by stillajwexelder 65 Replies latest jw friends

  • stillajwexelder

    What is yours Stilla? I am a member of MENSA

  • FlyingHighNow
    Seventy-two but that was after I took seventeen Ginseng tablets. My usual is around seventy-one.

    Well then, I had no idea ginseng could do that to a person. No wonder the hippie movement disappeared.

    casual sex between nerds geniuses seemed not too uncommon,

    Yikes, that conjures up an awful image in my brain. I hope I don't have nightmares. If I do, it's all your fault.

  • OldSoul
    stillajwexelder: I am a member of MENSA

    Cool! If you have been a member for some time you can verify or correct my instinctual viewpoint. Was my impression correct? Is the "table" primarily a biosocial environment for the ultra-intellects to get together and enjoy discussions on topics that would make the folks back at the office water coolers need to pop some Tylenol or Advil?


  • RebelliousSpirit

    According to the IQ test that got me stuck in the gifted program in school - 142. That was in 4th grade, and the program was called DELPHI - Developing Enlightened Learners through the Process of Heuristic Involvement.

  • wannaexit

    I've always been afraid to take an I.Q. test for fear of finding out that I might be a dunce. Sometimes Ignorance is bliss.

    My hubby and son both have I.Q. well over 130 not enough to get them in Mensa but pretty bright

  • frenchbabyface

    Actually nothing is wrong in believing that you are intelligent (cause we are all in differents level in different matters - not the same that's all) - What is strategically wrong is believing that you are dumb (cause you feel like : oh well I'm too dumb to get that and you don't even feel to work on it)

    I guess that what saved my selfesteem/ego when I was a kid about the matter (considered as school-dumb) is that I was wondering how much I should care about what they espected me to be intelligent enough about or good enough at ? I mean they are not me (I didn't care - dreaming was awesome it actually save me from any kind of depression) and truly school did bothered me big deal.

    Whenever a teacher or anyone were calling me dumb I was thinking : what's wrong with you about me ? I don't care mean people (they have a probleme when your dumb in a matter here they need to point at you and when you are smart they try to ignore you ... too late since they realised it ... ... and if they didn't realised it's even worse but for them not for you)

    Also I feel that people calling other people stupid (1) as to rate their GLOBAL intelligence are somehow ignorant (and will miss what the other can bring with is own intelligence because he dismissed it - their loss)

    (1) (out of jokes and arguments to solve a real probleme to get people thinking further on things)

    Also nothing is wrong about not caring about a matter or an other (if you don't need it) but of course it's smarter to considere to get some advance or bases just in case ...

  • Gill

    Nothing I'd want to boast about. Between you and me I think their was something wrong with the questions!

  • hillary_step

    I would be very, very interested to know who measured the IQ's of those boasting to have above average ratings.

    Is anybody brave enough to mention where they took their IQ tests and what system was used? Online IQ tests are not true IQ tests and do not produce anywhere near accurate measurements. In fact you would be better off trusting a test given to you by a field rodent than trusting an online IQ test.

    So, how about everybody who has claimed an over 120 IQ telling us where you were tested, and what method of testing was used.

    Best regards - HS

  • frenchbabyface

    Gill : Between you and me I think their was something wrong with the questions!

    ... ...

    That reminds me that a few years ago here in France they had to check twice about how questions were asked to students who had to take an exam to pass the BACCALAUREAT (A degree that I don't know what I can compare it to in your countries) they have read some questions on TV and truly they were not understandable fully (so of course nobody could get it totally more over if they were stressed and already fell bad about a particular area)

    At least they realised it and managed to work on their own bulshit, but now how many did fail at there exam for those few points missing !!! cause one point can save you sometimes in some exams !!!

  • ko38

    WHAT DOES IQ mean? Is this a trick question?

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