Circuit Assembly Review: "Be guided by the 'wisdom from above.'

by Spook 30 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • HoChiMin


    5. The worst "new light" was given off-handedly. I quote directly from district overseer Bro. Bartell

    Bartell is a pompus little F#$K, the first time I ever saw him (not even knowing who he was) I wanted to kick him in the ass.


  • Scully
    Poop will always be poop no matter which way you look at it.

    ozzie said "poop"!! Twice!!

    :: faints ::

  • diamondblue1974
    points for my campaign of disassociation and reform, that is.

    You cant polish sh8te, whats the point of reform? it only works when the people who can change it want to change it...and they dont...

  • minimus

    HoChiMin, You loved Bartell.

  • Preston

    Stay in your cage! (Applause)

    - Preston

  • Sunspot
    As a final unusual claim, Bro. Bartell claimed that even perfect people would need to be disciplined through the organization of God." and that the God's counsel now was "the words of the anointed, and also the bible."

    Well.......THAT explains it! I struggled for 30 years and never felt I was making the grade, NOW I find out that even perfect people need discipline? Who knew?

    What "discipline" COULD a perfect person NEED?

    Ah......the big questions of Life......


  • DHL

    Reading all the CA-quotes I just wonder: How come this 9 got baptised instead of running for their lifes? I would have.

  • Nancy Drake
    Nancy Drake
    What "discipline" COULD a perfect person NEED?

    They could get scolded for thinking they're so damn perfect. hehe

  • upside/down
    We are a little bird in a cage now we can look at the cage like a prison or as a place of protection it is all in our atitude------------but we have to remember out side is the cat who wants to get the bird!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!( you know who the cat is YEP--SATAN--) So my brothers and sister STAY IN YOUR CAGE IT IS FOR YOUR PROTECTION

    What a lousy illustration..... ANY bird would choose to FLY and be free in order to avoid any predator.

    If given the choice what would a bird do for protection if being pursued? Fly into a cage? NO WAY!

    That's why "God" gave them wings.... not cages... only short sighted, control freak humans build cages.

    I guess we should envy all the inmates in prison.... they are in a place of protection.... it's all in the attitude. BARF!

    Remember these are the same people that think "study, FS and meetings" are pleasurable and a privelege!


  • Big Dog
    Big Dog

    Listening to their tripe is better than what I imagine dropping acid would be like. Just one mind blowing concept after another that leaves you just blown away. Did they really say that, really, you've got to be kidding me, wow, at this point the mind goes on a long and strange trip riding the surf of WBTS incredible bullshit. Then you go wow what a rush, tell me somemore, I want to ride that freak again.

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