Jehover's Witness on Discovery Health channel last night -- No Blood

by Elsewhere 30 Replies latest jw friends

  • Elsewhere

    Last night I was channel surfing when I came across a Discovery Health program that followed cases in an emergency room. One of them was about a JW woman who had some sort of head injury. To be honest, I did not watch the whole thing, but I did manage to record it on my DVR while I watched other things. Her husband and an "associate" (most likely from the Liaison Committee) were there in the hospital in suits "standing firm" regarding the blood issue.

    What was odd was that the husband seemed to have an odd smirk on his face as he took advantage of the opportunity to "make a fine witness" in front of the cameras. The man's wife was dieing and all he could do was grin and keep talking to the cameras about blood.

    From what little I did watch, the Dr's kept telling him that she would most certainly die without the blood products... he refused... she died.

    The Drs and other medical personnel were visibly frustrated by the fact that their hands were tied and had to sit there and watch her die.

    Tonight after work I will look into creating a download for it.

  • 95stormfront
    Tonight after work I will look into creating a download for it.

    I meant to catch that show too. If you figure that out, I'd sure like to know how you did it.

  • prophecor

    The man's wife was dieing and all he could do was grin and keep talking to the cameras about blood.
    He wouldn't be in the market for a new one, would he?

  • JustTickledPink

    I believe in FREE CHOICE, whether it's ill idvised or ill informed, I still believe in it. So I stand by anyone that will respect the choice a person makes.

    However if my husband had been on that show, I know he'd have been in tears offereing the Doctors any amount of money if they could do anything to save me (or at least I hope thats what he would do) I can't imagine at that moment in time being anything but visibly upset.

    It makes no sense, but it's a choice.

  • Sunspot

    I watched that same show (and found it like you did----channel surfing). I was going to post about it too.....

    I had exactly the same feeling about MR Hurst, there was NO show of emotion from him even though his wife was obviously in distress and sure to die. That canned tired old speech to the camera, that we love our wives, brothers sisters, but Jehovah's law on the MISUSE of blood is what we follow sounded so rehearsed. It was sickening.

    That hospital they were in, had a new product (JW approved) that was an intravenous drip, that was a blood coagulant and for a brief time, it seemed to have been working on her. Unless I heard it wrong, they said that this hospital was the only one that had this new drug.

    The problem (other than the no-blood nonsense) was that she was on a blood-thinner, Cumadin (sp) and when she fell, she hit her head and it began to bleed in her brain. The brain was swelling and she needed surgery to relieve the pressure-but they had to replace the expected blood loss when they operated. It was sad, because she probably could have been saved had the doctors been able to attend to her properly.

    The anger I felt at those MEN in those suits, looking all smug and superior---well you can imagine. How many people in the waiting rooms in hospitals sit there in full suits? NORMAL folks usually come in casual clothes, not like they're going to a formal event! Rather than giving a good impression----they looked like the dorks they are!


  • 95stormfront
    What was odd was that the husband seemed to have an odd smirk on his face as he took advantage of the opportunity to "make a fine witness" in front of the cameras. The man's wife was dieing and all he could do was grin and keep talking to the cameras about blood.

    Such a shocking and callous disregard for his wife's life all upon the alter of the Soceity's vacillating and completely hypocritical stand on blood. What a "fine witness".

    My wife recently came home with all that JW paper crap about blood. It's since disappeared, I don't know who signed it or what, but if, in an emergency, I have anything to do with it I'll espect her stand on blood, only after I've thrown out any JW family or representative trying to give the WT public and political mileage out of such a tragedy.

    And, if I find that she's entrusted someone else with the issue, they'd better damn well be ready to pay her hospital or internment bills when or if she's released.

  • Hecklerboy

    As a nurse, my wife deals with this all the time. She still thinks about the elderly witness she took care of while she was working in a nursing home. The witness refused blood and died a very slow and painful death. I assured her that I would never refuse blood or refuse our kids blood (if we ever have any). It still bothers her to think about it today.

    It really bothers me that probably within 10 years they will change their stance on blood and make it a conscience matter. Think of all the people that have died for no reason.

  • jeanniebeanz
    It really bothers me that probably within 10 years they will change their stance on blood and make it a conscience matter. Think of all the people that have died for no reason.

    Yup. Immunizations anyone? Almost lost my brother because Dad would not allow a whooping cough vaccination. He has suffered his entire life over this.


  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    I wonder how people like this will feel in a few years when WTS makes blood a matter of conscience.

  • rebel8

    The callous attitude is nothing new. If you think about it, they are totally focused on appearances--"a good witness" they call it, but it's really just caring what other people think. Sure, they have twisted ideas about what appears good and what appears bad to others, but they are still overconcerned about appearances, nonetheless.

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