What's Your View of Living Forever?

by Golf 71 Replies latest jw friends

  • the_classicist

    Eternal life on a paradise earth? No it wouldn't want that.

    Eternity looking at God face to face in heaven? Yes, that sounds much better.

  • frenchbabyface

    GetBusyLiving : Even if you are just sitting around smoking dope its better than being dead.
    ... Ha !!! ... Interesting gotta think about it (as a them for some dreams at least)
  • Scully

    Lately I've been thinking that the JW concept of Living Forever? is the absolute ultimate in greediness. JWs basically engage in a huge gamble - putting everything they could have aside for something they "might attain" in the uncertain future. (Remember that scripture that said "probably you will be concealed"?? Not "you will be concealed"... ) The whole idea of squandering the life I have now while Waiting on Jehovah? for the New System? to arrive seems bizarre. Why not have the best life possible while you have the opportunity, rather than create a prison-like existence where you put plans and hopes and dreams on the back burner until you've done your time and served your LIFE sentence?

  • stillajwexelder

    sounds great on paper - but - in practice - who knows?

  • AlmostAtheist

    I'd love to live forever.

    I'd love to be rich, attractive, and a good athlete.

    I'd love alot of things. But I probably won't be living forever (medical folks are trying, but it will surely be too late for me).

    One thing I've noticed as I get older is that I have more things to regret. Mistakes I've made that hurt people, years ago, even as a child. I thought they would fade, but they just stack up. Somedays I have to force myself to move on from it all, but it comes back up later. Maybe living forever with an eternity of those things piling up wouldn't be such a great idea.


  • doogie
    I have often thought that motivation would be erased if living forever became the norm. I mean, why do anything at all??? Now, we are motivated often due to time. "I'll do it tomorrow" could always be an excuse, because there is always a tomorrow, for sure.

    this is how i feel. if humans could live forever (shoot, even just 100 extra years) the world would be an over-populated, underfed, impoverished (moreso, i mean) place. life would be terrible. even if we developed better technology, societies would still crumble economically. the rich would get richer and the poor poorer.

    we wouldn't be exploring the world and enjoying retirement. there would be no retirement, we would work in some capacity forever. we would all be living in tiny cubicle like apartments (remember 5th element? like that). plus, what would we do with all the waste and garbage? we couldn't even shoot it off into space as quickly as we make it. life would suck.

    i'll take my 70 or so years with life like it is. screw living forever. that would be terrible.

  • seattleniceguy

    If, during my lifetime, technology is developed that allows us to rebuild failing body parts, restoring health and adding longevity, I will definitely take it. There's so much to do! There's so much to create and explore and improve!

    With regard to the question of how life on earth stacks up against some possible next level, my thoughts are this: We definitely know we have life here. We don't know for sure about anything else. Might as well make it last here. If there's something at some kind of next level, that's cool too. But why give up this life on a wager that could very well be wrong?


  • Golf

    These comments are getting interesting. Getbusyliving had a good one, thanks for the laugh.

    Valis, I'm a planner, I'm constantly planning and for me that makes life really interesting. I love and enjoy doing a number of things at the same time, like a juggler. More later.

    Scully, does living forever have to be a JW concept? I don't think so, people have dreams. How many have had dreams and through hard work and planning these dreams materialized?


  • BrendaCloutier

    I think living forever would become boring. Very, very, boring. I no longer fear death, I only wince at the process of getting there.

    However, i wish we could live longer and healthier lives, without so much of the disease we have to bear. And it seems like there are more and more diseases out there!

    There is so much more I want to do, but realize I probably have only another 30+/- years left, and non too healthy/functional at that! Heck, time is already beginning to fly past.

  • stevenyc

    As I'm currently in the process of killing off my old demons, I'm in counseling over my whole JW experience, and this is a question my counselor asked me. I thought of the usual JDub response, then she asked me ?if anything would get done?. I'd never thought of it this way.

    Why do we 'get things done'?

    Maybe this is part of the fundamental human, recognition of our finite time. Maybe this is part of the rational behind eternalistic beliefs systems, albeit Christian, Buddhist, or whatever, an explanation of what can?t be explained. Why are we here now, and what happens after this?

    I don't mean just thinking 'I wonder what happens when we die'? but, instinctively I think we recognize a finite time of being ?us?. Bit scary, well to me anyway because I?m still coming to terms with the ?going to die? scenario, that some of us exJDubs go through.

    ANYWAY, stop the ramble and back to the question at hand. What?s My View on Living Forever? I think we would become the perfect slobs, because we could, perfectly.


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