Jehovah's Witness Oddities

by minimus 36 Replies latest jw friends

  • The Leological One
    The Leological One
    My point is , that they say, you cannot make mistakes, only they can.

    Good point~!

  • EyeDrEvil

    A fave of mine...

    How about "facial hair" being a conscience matter. Losing privileges if one does not ascribe to the established norm of a local body of elders who are sexually repressed and obsessed with keeping their thrones.

    Speaking of which, (thrones), the fact that JWs put such stock in the wis-dumb of a collection of old white guys in Brooklyn and weigh their personal / life decisions on what the WT says is so.

    Frikkin' idiot, GOSH! (N. Dynamite).


    p.s. Hey Back at ya DanTheMan. Life treating you well?

  • Wild_Thing

    [Insert here} is a conscience matter. But if you do it, you will be chastised, unofficially marked, or disfellowshipped. But ... it's a conscience matter! No pressure here!

  • Es

    Not that this is anything big but I was shocked to find out my father (elder) was involved in the Football tippings at his work also run by brothers. He actually one the prize when i confronted him on this it was ok because they wernt contributing money ever week, but if they had it would have been betting and he wouldnt have done it.

  • Sunspot

    How about the fact that the GB claims to be THE only religion that is approved by God, and that HE speaks to and directs them.

    THEN they have to take a VOTE to see if they will publish their findings, and only a 2/3 majority will win or lose.

    So much for trusting in God.


  • stillajwexelder

    Other religions can read their literature but JWs can not read other religions literature

  • seesthesky

    i've heard more than once this claim re the memorial replicating a satanic ritual - which ritual and from which group - any refernces to this that i can look up?

  • DanTheMan

    JW's won't say "bless you" when somebody sneezes or clink glasses together for a toast, because both practices have superstitious origins.

    And yet nowhere will you find such true believers in voodoo new-age medicine.

  • hillbilly

    try a keyword search using the phrase "black mass". This denial of Christ angle has roots tied to Masonic rites and other dark societies. The black mass and those who pracitce it and similar things.... the reading you may find will range from "interesting" to "wear a tinfoil hat", you be the judge.

    I found that "Christians" who measure works as faith are odd.......or dyslexic.

    Hell, I found the whole bunch "odd"......


  • Shania

    You can't go to college if you want to better yourself-------------BUT--------if you want to pioneer and need a little more education to get a better job so you can pioneer it is okay!!!!!!!!!!! how is that for wacked reasonning-------------

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