does anyone share my dream?

by candidlynuts 42 Replies latest jw friends

  • hemp lover
    hemp lover

    One of my favorite vacations ever was driving the back roads all over New Mexico for a week with my daughter. It's amazing what you can see when you get off the highway. I'd like to do the same thing with every state . . . okay, maybe not Nebraska or Iowa.

    Six of Nine has a big ol' motor home parked in his neighbor's backyard, but he doesn't know how to drive it.

  • freedom96

    I read an article recently that said that 1 out of every 12 homes has an rv in the US.

  • rwagoner

    There is a book that I read whenever I get the travel bug called "Blue Highways" it is by William Least Heat Moon and chronicles a trip he took in a van across the US along the two lane rural highways. He recalls passing through a small Vermont town and being hassled by the cops while he was it turns out it was the town I was working in at that time.

    It is a good book but gives you a real bad case of wanderlust....

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