If there's some good in the Watchtower, why leave it?

by AlmostAtheist 66 Replies latest jw friends

  • zen nudist
    zen nudist

    The MAFIA gives money to charities... so why leave? they obviously do some good.

    they look after their own, they believe in a code of honor... etc

  • greendawn

    Someone invites you for a delicious meal that's laced with a horrible poison. You could eat it but it would be an aweful price to pay to enjoy a meal however irresistible it may seem. Better eat something far inferior but not poisoned. For most ex JWs the WTS is a byword for lying and hypocrisy and the nice things there, are nothing but the bait for catching and enslaving people in a destructive cult enviroment. The losses by far outweigh the gains.

  • stillajwexelder

    there is some good in Islam, there is some good in Mormonism , there is a good in Catholism - so what just because there is some good does not make it right

  • jula71

    You have to ask yourself, does the good outweigh the bad?

  • upside/down
    some good in the Watchtower

    It would be more accurate to say that there is some "good" in the people that belong to the WTS. Just as there is "good" in the people of every faith on Earth.

    There can be no good in an organ-eye-zation who's foundation is lies and seeks to control those "good" people at all costs.

    This also seems to fit Christ's dying for the whole world stuff...

    That's almost like saying that Debil the Satan is OK... he cetainly has some good works and DEFINITELY takes care of his "own". If you believe in that kinda stuff.

    u/d (of the "good" class)

  • Flash
    I would really like to understand how someone can learn about the Watchtower's lies, demonstrably false teachings, and hypocrisy but still remain a willing, active part of it.

    Mislead - Confused - Trusting - Sincere

  • Steve Lowry
    Steve Lowry

    Why live for someone else (or group)? Live for yourself. The Watchtower never put one crumb of food on your table. You do that. You make your way in this world. Why spend a minute of your only life on this earth fulfilling someone else's ideals (or groups'), whether there may be "some good in it" or not?

    Life is good enough for itself! Go out and find it, without the shackles of a mind controlling organization like the Watchtower Society. I've been out for twenty-five years and I'm here to tell you, there's plenty good in this life that you can find on your own. Start your journey today!

    Steve Lowry

  • Euphemism

    I think the analogy to the USA is a good one, Atheist. If there's something we don't like about our country, we're free to talk about it, and to try to change it. Whereas in the WTS, dissent is crushed. It's not possible to be a partial supporter of the WTS; if you have any serious disagreements, you have to either be a hypocrite or leave, because if you open your mouth, you will be kicked out.

  • GermanXJW

    The Watchtower is a religion that gives their adherents a strong feeling of security. But to me the price it too high.

    Why invest so much time and effort in something you in the whole do not agree with because their might be "some good in it"?

  • ballistic

    Because it's a complete waste of time, an hour spent picking your nose would be more profitable.

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