Why the WTS hates the Internet

by doinmypart 41 Replies latest jw friends

  • catchthis

    The thing is, even if most witnesses have access to the internet, they do not always use it to research JW's. My wife is a good example of that. I sometimes check her internet history to see if she is looking things up, but she doesn't.

    I am always holding out hope though......

  • IP_SEC
    I sometimes check her internet history to see if she is looking things up, but she doesn't.

    heh thank goodness for NT over win 98 permissions. Otherwise my wife would know I've been consorting with 'postates.

    c:\documents & settings\******\local settings\history

    Access denied

  • heathen

    According to them , everything we say about them is a lie and we have nothing better to do than to make up stories just for the sake of defaming them and why is that , very simple , the deemonzzzzzzzzzz are controling everything in our lives . We are ravenous wolves waiting to devour our prey ............... it's been awile since I had lamb chops bwahahaahahaha

  • prophecor

    Common sense would seem to indicate that as soon as you put out a ban or prohibition on something, the first thing people do is rush right to the source of what was warned about, kinda' like alcohol was banned during the early 1900's, as soon as you say, " Don't do that! ", human nature rushes in like gangbusters to go out and do "JUST THAT"

  • Qcmbr

    MJ you said the Mormon leaders put out similar counsel to the JWs but I dont think we make any real comment on 'aposate' or anti-LDS sites. The emphasis that is reinforced time and again is simply to avoid porn and make sure your family is protected from it as well. The only other bit of internet warning was in a reference to online gambling.

  • ezekiel3
    Q: I dont think we make any real comment on 'aposate' or anti-LDS sites. The emphasis that is reinforced time and again is simply to avoid porn and make sure your family is protected from it as well.

    Actually the WTS makes exactly the same warning. Direct mention of apostate web sites is not mentioned. This would make for huge exposure to their "information enemies."

    The most definitive warning I ever heard was at a district convention (read with ominous voice): "Not many have survived the chat rooms!"

    I LMAO right there in my seat.

  • myelaine

    I can see where this whole internet thing is going.....

    If DF is, as if they were dead.......It doesn't look good for anyone who gets caught...

    Matthew 10:21 Further, brother will deliver up brother to death, and a father his child, and children will rise up against parents and will have them put to death.

    John 16:2 Men will expel you from the synagogue. In fact, the hour is coming when everyone that kills you will imagine he has rendered a sacred service to God.


  • cyber-sista

    OK, to me this proves that the WT knows they don't have the "truth." I mean if it was really the "truth" there would be nothing to fear as the facts stand up for themselves and the lies could be proven to be lies. Can you disprove that the WT was involved with the UN? etc etc etc. The facts speak for themselves and could be proven wrong if they were wrong. By the fact that the WT makes such a bit hoot about it appears as if the WT is indeed hiding something...

  • stillajwexelder

    I sometimes check her internet history to see if she is looking things up, but she doesn't.

    I do not - I would consider it an invasion of her privacy

  • heathen

    I would love the WTBTS to come here and refute or exsplain for themselves the many doctrines we've discussed , just so they could find out for themselves just how stupid they really are . It just seems like human nature to condemn rather than to concede humility when confronted with facts that derail a belief structure .

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