by stillajwexelder 65 Replies latest jw friends

  • the_classicist

    I wouldn't trust online IQ tests as a measure of intelligence... for one thing, there's the guess factor. Theoretically, of all the questions you don't know, you have a 25%, more or less, chance of getting one correct. I've done 3 IQ tests: 169, 130, and 108. Personally, I'll trust the 108, but I never do good on online or practice tests anyway (e.g., on all my Math practice exams, I got around 86-92%, but on the Provincial Examination, I got 99% - go figure).

  • Mulan

    My 9th grade algebra teacher gave an IQ test to our class. Mine was 125. There was a boy whose IQ was higher, but mine was the highest of the girls who took the test. It was just one algebra class in the whole school. I took another test a few years ago, and it was also 125. Hmmmm.

    I have a grandson who has one of 144. He is 9 years old and was tested for an accelerated school. Yep, he qualified.

    My youngest daughter in law's is 160, and was labeled as retarded in 1st and 2nd grade. She has dyslexia. Her parents insisted on the IQ test, knowing she was very smart.

  • FlyingHighNow

    What is yours Stilla?

  • DHL

    Whereever one stands right now, I'm quite sure IQ - and EQ - increase almost instantly as soon as you leave the org because you get rid of these blinders and allow yourself to head for broader knowledge in whatever topic.

  • pr_capone

    138 the last time I took it.... its been several years now though.

    Kansas District Overbeer

  • Stromboli

    ehmmm, I know it .. it's just that .. Sorry could you repeat the question

  • frenchbabyface

    ... ... err we have problem here are we talking about the same test cause here professional once (those I know) and those that you make by national TV contest (same kind of questions and methods) are rated on 150 points (it's the maximum) with limited time for each question. So maybe we should talk about % instead of points.

    Anyway that doesn't change what I think about those tests and my results : 100 here is considered as average and from 120 you are into the 20 % who are considerared well armed in most of the areas that those tests can rate ...

  • frenchbabyface

    Also student (more over those who are dealing with math / physic / geometry) will always have a huge advance on those tests because (there are a few question that can gives you about 20 points) where most of the people do not deal with those areas on a regular bases to get used to it.

    On the TV contest (about 2 years ago) it appears that (figures of rates by groups)

    ? on the first Type of question (Nurses came first) and if I do remember well the Bakers came second
    ? on the seconde type of question (buisnessmen came first only 30% were graduated 70% were not )
    ? on the third Type of question (Students came first)
    ? on the globality of the test (Students won)

    in filing by groups and type of questions, it talks by itself (different kind of intelligence/understanding on different matter) In knowing that they can't rate everything. Means that actually the reason why the students will always be ahead in those tests is that a few questions are related to something that only them are used to deal with on a regular basis (they are good by nature or worked on it)

    Also an average college student rate is about 112 so "if" they are good in Math / physic / and geometry ... that means that they lack a lot on other aspects ...

  • frenchbabyface

    Actually now that I think about it

    On the TV contest (about 2 years ago) it appears that (figures of rates by groups)

    1. on the first Type of question (Nurses came first) and if I do remember well the Bakers came second
    2. ? on the seconde type of question (buisnessmen came first only 30% were graduated 70% were not )
    3. ? on the third Type of question (Students came first)

    1. Nurse (take care of you health) Bakers takes care of (your basic food)
    2. Businessmen must have good relationships and having some sort of influence on people
    3. Student (engineers) takes care of the technology

    this result makes some sens actually (on the categorised questions)

  • jeanniebeanz
    I wouldn't trust online IQ tests as a measure of intelligence

    This is very true. If you really want to know, go to a real testing facility and have a professional administer it. I took mine because I was tired of my ex telling me how stupid I was to have all these questions about the 'troof'.

    Raspberries to him!


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