Why the WTS hates the Internet

by doinmypart 41 Replies latest jw friends

  • DevonMcBride

    This internet has prevented people from getting involved with the Witnesses. Some came here to research teh JW's before arranging a bible study. Others have ended their bible studies because of what they learned here.

  • M.J.

    No offense, Qcmbr. I realize that the LDS leadership is not as controlling as the WTS, but I did read an online LDS magazine article which compared anti-Mormon material on the web to "spiritual pornography". Sorry but I can't find the link anymore! freeminds.org used to have the link. It went over a scenario where an LDS member did an Internet search with the word "Mormon" in it and was confronted with a bunch of anti-Mormon hits. It then warned of the snares of this situation.

    In addition, I've browsed through an ex-Mormon board (exmormon.org) at various time and they generally seemed to have the sentiment that the information on Internet was bad for the "morg"...Of course, you'd probably take issue with that source of info!

  • BluesBrother

    Does it backfire? I remember this K M supplement. It made me determined to get on line and see what there was to read. The rest is history


    km 11/99 pp. 4-5 Use of the Internet?Be Alert to the Dangers! ***


    Sadly, some who were once our brothers and sisters have had to be disfellowshipped because of association that started by meeting worldly individuals in chat rooms on the Internet and eventually led to immorality. In shocked disbelief, elders have written that some had actually left their husbands or wives to pursue a relationship that began on the Internet. (2 Tim. 3:6) Other individuals have disowned the truth because of believing information provided by apostates. (1 Tim. 4:1, 2) Given these very serious dangers, does it not seem reasonable to be cautious about becoming involved in chat sessions on the Internet? Certainly, exercising the wisdom, knowledge, thinking ability, and discernment spoken of at Proverbs 2:10-19 should safeguard us in this.


    Noticeably, there have been a number of individuals who have created Web sites ostensibly to preach the good news. Many of these sites are sponsored by indiscreet brothers. Other sites may be sponsored by apostates who wish to lure unsuspecting ones. (2 John 9-11) Commenting on whether there is a need for our brothers to create such Web sites, Our Kingdom Ministry, November 1997, page 3, stated: "There is no need for any individual to prepare Internet pages about Jehovah?s Witnesses, our activities, or our beliefs. Our official site [www.watchtower.org] presents accurate information for any who want it."

  • Qcmbr

    HI MJ just took a while to browse your post and its fairly similar to sentiments on this board about the org. Thanks I appreciate the research. I actually talked about these very issues today in the Priesthood (men's) lesson and I said that I never wanted them to focus on form over substance. I suggested that they focus on the Saviour and pure religion (actually living the Christian life) first and if they ever found that the structure of activities that they were doing was getting in the way they had to stop and get some perspective. I pointed out that although both Cain and Abel offered sacrifice only one was acceptable - the other was so much pointless effort. So I do really appreciate the profound insight this site (and begrudingly the ex lds ones!) give.

  • frankiespeakin


    I'm anti religious for the simple reason that having some one get up infront of a bunch of people every week and guide them in some moral way found in the bible,,which to me seems like a huge waste of time.

  • Qcmbr

    ..well maybe its only useless when it doesn't help. I can think of several times when I sat and litened to something that made me stop , think and then readjust my crappy attitude and actually start thinking about other people..

  • frankiespeakin

    Or maybe what makes it useless is when the person who's preaching actually thinks he wiser than the people listening,,so that he guides them his way.

  • heathen

    frankiespeakin --- does have a point . Religion does tend to want control . The WTBTS wants complete control over it's members by degrading people that think for themselves or that question the authority of the WTBTS . They really do abuse what power they have . They can change doctrine anytime they want and the church is supposed to envision jehovahs chariot on the move again and not look at the facts of these people are full of sh#$ . I really think that suspension of disbelief is an art form that creates a paranoid delusional mindset and people that have mastered the technique are very dangerous .

  • rosemary

    I would say that the WTS hates the internet....while JW's themsleves love it....."love it"?.... i hear you say....

    Well....up to the last few months i had on line lessons with a chap in USA....i would love to say his name....but lets say J.....

    I met J in a chat room.....i also met many others too....anyways....i didn't know J was a JW....i was having a bit of a difficult time and i poured my heart out to J and he gave me reasuring quotes/scriptures from the Bible and i thought you nice considerate man.....i asked him if he was religious and he said he liked to keep the Bible at hand......and i thought OK fair enough each to their own.....so after a year we had a disscussion on the state of the world and religion.....i said the Church of England was a government ruled religion that stemed from the victorian times.....and if you were not Church of England you were noconformist and not really Brittish.....(thats in a nut-shell)....and he agreed with me and gave me lots of web sites on the bad state of the world and the evil religions of the world....he gave me more Bible quotes.....and so i said i didn't understand the bible and would like to.....

    Guess what......I FELL RIGHT INTO A TRAP.......

    J saw me coming and i bet i made his day......So i had online JW lessons....not knowing that they were JW lessons.....after a time it came apparant to me he was a JW and he didn't seem to push me to go further untill after a year of not progressing far....what i did in a year he done in a month when he had lessons...he kept telling me to hurry up and i thought yeah in my time.....

    MEANWHILE......He fed me lots of info on the state of the world from the net and how bad it was with reference to the NWT.....and said my time was running out.....so while i kept saying i will get there....(which i should not have done)....he was getting manic....HE WOULD SPEND HIS DAYS SEARCHING THE NET TO PROVE HE WAS RIGHT AND HE LIVED THE LIFE ACCORDING TO THE TRUTH. AND SEND ME SOME OF HIS RESEARCH.....

    Up to last year....(sorry i can't remove the highlight!)

    we got on well.....and then we started to fall out...i didn't believe the JW theory on Jesus dying on a stake...and the end of the dominated freind ship started to fall apart....

    Because i was getting to like J very much....i was more than willing to listen to him....he said he loved me after giving me a hard time with a lesson....AND...he considered me to be like a daughter....and i felt quite flattered.....then i started to search around the net too....and i found this site when looking for evedence of Jesus and the cross.....


    He didn't care about meat all.....just his needs.....i don't have anything to do with him anymore.....and it took a while to sever the ties...and now i don't miss him.....

    Nor do i miss the "Organised religion"......

    thank you for putting up the highlights.....

    The escaped one called Rosemary......

  • CinemaBlend

    CB, I beg to differ. Last assembly I attended there was so much railing against the snares of the Internet.

    Railing against it and telling people not to have the internet in their homes are two very different things.

    They've been RAILING against TV since it's inception for instance. I remember being SO sick of seeing assembly parts with these weird, out of touch families who talked about how they were so happy they got rid of their TV.

    All the bitterness in here seems to lead to extremism when discussin the WTBS actual views. They do enough ACTUALLY wacky things without having to blow them up even bigger.

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