Why the WTS hates the Internet

by doinmypart 41 Replies latest jw friends

  • KKLUV155

    Excuse me M.J. you pronounced that wrong:


  • jeanniebeanz
  • CinemaBlend

    Umm.... the WTBS has never told people they can't use the internet.

    Only that they should stay way from "witness" websites (because they are paranoid about people stumbling on sites like this one by accident) and porn.

    Otherwise, most of their directives about the internet have been pretty similar to those directed at TV.

  • M.J.

    KKLUV: I stand corrected! The Internet is the DEBUL!!!!

    CB, I beg to differ. Last assembly I attended there was so much railing against the snares of the Internet. I think its very disproportionate to warnings about other forms of media. Obviously the Internet provides the biggest threat to the WTS, and they know it. Check out some of their quotes (gotta love that quotes site): http://quotes.watchtower.ca/internet.htm

    The Mormon leaders put out very similar information regarding the Internet. So do other authortarian groups. Scientology provides its members with special software to block out anti-Scientology information. The list goes on...

  • FairMind

    I think I’m on topic with the following but forgive me if I’m off a tad.

    Would someone hazard a guess at what percentages of supposedly loyal JWs are visiting Internet websites such as this one? It appears that in my congregation everyone is toeing the company line but somehow I find that hard to believe.

  • heathen

    I guess the web is so satanic that they decided to have their own site . It's a known fact that the evil people will change just one letter or something in a web addy then presto one wrong stroke of the keyboard and you are in apostate land ..................... Your eyes might melt out of your head just like raiders of the lost ark ........................

  • garybuss

    Many Witness people I know have internet access in their homes and they are as strong as ever. I think since the Witnesses kick out over 60,000 people a year and another 100,000 or so walk away, it seems like they are loosing big numbers but here the Kingdom Hall lot has lots of cars on meeting days and a dozen or so almost every morning.

    I think we are giving the Witness people too much intellectual credit. Just by the fact that they can read the Watch Tower literature alone and stay a Witness to me is proof enough that they are suffering from a reasoning disability. The Watch Tower literature is incredibility condescending and transparent. The Watch Tower Corporation is a media publishing, real estate development, and convention sponsoring company and their literature all promotes the corporation and those goals.

    An idiot can see it.

    The internet is a wonderful recovery tool and I'd like to bet it helps more than a few keep from returning after once leaving. It's been a big help to me.

  • kilroy2

    I agree, the true dubbers dont care if christ came down and said freddy brown shoes was an idiot first class, they would mark and not talk to him,

  • kilroy2

    I agree, I dont care if christ came down and said freddie brown shoes was an idiot first class, they would just mark and not talk to him.

    But for those dubbers who have suffered in silence, and felt like they are the only ones to think the socity has a loose screw, or a couple of dozen, then the internet provides a way for them to search, and research and find out the real truth that freddie and the other gov. boobys dont want them to know. these are the ones that walk away,the ones that stay, well that is darwin and natural selection at work.

  • stillajwexelder

    The Internet and boards such as this allow for excellent communication and freedom of information. Because the Internet is free and provides relative anonymity it has proven to be one of the greatest threats to the WTS.

    Yes the Internet is a control freaks nightmare and the WTBTS are control freaks

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