to was my boyfriend after he would get off of work at 7:00 at night. Then we got married and I was in a car accident that made me have to learn how to walk again. I had 2 miscarriages due to malnutrition. When I asked my mother to help with $10.00 for food she said no. So... I went from a upper middle class family life that vacationed alot and had a good (although abusive) life, down to making under $15,000 a year and spending some time being homeless. I had no job skills so I was a receptionist at a hair salon to make ends meet, while my boyfriend worked at Burger King. Those times really sucked. If I had health insurance I would have been on something, but I didn't.

    However, when I had my son I got post-partum depression and everything that has happened to me over the years just hit me hard. I went to a psychiatrist who sat down for 2 minutes with me and put me on some heavy duty med's. I had a horrible reaction to that. My toes and fingers started to curl up towards my face and I almost had a stroke. Before the med's I never felt like killing myself before, but it almost gave me a hunger to kill myself. After explaining that I was never like this before (although he didn't know me long enough to know that!) he had me sign a paper saying that I wouldn't sue him. Come to find out, he was in trouble before for misdiagnosing people.

    So on my own I stopped all med's and tried the more natural approach. I was taking St. John's Wort and now I'm going to try 5- HTP and see what that does. I made up my mind from that day forward, no matter how bad things get I will never take med's again. In my mind it is only made for people who physicologically their brains need a synthetic hormone because their brain is not producing the chemicals on it's own. It is not for people who have a bad life. If your life is hell, of course you're going to be depressed. Sometimes you need to allow yourself to be sad, upset, angry, depressed. That's life. If you don't work through your feelings then you really aren't healing, just camouflaging. IMO

  • Es

    I was on Zoloft for bout 6 months best 6 months of my life i didnt feel anything it was great being numb all the time. Im not taking anything at the moment and even tho there are times i think i should be back on them mostly im ok es

  • EvilForce

    Please remember that drugs work differently on each and every one of us. If you want to quit taking your meds...Go to your doctor and tell him you want to work yourself off the meds. My #1 frustration with patients is that they don't TELL ME what's going on. And because of my limited interaction time I can't always ask the same question 3 different ways to find out what's really going thru your mind.

    One of my favorite patients comes in with a list. The list usually has 7 or 8 things on it. GREAT!!! Now we can go over it point by point.

    Your doctor is there to help...and if he/she isn't them and find a new one.

  • diamondblue1974

    I didnt use meds and doubt whether I suffered from depression although their were times when it was like looking into the void...I am lucky that I managed to pull myself back out it and threw myself into something positive...

    Its surprising to hear how many JWs have or are using anti sends a message out really doesnt it....the WTS is a dangerous place for our mental health isnt it....go back? NEVER.

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