I've avoided the elders so far...but could this all change on SATURDAY?

by logansrun 41 Replies latest jw friends

  • bikerchic


    Nice to see that handle on my computer screen again. Hope you and Craig are doing well.


    Backatcha buddy! Craig will be happy to know you're back too! We are doing better than well, we are doing GREAT!

    I can foretell a in your future.............physic that I am!

  • Sassy

    well if you are hoping to still avoid the situation, I hope Sat goes ok for you..

    they can't talk to you there about it any way... but the PO might recommend talking to you after... just ignore those invitations..

    I am shunned by my old friends too... and not da'd or df'd..

    oh well...

  • DocHayes

    Hey Brad,

    Good to see you again. I've been a long time supporter of yours since you were on Timothy's page. I'm the EX-JW formerly known as E1SmokeEater.

  • franklin J
    franklin J

    hang tuff, Bradley.

    Do accept the invitation to your sisters party---why allow them to intimidate you.

    DO NOT give them any information about yourself; your puirsuits or any of your studies. DO NOT allow yourself to be dragged into a conversation about your spirituality. Expect them to do this. When it occurs; just smile at them and either walk away or tell them that this is not the time or place and change the topic of conversation. If they push it you just tell them you will not discuss it. End of story.

    good luck, Frank

  • rebel8

    LOL on the circular logic.

    The Bible is true because it is from God. We know it's from God because it says so and whatever it says is true.

    So do they know where they're gonna be assigned after they graduate from Gilead?

  • JAVA
    I wonder if he will suggest a little "visit"?

    Tell the PO that you're a little busy right now, but you'll give him a call when you have the time. Of course, just keeping up with this forum keeps a person very busy!

    My best to you.

  • Odrade
    For instance, he doesn't see PG-13 movies and once -- no, I'm not kidding about this -- suggested to me only to wear white shirts on the platform.

    hahaha! I raise you that with a "I haven't seen a PG movie since 1977, and I walked out on that one. Brothers should only wear white shirts on the platform, and unless it's a student talk, brothers should also wear suits, not slacks and sport coat. Student speakers should also try to wear suits. Sister's skirts are only as long as the highest part of the slit. Words like 'gosh' and 'dang' are just fake swear words and Jehovah knows what they mean so to him it's like saying the real thing. What we watch on TV could be like rolling around in the mud with the pigs. You are bringing the demons right into your home..." --my dad.

    Honestly, there are so many rules, and if you abide by them all... urg.

    Brad, sounds like it will be easy to avoid ambush. It'll probably be whatever you make it. You can go non-committal if some nosy elder takes it upon himself to quiz you about your beliefs, or you could talk about things and have it potentially turn into the inquisition. You know the drill as well as anyone. Just keep in mind that it's your sister's party, and even though she's going away to Gilead, she's also leaving home and all her friends. She's probably nervous and scared, in addition to being excited, so if you end up in a thing with the nosy elders, it could really make everything harder on her.

    She at least seems like she's trying not to be hard-line about you not being a "believer" anymore.

    Have fun at the party, babysitter! LOL!

  • iiz2cool

    Just remember that theocratic warfare strategy? works both ways. You don't have to give a truthful or honest answer to any question they aren't entitled to know the answer to.

    Good luck with any sexually repressed JW girls you find.


  • hubert

    Bradley, Have the four martini's BEFORE you go to the party. That way, you are guaranteed to have a good time.

    Good luck Saturday.


  • Preston
    Bradley, Have the four martini's BEFORE you go to the party. That way, you are guaranteed to have a good time.

    Four Martinis.....at least! Have fun at the party Bradley, spook some squares, discuss some Kirkegaard, and don't underestimate the possibility of hooking up with a "good young JW", I think I read something by David Hume that you might get a BJ out of it. Cheers!

    - Preston

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