If the WT were to "reform" would you stay or go back?

by confusedjw 46 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • what_Truth?

    Blood is okay.

    Considering that I know two people that have died partially due to lack of blood transfusion, NO

    DFing was rare and not so rigid and formal

    One of the biggest problems that I and a lot of people have with disfellowshipping is that it's unfairly enforced. Screw your girlfriend and you're out. Screw your girlfriend's 10 year old brother and nobody cares. There's unlikely to be two witnesses to the dead in eaither case. Making disfellowshipping rarer wouldn't change this sad fact.

    Local Elders aren't Gods

    The only reason that local elders are treated like Gods is because they have the power to cut you off from everyone you know and love. So in order to reform this elders would have to lose that power. Who would it go to then? The CO? personally, if I'm about to be kicked out of my religious support group I'd rather have the decision be made by a group then an individual

    It wasn't a sin to be able to speak out/up.

    No church could stay in business under this rule. I mean when was the last time you went to a catholic mass and saw a full scale religious debate break out? Any church, including the ones that don't officially practice disfellowshipping, will kick you out disrupting the service, undermining their teachings, or causing divisions in the congregation.

    1914 was gone

    They'd still find some other way to promote their ridiculous doomsday theory. It wouldn't really be a change

    Preaching was a conscience matter

    With a 1 hour monthly minimum it already is.

    One or two meetings a week.

    Again, that's pretty much an unsaid reality in most congregations. If nobody is preaching then nobody will see the point in attending the Saturday field service or the Thursday service meeting. The theocratic ministry school is essentially a public speaking course meant to churn out elders ministerial Servants, and female pioneers. Most JW's realise that they don't have those kind of ambitions and therefor don't show up. The elder's don't have the time to "counsel" all of them

    Admission of past false prophesies.

    The WT stays in business by convincing people that God is an angry vengeful creature ready to distroy human kind any minute now. If they admit their false prophesies they will destroy that illusion and people will leave in droves. Also, they may open themselves to all kinds of lawsuits from those that became financially ruined by taking "the end is coming in 1975" type advice.

    The fact is that as much as I and most of the other members hate the WBTS you have to admit that these guys know how to run a good cult. they know first and foremost that you don't build your ranks by winning back disgruntled members you build them by attracting new ones and holding on to the ones you already have. Sorry, but your reforms would be very bad for their business.

  • rick1199

    My Brother in law has just got reinstated, I know he doesnt believe and will only go to the meetings 2 or 3 times a month. If I could go back and dtill be Gay I think I would probably do the same thing if only to get my family back.

    But I would still know its BS and would only do the bare minimum.

  • LongHairGal

    No. I wouldn't bother. Because I know all the things I know and experienced what I experienced, I can never feel the same way about them (or religion) again. Maybe it is like a person who had their mate cheat on them: they can never feel the same.


  • Nancy Drake
    Nancy Drake

    No way, man. I'm having way too much fun.

  • Goldminer


  • Dynamite1

    Never! I often wonder if I hate organized religion because of the JWs, or if I just don't like hypocrosy in general. And Kwim, that is one strong hamster you have in your avator pic!!

  • Doubtfully Yours
    Doubtfully Yours

    I would love for them to lower the number of meetings per week, plus do away with the disfellowshipping stuff.

    Oh, oh, and also do away with the reporting of time in service.

    That's not too much to ask, now is it?! Let me keep on dreaming for now.


  • FlyingHighNow
    Oh, oh, and also do away with the reporting of time in service.

    They need to do away with field service period. I think they need to do everything you mentioned, DY and then have one meeting on Sunday, a Sunday school and nursery for kids even a kid's worship service more on their level, a choir, an organist, a Wednesday night optional meeting for the more devoted. They need youth groups and singles groups and to lighten up on blood issues and other religions. And they need to have a very strong policy in dealing with pedophiles, rapists, etc. Oh yeah and an annual Easter egg hunt.

  • GetBusyLiving

    Would I have to believe in God again?


  • FlyingHighNow
    Would I have to believe in God again?


    Nooooo. Not at all. It would be just like a regular church only better. No hellfire.

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