Christmas Star = Satan?!

by reagan_oconnor 69 Replies latest jw friends

  • Introspection

    I get the impression that it's because it's practicing astrology, fortelling the future etc. Of course, that's not exactly the same as saying Satan made the star shine, but I guess they weren't going for accuracy in the book of bible stories..

  • NikL

    The fact is there is NO scripture that says Satan made the star shine. Now as far as "you knows" logic about the Babylonians being pagans, this is true. However, the bible asls says that god made contact with them and told them that Herod was trying to trick them into leading him to the christ child. After presenting their gifts and worshiping Jesus they departed by a different route so as to not lead Herod to the baby. It sounds like these "astrologers" though they were pagan also found some favor with God.
    Just my 2 pence worth.

  • jurs

    Hi Reagan,
    I don't believe there is any scriptural backing to support the JW's ridiculous theory. If there were any scriptures they could use to support that idea THEY WOULD HAVE. They didn't because there aren't any. Am I the only one or did any of you find the whole star/ satan idea hard to swallow ? I'm glad you brought this up. I left the org. because a few things didn't add up. Since then , more and more of what didn't make since keeps coming up. Once again I scratch my head wondering why I ever joined an organization that taught such weird stuff and I never questioned it...... JURS

  • Introspection

    This does bring up a good point. It's one thing to believe Astrology is superstition, it's another to believe that Satan's behind it..

    "It is not so much that you use your mind wrongly--you usually don't use it at all. It uses you. This is the disease." -Eckhart Tolle, The Power of Now

  • sf
  • Yerusalyim

    You Know,

    Far from Babylon being the Mortal Enemy of the Jews, in fact at this time their relations were quite strong. Babylon actually had a larger Jewish Community than did Israel at the time.

    Further, Isaiah 60:6 foretells the coming of the Magi, also, astrology that was condemned by God was trying to tell the future by the stars. This star told of an actual event that was occuring presently. Finally, God spoke to the Magi, so they were not enemies of God by any means.

    Just some food for thought.

    "Vanity! It's my favorite sin!"
    [Al Pacino as Satan, in "DEVIL'S ADVOCATE"]

  • reagan_oconnor

    [8>] Every time I think to myself, "maybe You Know has something positive to contribute to a conversation..." nevermind. I should know better... Some people couldn't see the point if it were sticking out of the middle of their forehead...

    NikL, an excellent point re: God's angel appearing to the Magi in a dream, directing them to not to return to Herod. According to scripture, this is what happened.

    YK suggests that God would not have instructed the Magi b/c of their belief in astrology. This does not explain why he appeared to them (these unholy, pagan Chaldeans) in a dream. These men may have been "pagan," yet they found enough favor in God's eyes that one of his angels appeared to them in a dream, something that was generally reserved for the faithful (e.g., Joseph). This, of course, was to preserve the life of His Messiah. It's interesting to note that just because these men were not believers does not mean that they were evil.

    Kind of an interesting metaphor for today, huh?

    I am the master of my fate/I am the captain of my soul.

  • DCs Ghost
    DCs Ghost


    A comet was making its orbit around the sun and happened to be visible on the nights that it took for the 'Magi's' to travel from wherever there origin was and reach the "virgin" and company

    apologies to those whom i exposed the truth behind the curtain

    It is so F'ing typical to blame Satan for everything how about blaming Jehovah for his lack of foresight???

    Seriously though, i don't buy into any of the bible myths so my view is less coloured by fantasy and more about what could have really been out there if indeed anything WAS in the sky and that is simply not just another element to add to the divinity of the birth.

    Personally the whole story reads like a novella, a protagonist and antagonist involved in their eternal conflict. . . blah blah blah YAAWWNNNN


  • GentlyFeral

    I heard a Unitarian Universalist minister teach a Sunday School class on this about five years ago. He said that in the first century, astrology was actually a respected discipline -- something intellectuals did. To write about astrologers paying homage to Jesus was a way of saying that even educated worldlings knew the Son of God when they saw him.

    The Curvaceous, Bodacious

    Miss Gently Feral

  • Yadirf

    It only stands to reason that Satan was the source of the Bethlehem Star, so-called. Afterall, it led to an attempt being made upon the life of the very person that was destined to stamp the Serpent in the head. The same prophecy shows that the Serpent was to be the first to inflict injury ... but the injury the Serpent would receive would mean permanent death.-- Genesis 3:15.


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