I am a hypocrite

by ithinkisee 50 Replies latest members private

  • undercover

    I've been called a hypocrite because I faded. Go figure that one out.

    I couldn't live the JW life so I quietly fade away and one of my JW family members says I'm a hypocrite because I won't make a stand one way or the other. What they don't see is that I faded quietly for them. So that I could associate with them and have a normal family relationship.

    Standing on stage preaching on the evils of sex and porn all the while practicing it behind everyone's back is not quite the same as realizing you're in a false religion and havine to play cloak and dagger so as to keep some sense of a normal family life. That's not hypocrisy, that's playing with the hand you were dealt and making the best of it. If that means a little dishonesty, so be it. We were lied to by them(the WTS) so I have no qualms about lying to them to gain my freedom.

  • keeshah

    a friend in need... of course it's not meant for personal benifit. Theocratic warfare is for the benifit of the organization... the biggest hypocrites of all.

    I think I see... you are doing what you have to at this time... you have more important things to worry about than a lieing organization.

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex
    Is there a such thing as a hypocrite with a conscience?

    One way to find an accurate answer to a tough question is to look at from different sides. Forgive the poor analogy, but if you lived 50 years ago in say, the Soviet Union. You don't agree with communism but to defy it openly would cost you dearly. So you mouth the words to get along in the society until such time as you can leave. Those people who did so, fled the repressive Soviet society to the freedom of the West were hailed as heroes, not hypocrites.

    People like me are lucky. We could leave with little or no consequence. My heart goes out to those of you who must continue to live with this because of family. To stay in for family is not selfish, but a sign of selfless love.

    I think you will know if or when you need to make a move. Until then give yourself a break. You deserve it. What you're doing now is a tough thing.

  • Doubtfully Yours
    Doubtfully Yours

    Here I am playing the part of the JW, albeit 'spiritually weak', in the presence of my JW relatives and JW friends; going to some meetings, still out in field service, and pretending to hold on to the WTBTS by the skin of my teeth.

    In the meantime, at my workplace, outside with other non-JW friends, and here at this website I'm a totally different person, literally hating the WTBTS, talking bad about it and the JWs, and sometimes even going as far as wishing some of my relatives dead so that I can escape the torture of living this awful double life.

    Yes, you, a few others here on this website and I are all awful hypocrites.


  • Valis
    Is there a such thing as a hypocrite with a conscience?

    I think they call those Apostates..


  • Midget-Sasquatch
    Yes, you, a few others here on this website and I are all awful hypocrites.


    I have felt that way everytime I had to do parts at the meeting and it makes it hell to try and deliver undistorted info. But don't you think that there is at least some honesty and integrity in showing ourselves to be "spiritually weak"? A way of letting others realize where we stand, so that we're not entirely deceiving them. They can choose to avoid us. We're constrained as to how much opposition we can show because of losing relationships, a situation imposed on us, and we have to work with that.

    Dammit .....I need that electroshock gizmo now.....or a few pounds of chocolate.

  • Swan
    Yes, you, a few others here on this website and I are all awful hypocrites.

    Yes, you are hypocrites, but I wouldn't say awful hypocrites. Remember the context in order to keep your perspective. It is only because you were duped by a stinking, lying cult into pledging eternal undying loyalty to it before finding out it was a stinking, lying cult.

    When it gets to be too much for your conscience, you walk away and pay a big price. Until you are ready to pay that price, keep in mind that these are extraordinary circumstances that average people never have to face. Hypocrisy for survival's sake isn't nearly as bad as the hypocrisy of enslaving six million people under the guise of helping them attain salvation.


  • JustTickledPink

    Ok, HOLD UP.

    You and a few others are being awfully hard on yourselves. Think about it for one minute. If you were living a life that involved some criminal activity, defrauding the elderly, if you were a murdered or something then maybe you could feel guilty, BUT just because you believe or think some different thoughts than a man-ruled religion doesn't mean anything.

    You all and myself included have been really good people in life. You don't need to excuse yourselves for anyone, and you don't need to be so hard on yourself if your opinion is not the popular one if your household.

    Your thoughts, feelings, and ideas are personal. You can keep part of yourself private. You don't have to confess everything, even though the elders think you do. That isn't being hypocritical, that is called being private. So stop condemning yourselves for being human. If you can be honest here and enjoy some conversation that isn't a canned recital, you have nothing to apologize for to anyone, not even yourself.

    I applaud anyone that finds themselves in a life and wakes up to a new idea and allows themselves the freedom of independant thinking. HOOORAY!!! for you!!!!

  • kls

    ITIS You are not a hypocrite but a person that has his own mind from right and wrong and you use your own mind to make your decisions .to me that makes you humane and not a drone.Once you lose that part of you ,you will have lost your own mind and what makes you a living freemind human.

  • Doubtfully Yours
    Doubtfully Yours

    I do find comfort mentally in the fact that I give my against-WTBTS opinion whenever I can, plus I display other non-JW attitudes so that firm JWs know to avoid me. That they do so well lately.


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