Trying to get to know people on the JWD

by cindykp 92 Replies latest jw friends

  • Peppermint

    No it?s a good topic. I like getting to know people.

  • under74

    no worries cindy.

    Some people are being paranoid...LT I'M LOOKIN' AT YOU.

  • JH

    First name? Starts with a J

    Married? Nope

    Single? Yup

    Gay? Nope

    Kids? No

    Pets 1 cat (I think that the cat is gay )

  • ColdRedRain

    Lee, single, no kids and I only pretend to be gay in order to pick up chicks.

  • jwbot

    First name? Jessie

    Married? Not yet, but will be September 10, 2005

    Single? No, living with the most wonderful guy, been together for 3 years

    Gay? Only a little more gay than I am hetero. Um...a little left of center.

    Kids? Eeek no! Don't plan on any at least for a little while...

    Nice to meet ya!

  • cindykp

    JH, I cant believe you have a cat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL Poor thing!

    Oh yah, I have 2 cats also

  • JH

    She is a lucky pussy cat to have such a gReAT master.

  • LittleToe

    Cindy:No, it's a good topic, I'm just a little surprised at Under74's trust of strangers.
    But I've replied to her PM and hopefully it's all good.

  • under74


    PM's are private...usually.

    It's all fine LT. You gotta reply in PM.

  • frenchbabyface

    First name? Corinne

    Married? Single?Free

    Gay?by now my instinct is hetero

    Kids?yes 1 a big boy

    Pets ?No ... but if I was leaving on the first floor I would have a cat for sure,

    My dream ?A log house in the country with a rocking chair - a computer with ADSL - a warehouse full of pepsi - my son from time to time for a good talk and laugh - a BBQ in the backyard and weed everywhere to enjoy with friends and and and a lover once in a while for the goodies - Peace on earth ... VoilĂ  ! (but I guess Peace is too much to ask on a large scale).

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