Staying awake during the Watchtower study

by drahcir yarrum 45 Replies latest jw friends

  • Moridin

    I used to run the sound system behind a large wall so I used to read books during the whole meeting. I almost got caught one time when I was in an especially good chapter and I didn't realize the Wathctower study started and I forgot to turn the microphone on for an answer! Another guy, who is now an ex, used to bring his pocket video games and play them while running the sound system.

  • Jim Lad
    Jim Lad

    Somebody! Nice technique! Your my kind of pervert!!!

  • somebody

    Jim Lad,

    People who have expanded imaginations like mine are called artistic. Not pervs!


  • bboyneko

    In used to look at that map of the temple of Jersulem printed on the back of the Bible and make epic battle in my imagination, placing archers in towers and adding a molten lava moat and dragons and sometimes jet fighters trying to overtake the temple and stuff.

  • crossroads

    There was a watchtower study?
    I must have dozed off.

  • LDH

    As soon as I realized how bogus it was, it got REALLY hard for me to attend ANY of the meetings.

    I went to the DC two summers ago in Bakersfield, CA. I really tried hard to listen, I was so physically uncomfortable at listening to all the crap being spewed, I literally could not stay in my seat. I left on Friday and my kid and I hung around and did fun stuff, since the hotel was paid for anyway.

    Welcome, yarrum.

  • Disengaged

    Scorpion & Crossroads

    You are to much!! Almost fell off my chair. Ditto!!!

  • troucul

    i had a pretty good imagination, thinking about sex during the study was one of my alltime favorites. just had to be careful before the song, otherwise my raging boner would've been seen by all.

    je pense, donc, je suis

  • Francois

    Well, at assemblies you know what I did. I was cruising for the subsequent night's festivities. Same trick for Watchtower meetings. Just go to another KH in the area and hone up your pick up skills. I mean, where do all those women at the assemblies come from, after all? I mean, if there were ten young women at a given KH, then at ten percent !!

    I also used to read random selections from the Aid book. I especially liked the arcane headings like "embalming" and "death". Great reading.

    But what really pissed off the elders was that I would clean my fingernails with my pocket knife. Drove 'em nuts. They hated it. I just found it impossible to act like I was interested at the age of 25 in the same shit I'd heard when I was seven....and ever since I was seven. And those kingdom songs. My god. If that stuff was turned into food and you had to eat it, you'd spit it out with the first bite. I loved sneaking into the KH with a piano key and de-tuning one note really, really badly. It was hilarious. People were laughing their asses off. They could never figger out what was wrong with that damn piano....going out of tune like that.

    Then there was this one elder, you know the type; loved to refer to himself as a "glorious one" and threw his weight around all the time. And, being a near-professional antidisestablishmentarian, I was constantly poking holes in his pomposity. Loved to carry one of those pocket-sized mini-cassette recorders into the hall and hold it up high when he was on the platform. Threatened him with starting his own religion based on his interpretation of scripture and "running ahead" of the organization. He hated me too. This guy had figured out a way to call any household who disagreed with him at the door a "bastard" - using scripture of course - to their face. Scary.

    I digress.


    Where it is a duty to worship the Sun you can be sure that a study of the laws of heat is a crime.

  • somebody

    I just have to luv ya, Franc! I love the thoughts you had.

    somebody...who is saving the word "antidisestablishmentarian" for future use!

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