Could you pull the trigger

by stillajwexelder 51 Replies latest members politics

  • Outlawed

    See my collection of "fotoboek"

    And others ( all from the USA)

    I was a member of the Marine shooting club in the Netherlands (and JW) is that normal in the USA?

    yes, I help Osama out

  • mkr32208

    Wait wait I need to change my answer! Isnt' there a $125,000,000 reward for this guy?! Or is it dead or alive?

    As to killing an evil person if I'm working in the starke jail in the future and they ask me to be the person to flip the switch I'll do it... One thing about killing a killer... Makes it impossible for them to kill again!

  • confusedjw

    Okay let me be clear - you mean Bin Laden and not my Mother In Law right?

  • OldSoul

    Okay, first we turn New York City into a prison. Then we drop OBL in. Then we send in Snake and ...

    I'd be happy if they would just FIND the 6' 4" Extreme Islamist with the one-eyed sidekick (when you say it like that, it doesn't seem so tough ) and after we find him we can decide what to do with him.

  • jeanniebeanz

    Since I live in California, it is doubtful that I would ever have the chance to see Osama Bin Laden. However, if an evil person invaded my home I would have no qualms in pulling the trigger. Living with it would be difficult though. It is not natural to take a human life, even if that life was evil.


  • IronGland

    no i would want the reward-25 million

  • simplesally

    I have actually been encouraged to have a gun in my home. A sharp shooter gave me a good idea.........put only 3 live bullets in the gun and the first 3 as something else.... a blank, a pepper bullet and a rubber one?? Something that if a child got a hold of that she would be scared but not injured but 3 so I knew how many to fire before it was deadly.

    I'd shoot anyone who came in and scared me.

    Osama.........knee-cap him then turn him in for the reward.

  • upside/down

    Colt 44 or Colt 45?

    If it's a Colt 45 I'll drink to that (it's beer in this neck of the woods). Colt 44 (too big), cap him with a .22 to the knees. Then castrate him and shave him. Then...

    Otherwise, I say set him free in downtown New York and let "nature" take it's course. Wouldn't it be the "sh*t" if he was beat to death by a bunch of infidel women in high heels and mini-skirts, preferably expatriated Muslim women? Martyr problem solved!


  • LittleToe

    A .44/.45 Colt is a little hard to shoot. The .45 Glock, that Gumby, Steve and I were playing with at Xmas was ideal for that caliber. Personally I'd prefer something a little smaller and more accurate, for close quarters, like a .38.

    This is a valid question, when you examine the whole issue of "self-defense" through to "Just War".
    Are our nations at war with this individual and all he represents? Yes.
    Then I guess we should probably act in accordance with the rules of the theater of war - if he's armed, down him...

    Could I pull the trigger? - I think so, albeit I don't know what the psychological repercussions of taking a life would be.

    Would I pull the trigger? - that would be a real-time judgement call, depending on level of perceived threat. I couldn't make that judgement beforetime.

    Sally:I like the dummy bullets idea!

    PR:Unloading a clip in a semi-automatic doesn't take long, huh?
    I was astonished to find how quickly those suckers zing out of the barrel.

  • freedom96
    A sharp shooter gave me a good idea.........put only 3 live bullets in the gun and the first 3 as something else.... a blank, a pepper bullet and a rubber one?? Something that if a child got a hold of that she would be scared but not injured but 3 so I knew how many to fire before it was deadly

    Very interesting idea, and well thought out.

    At first, I was going to say I could kill Bin Laden, and maybe I could, but the act of killing someone would weigh heavily on my heart. If he were about to kill my or my loved ones, then no doubt I would do it, and never look back.

    Avishai made me think about it, and perhaps it would be better to send him to prison, and turn him over to authorities.

    However, thousands of lives could very well be saved if Bin Laden was dead.

    Personally, I would rather see all those in the towers still alive, and Bin Laden dying a horrible death instead.

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