don't ya think it's a rotten trick?

by zaphod 35 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • upside/down
    God has been very generous

    Tell that to the child who got AIDS from his crack whore mom.

    Or the sexually abused person.

    Or the seriously deformed and retarded.

    To all the innocent victims of other peoples so called "free will". This game has been well played out. It's time to end it!

    These are obviously the comments of someone with health, a full stomach and living in the better part of an industrialized nation. Usually deep in "christendom" and somewhat self satisfied.

    I used to think like this.... it just doesn't hold up under scrutiny. No issue can be worth billions of human lives. Like the Bible says, it would have been better to not have been born.

    u/d (of the "God" wastes life class)

  • whyamihere

    If everyone blames God for awful situations and so you must believe there is a God by saying it is his fault.

    Then why not Satan?

    Or is God True and Satan a Myth?


  • Qcmbr

    U/D are you not well fed and living in an industrialised country? I rather think you are.

    You don't seem to believe in a god so your points are pretty interesting - you seem to postulate that bad things happening equates to no God. That is not logic that's just knee jerk reactions.

    If someone you loved got hurt in a house you made while doing something you told them not to do are you to blame - or do you in fact cease to exist? You seem to have a bit of a rage against God (or at least the concept of one) and you seem to be looking for reasons to not believe. Thats fine - hopefully I haven't misjudged you - forgive me if I have.

    Let's forget trying to prove that God lives / doesn't by looking at a problem (you mentioned AIDS as an example) because while we're at it we might as well argue about whether you are someones child or not in relation to a really bad day you had at the office ie - very bad logical premises.

    Free will exists - no-one is forcing me or you to write these comments (apologies if in fact someone does have a gun to your head!:)
    We are responsible for what we make of this life - happiness can be found amongst the poorest, the sickest etc while gut wrenching pain can be found amongst the well fed fat cats of the world. To me the ultimate unfairness is if there is no point - if we are just a random bunch of events then you aren't even experiencing this anyway becasue you don't exist as a conscious entity - you're just a machine processing data. If however there is a point, there is some form of reckoning, if this life is just a moment in eternity , if there is more to come than has gone before, if there is laughter and tears to come beyond this life then we(I) have some perspective - and hope.

    At the end of the day you believe your lie and I'll believe mine - if it makes you happy then far be it for me to criticise. Besides its much more fun to be friends.

  • upside/down

    No, (and we are friends!)

    I challenge the concept of "God" as taught by organized religion. I still believe in "God" as I define that word.

    Organized Religion I hold in high contempt. It is the best argument against what they claim is "God". Just like the Pharisees in Jesus day.

    As I divest myself of a life long accumulation of man made traditions and mind control devices developed since time immemorial to control fellow humans. Most people want to be "good" and religions exploits this desire to be found in a "good standing" marvelously and thus controls people.

    In every culture that has ever existed... the religious leaders were the most powerful one. No one wanted to be in disfavor with the deity.

    I therefore find repugnant all attempts of fellow imperfect sons of Adam trying to "connect" me with "God", I'll do very well on my own.

    I certainly can't do worse than org. rel.

    Thanks Friend!


  • zaphod

    hi whyamihere

    re:Also, How did god punish you?

    he hasn't. i haven't done anything wrong yet.

  • Qcmbr

    ..sorry I just reread my post and it came across a bit harsh - teach me to write while cooking dinner!

  • Doubtfully Yours
    Doubtfully Yours

    Rotten, rotten, rotten!

    Down right evil!!!


  • ljwtiamb

    How is it FREE will when we pay for it every day?

  • Leolaia

    In one interpretation of the story, Eve was mentally a child. She had just been created from Adam's rib. Really, how old do you think she was? And both she and Adam had no concept of shame from being naked....just like a little child. She was so gullible she could be tricked by a snake.'s kind of like a loving mother telling her 2-year-old to not steal cookies from the cookie jar, and then when she does, you tell her: "You're cursed for the rest of your life, and not only that, all your descendents will be cursed as well!!!" All because of a child doing something childish.

    Sound fair to you?

  • nicolaou
    i've always thought that it was a rotten trick for god to create us with free will and then punish us for using it.

    Something of an argument against the existence of God don't you think?

    Seriously though, instead of starting with the assumption of a Supreme Being/Creator and then trying to fit human behaviour into his 'divine will' why not begin with human behaviour and then extrapolate outwards to see what really started it? It isn't God.

    [of the 'gettin' heavy on a Friday night class]

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