Anyone had a near death experience?

by holly 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • frankiespeakin

    I've read that people that have died and brought back to life is increasing because of better hospital methods of revival. Since the number of NDEs is increasing they now have support groups composed of these individuals.

    Many that have been brought back to life have been angry over it because they didn't want to be brought back to life because of the joy and peace theyv'e experience. Many who have these NDEs also experience what has been termed "spirtual emergences" this group of NDE has been helped by this group:SEN or Spiritual Emergence Network.


    It could only have been seconds before bumping my head and hitting the ground, but i flashed through scene after scene of life events, from childhood to adulthood. very strange. holly

    On a similar note they have taken a survey of all the suicide attemps off the Goldenn Gate bridge of San Fransico, and found that 3% survived and that a good portion have had an experience similar to yours, where thier life flashes befor thier eyes in the 3 or 4 seconds it takes to hit the water. Many of these because of the experienced have lost thier desire to kill themselves and have recovered from the depression that drove them to the brink all in those lasts seconds before hitting the water.

    Any kind of severe emotional trama and the facing of iminant death or doom can cause the person to enter altered state of conciousness and have an experience like your as well as some other types,,they usally are very healling to the psyche.

  • qwerty


    What's your opinion on out of body experiences? Old post 22-Feb-03 08:42

    Post 520 of 1618
    since 17-Mar-01

    Jedi Master

    gender 39 y 1 m 14 d

    United Kingdom, England, South Yorkshire
    I posted this reply to
    anti-absolutism's thread Does anyone TRULY die?

    This as probably been discused before, read on though please tell me your thoughts now that you are not bound by WTS teachings (or maybe you still are)......................

    Hi Anti-

    Glad you mention this, I was going to start a thread with a topic on near death or out of body experiences.

    A couple of weeks ago on British TV there was a program all about this subject (I hope any UK posters who saw this will comment), it was quite balanced, and it looked at both sides of the argument.

    I was so moved by the stories of those who claimed to have "seen the light" that I had to tape it for my JW wife. After watching it, even she had to agree that the WT doctrine could be wrong.

    One specialist said that all those who have had this experience, afterwards it as changed their lives for the good. They become less worried about materialistic things and concentrate on family life, love, and compassion and become more humanitarian. They all become spiritually focused in life. One man gave up it lucrative job in the city, apologised to those he had wrong, asked their forgiveness and now lives in a modest home. His career as has done an about turn; he works as a councillor for people with serious problems.

    Most of the examples mentioned seeing themselves looking down on their bodies (all pronounced clinically dead). Even though they could not see or hear what was going on around them, they could relate to the hospital staff later what was done and said, were instrument was kept etc; to the astonishment of the staff that were in the operating theatre at the time.

    They mentioned being pulled to a bright light, which felt like going over a hill in a car at high speed. When they got into the light, they all mentioned feeling intense love all around them; one person said that this was the place of all knowledge. There were relatives waiting for them, one lady asked if the light they were standing in was God! The answer was that the light was the breath of God. She said here uncle told her, it was not her time and she had to go back. This lady did not want to go back, but her uncle argued the point and took her back to the operating theatre. She said he pushed her back and her body jumped on the table, she was back!

    The one experience that really got me was of a Lady who had been blind from birth, had never seen the world around her, and could not explain what light was even, before her experience that is. She describe similar to the above, as she came out of her body she could see! She said she could see her self, what was going on around her (again to the amassment of the hospital staff), her body void of life etc. She went up through the roof, could describe cars, trees, birds, you name it. To cut the story short she when "to the light", but was brought back again.

    I cannot remember the figures but out of a study of hundreds of people who had been clinically dead/near death and brought back that, the ones conducting the study said that a big percentage of them had had out of body experiences!

    It made me realise and gave me a sense of peace and contentment to know that beyond this life, life I believe does go on. After coming out of the Borganisation, it is comforting to know, God is BIGGER ( if you know what I mean) than we were lead to believe as Witnesses.

    Wow my posts are getting longer for a change!

    Thoughts anyone?

  • qwerty

    Good grief was that really 2 years ago!!!?

  • missy04

    My mom had heart attacks right after I was born, and they had to shock her back to life. The doctors actually misdiagnosed her having a heart attack as a ANXIETY ATTACK. Once they realized it was really a heart attack and she wasn't losing it, she was gone and they brought her back. She said she doesn't know exactly what happened but that she came back feeling very peaceful and was smiling. It's amazing the things that she's survived.

    Mine had to do with sleeping pills that as a weird side affect made me hallucinate, and I don't know if I was so out of it that I didn't remember taking the previous ones or if I just had no clue what I was doing but I took the rest of the bottle. Before anyone else knew what was going on, I didn't recognize anyone in my house and couldn't walk or talk correctly. I wasn't taken to the ER for certain reasons but I fell asleep and woke up about 24 hours later thinking I just fell asleep the night before and woke up the next day. It was very strange. I remember some things now but not much of it.


  • Tigerman

    Twenty-five years ago I was gut shot with a .357 magnum; been on meds ever since.

  • Honesty

    I was once a member of a satanic cult until I saw the light of truth.

  • Double Edge
    Double Edge

    There have been threads like this before. People who shared stories about this often were told by skeptics that they didn't really see or experience what they claimed. As a result, they may not feel like doing it again.

    Ain't that the truth. Below are two sites that have many, many anecdotal stories. Near Death Experiences After Death Communications

  • JAVA

    "A couple of weeks ago on British TV there was a program all about this subject (I hope any UK posters who saw this will comment), it was quite balanced, and it looked at both sides of the argument." Qwerty -- What did the British TV program say about the other side of the argument? I find the topic very interesting, but life after the Watchtower has made me a skeptic. I don't wish to discount the experiences of others, but can't help wondering about others who had no such experience.

  • Valis

    Yeah I've had a couple...

    I beat the crap out of this guy and then he came back with a silver plated pistol and clocked me w/it a couple times then threatened to shoot me..

    And got swept away in a car by a flash flood...was carried down a creek and got very lucky to hit a fence I could hold onto. The car was totalled, but it was a rental, no big deal..*LOL*


    District Overbeer

  • DazedAndConfused

    I don't know if this qualifies, but after one of my c-sections I had the surgery and was put in my room, after being sent to my room I was overhead looking upon a prone body with nurses and a Dr. working on someone. Come to find out, it was me. I don't know if it was due to aenesthesia or if it was real.

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