Trying to get to know people on the JWD

by cindykp 92 Replies latest jw friends

  • Es

    Hey cindykp

    First Name: Esther

    Married: Will be at the end of Nov (2nd time round)

    Single: No

    Gay: kissed a girl twice does that count?

    Kids: One fantastic 3 year old.

    Anything I want to add: I think your all fantastic.

    luv ya es

  • ballistic

    First name? ballistic

    Married? not anymore

    Single? yes

    Gay? err, no!

    Kids? no

    Anything you care to add is great!!!!!!!!( I think! ) I am stuck in 1987, can anyone let me out! Help!!!!!!!!!!!

  • new boy
    new boy


    Keith Casarona

    Single--{what are you doing tonight?]

    you can read all about me-----if you look me up.

    This is my first POST in over year.

    There is a life out of "The Borg" and I been enjoying it!!

  • Thinking

    My name is ...If I tell ya, I'd have to kill ya!!!!

    I am divorced for 17 years now, not attached.

    5 kids.....fours boys, youngest is a girl...uggggggg!!!!

    No, not gay.

  • Xena
    You can learn a lot about some JWD-posters and their barnyard habits, here:

    You are shameless, plugging your own thread, but you know that...don't ya?

  • LittleToe

    Yup, that's me... shameless.
    It's surprising what you learn about people, huh?

  • kazar

    Hi Cindy and welcome

    I am new here also, so this is good for me.

    Name is Mary; divorced and widowed; three children (grown); 1 german shepherd dog and 1cat, an ex JW and I love this site.

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    I'm Chris Scott.

    Out since 1989 (16 years?). Married (cruzanheart on this board) for 21 years. 2 kiddos.

  • MelbaToast

    First Name : Melanie

    Married, sometimes happily for 4 yrs

    Have one girl, 14 months

    not gay

    Just saying hi coz Im stopping in--Its always nice to say hi once in a while to each other. There are always so many new people everytime I log on.


  • missy04

    first name is Sarah, not married but not single, live in Illinois, vacation in WI, no kids but a couple horses and a beagle dog and ferret.

    Nice to meet ya

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