Can The Watchtower Society Be Reformed?

by Cameron 37 Replies latest jw friends

  • jgnat

    I really like Mary's list.

    I imagine it could be done, just like the World Wide Church of God did. But like others have said, humility is required. That appears to be in very short supply.

    Also, any attempt at reform would be a dramatic reduction in the size of the organization. Hardliners would splinter off. The disillusioned would go elsewhere.

    What they are doing; a gradual weaning away from wild predictions and tighter information control will likely result in a long, slow bleed. That way, the corporate bottom line is protected.

  • Sunspot
    More and more things are now a matter of conscience and I expect to see it watered down more and more.

    Hi Trevor,

    I found your post very interesting, but I wanted to mention the "conscience" business a little more.

    We are all aware that 99% of conscience matters are nothing of the sort. The WTS would like us to think they are---but in reality, they have very definite feelings about how JWs will be treated if they don't stick to their rules.

    All those "read-between-the-lines" and weasel-words that the Org has adopted in its rules & regs policies are really quite clever----but very misleading unless you read VERY closely.

    Whatta way to treat the sheep they are entrusted with, never letting them know exactly what's what. It's unchristian, unloving and unfair. I don't see the WTS ever changing this and keeping their control at the same time.

    Mary had some great ideas, but then---she is a sensible reasoning person. The GB isn't.

    There has been waaaaaay too much damage, spiritual and emotional, to JWs for the WTS to change much of anything on an organizational basis. To implement these changes, they would have to admit (even tacitly) that they had a lot of things wrong---and they will never do that. Pride goeth before a fall---and their false pride deserves not only falling, but being pounded well into the ground. Forever.


  • Cameron

    The above JW Reform Movememt people do not believe that the Watchtower Society is God's organization.

    It seems to me that in order for there to be a meaningful reformation of the Watchtower Society, the first thing the Governing Body would have to do is acknowlege that fact.

    But if they ever did admit such a thing, would the Watchtower religion be able to continue to exist?


  • trevor


    Thanks for your comments on?matters of conscience?.

    I think that although ?matters of conscience? is at presence a pretence, the existing die-hards will, in time, be replaced with younger elders who have only known the new rulings. As time passes these changed laws really will become ?matters of conscience.? The three scripture sermon with a three book offer is now a thing of the past. They just give out leaflets now. The whole thing will continue to evolve into looser organization.

    I see merit in all the comments on this thread and it seems the WT has lost the direction it used to have. Many disillusioned people have left and been replaced by people who know little of it?s history. They don?t really want to know. The books have more and more pictures and less serious content. I feel that the whole thing is being dumbed down and attracting dumber people.

    There are millions of dysfunctional people looking for hope, guidance, acceptance and friendship. Such people can afford to spend a few dollars or pounds on literature. Multiply that by 6,000,000 and they have a formula that will run and run.

  • Heatmiser


    HAHA I found this and I think it says it all.

  • JamesThomas

    "Reformed" to express a closer understanding of reality you mean? If you're honestly serious about the matter I suggest you first investigate the conceptual-god expressed within the Bible, and confront the captivity within Christianity (and most other religions) in general.

    To unabashedly give credit to a finite anthropomorphic deity for the existence of an INFINITE universe, would seem to be in need of a little "reform". It may have worked thousands of years ago for ignorant tribesmen who needed motivation to cut the throats of their enemies, but in 2005 it is in dire need of a closer look.

    To unquestionably raise to the Supreme position of "God", the mentally confused and unstable man-god presented in the Bible, is to drastically lower the bar of morals and love for all mankind. To unquestionably believe that our true Source and Sustenance is but another object, person, thing or entity far away and separate, robs us of any motivation or reason to seek within ourselves for what truly has no limits or bounds. To be imprisoned by a concept of a god too tiny to be here now, is the biggest and most harmful mistaken man has ever made. Can Christianity be reformed?

    Physician, heal thyself.


  • Doubtfully Yours
    Doubtfully Yours

    It can and it will be reformed.

    The new generation of JWs, the ones that are now in their early teens, will make many things different when they take over.


  • GetBusyLiving

    The dream is dead, bury it.


  • Puternut

    Of course it can, thanks to the internet.

  • trevor


    To unquestionably believe that our true Source and Sustenance is but another object, person, thing or entity far away and separate, robs us of any motivation or reason to seek within ourselves for what truly has no limits or bounds.

    I agree with your observations.

    Belief in a God that is responsible for everything, allows people to believe that they are not responsible for what happens on the planet - It is all in God's hands and prayer replaces action and application of the abilities we have. We also undervalue the power we have within ourselves when we pass responsibility on to an unseen diety.

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