JW table at small airport

by Bryan 59 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Bryan

    Think about this one though...

    If a group of Muslims requested to have space in the airport to preach the Infedels (Westerners) will be detroyed by Ala, do you think they would be granted that space?

    Is the Witness message really any different, other than what they preach it is of a milder tone? When they preach they tell you of the great paradise earth and God's love, they don't knock on your door and tell you you're dead unless you convert. Once you're in the bible study they slowly give you bits and bits until you're converted and you know that everyone on the earth accept the Witnesses will be destroyed (as per what they teach).

    It's something to think about.


    Have You Seen My Mother

  • Bryan


    At this point I feel as though I am having an out of body experience!

    Don't sweat it Jeannie, I think we are have a great debate. Thanks for being here!


    Have You Seen My Mother

  • GetBusyLiving

    There have been some interesting points made on this topic that have really made me stop. Thanks guys.


  • bisous

    Oakland International Airport located in California has a large table devoted to pushing the JW Propaganda.

    Des Moines International Airport (smallish airport) also has a similar set-up.

    While I find their message and high control tactics revolting, I have to agree that there right to be their is protected speech. I wish I had the time and resources to set-up right alongside them and push the antidote to their life-ending message.

  • anuva

    i agreed when bryan said ...
    " What if though, someone does listen to her, takes her literature, studies, gets babtized, then shuns the family. What if the new publisher brings in children who can then die because they can't have blood to save their life?"

  • anuva

    i agreed when bryan said ...
    " What if though, someone does listen to her, takes her literature, studies, gets babtized, then shuns the family. What if the new publisher brings in children who can then die because they can't have blood to save their life?"

  • anuva
    i agreed when bryan said ...
    " What if though, someone does listen to her, takes her literature, studies, gets babtized, then shuns the family. What if the new publisher brings in children who can then die because they can't have blood to save their life?"

    it is true that we all have our own responsibility to our actions..but given the Enticing ways and tricks of JWs..Is it not our Duty to make people AWARE of THE OTHER SIDE OF STORY....we should make people aware..and even if they decide after that , its their choice.


  • seattleniceguy
    it is true that we all have our own responsibility to our actions..but given the Enticing ways and tricks of JWs..Is it not our Duty to make people AWARE of THE OTHER SIDE OF STORY....we should make people aware..and even if they decide after that , its their choice.

    Absolutely. And that's the key point to freedom of expression. Anyone can say anything they want, and anyone else can choose to believe them or not. In a free country, you have the power to be stupid. The government isn't going to step in and save you from yourself. And that's a good thing! No one wants the government meddling in one's own beliefs and speech. It's freedom for everyone or no freedom at all.

    Regarding the question of whether an Islamic group should be able to set up a table in an airport preaching that Allah will shortly wipe out American infidels, that is absolutely protected speech. Just because they say it doesn't make me believe or act a certain way, and it obviously doesn't make it come true. They have the right to say anything they want.

    In this particular example, I think that permission could legitimately be denied in this venue if the message was so inflammatory that normal airport commerce could not take place. That is, if they were obstructing the primary purpose of the airport. But I'm not sure how that would work legally. In any case, a JW with a card table is clearly execising free speech in a non-obstructive manner, and that's her right.

    Any time we start trying to obstruct someone else's freedom of speech based on what we think about the message, we forget that there are millions of people who disagree with our own message equally passionately. Rights for all, or rights for none.


  • ozziepost

    I presume the lady is sitting on private property? As such she is using up space that does not belong to her to promote a particular organisation. I 'd say the 'authorities' are very lenient to let her continue to be there.

    if, of course, her 'spot' is public property....well, let her pay to hire it!

  • trevor

    I know it is easy to feel anger towards the Jehovah?s Witnesses but most of them are sincere people who have been mislead.

    Last year, I was coming through a New York Subway when two rather large black women blocked my path and handed me a tract promising me life in paradise. I smiled and said that I appreciated that they meant well but that I had looked into their religion and had decided that their membership had been told too many lies and treated very badly by the men in charge for me to trust them or believe that God was using them. They looked a little shocked but nodded and we smiled again and I just moved on.

    I like to think that I left a thought that will be more effective than being rude to them. The best way to affect their thinking is to be kind. When I was a sincere but misguided Jehovah?s Witness people, with minds more advanced than mine were kind to me. They are the ones that made me think. The angry people just convinced me I was right to not be a screwed up as they appeared to be.

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