Could you pull the trigger

by stillajwexelder 51 Replies latest members politics

  • BrendaCloutier

    ONLY if my own life were threatened could I pull the trigger. And I would.

    We have guns in the house. They older and for sentimental value, not intended for self protection. I know where they are, but I doubt I could get one "in time" to address an intruder.

    I do not keep a gun available for protection because a) it would more likely be turned on me, and b) I don't want to be responsible in any way for the death of another person, even though I could and would use it. c) I don't feel I live in an area that would require such action from me.

    Most intruders do not want to kill, and do not intend to. Most are not even armed.

    Our "better weapon" is that we have telephones througout the house, and the police are close enough. Heck, we don't even lock our front door! Day or night!

  • stevenyc


    However I'd force him to have a sex change and send him back


  • Country Girl
    Country Girl

    In Texas, you can use like force, but not deadly power against someone with less of a weapon. I could not pull the trigger unless I was absolutely fearful for my life, or for the life of someone else. I don't think I'd even evaluate that situation, if it came down to just the pure fear. I'd just do it. If I just saw him in public, no. I could never kill anyone. It hurts to even think about it.

    Osama is not the only one. There are thousands more like him. That's what befuddles me. People think that getting rid of Osama will rid the world of terrorists, and that is just not the truth. When he goes down, there will thousands more to take his place, as it is considered honorable to die in the fanatical Islamic circles in the heat of battle. Osama put a fatweh on the Americans and for them to kill Americans is an honor. The worst enemy you can have is one that has no fear.


  • stillajwexelder

    The man to be feared most is the man who has nothing left to lose - or feels he has nothing left to lose

  • William Penwell
    William Penwell

    If I was threatened with my own person, of course I would do all I could to neutralize the situation. To just seek out to get even with someone like a bin Laden we are only as good as they are. We are only stooping to their mentality of hate as the hate and killing just keeps going on and on. If there is a God, I am sure he is not happy with any of the killing that goes on in his name.


  • BrendaCloutier

    Ah, I'd like to change my answer:

    If it was some badass like OBL, I could off him if a) I was really PMSing and had immediate access to a loaded gun,

    and b) he dissed me as a woman.

    The only unlikelyhood of this scenario is seeing OBL and having that gun handy.

  • BrendaCloutier

    I like the idea of the first 3 loads being a blank, a pepper shot, a rubber bullet.

    However, even the blank can kill.

    An actor several years ago jokingly put a gun loaded with blanks to his head and pulled the trigger. The paper wad was propelled into his brain and killed him!

  • G Money
    G Money

    I'd first shoot the roof, then one shot to each kneecap then one to blow off his willy. Then I'd cuff him and have him run through the system after calling the paramedics. Why give him an easy death. It would all be self defence. He came after me and I fired a warning shot and as he said he was gonna kill me. After repeated warnings to stop, he kept advancing. I opened fire to protect myself. He will think of me all his time he will spend in a wheelchair and when he tries to pee out of a tube.

  • stillajwexelder

    bttt because there is a similar thread active right now

  • Robdar

    Couldnt I just hold him at gun point until the proper authorities arrived?

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