I am a newbie....

by sistaintheback 39 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Golf

    Sis, I don't consider myself an apostate and neither should you. I'm a strong believer in a Creator not some unknown entity call God.

    I have no obejections what others believe because their not answerable to me. You have expressed yourself very well and clear. The board for the most part is encouraging, so don't let the negative posts rattle you.

    Welcome and enjoy.


  • Miss_MG

    Welcome Sis I know just how you feel this sight helped me through some really tough times and it will you too all the best for your fade.

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Welcome sista-

    I was 'in' for 32 years - but if u count my youth before baptism, about 44 years. I am now nearly 50, and trying to start over. It is a difficult thing to do - with all the mind-bending fear that the org has put down our throats. Up till about a year ago, I thought I had the truth - some doubts were there for a while before that, but up till I read Franz' books I was not clear.

    I have never quit serving God - but I cannot stomach the hypocricy of the organization any longer.

    I know that the move to another city will be easier - just stay anonymous there, and you will do fine. In about 6 months when the witnesses come to your door - take the magazines once and read them with a fresh mind - you will be surprized how narrow they are in thought. But don't take them twice or you will never get rid of them, as I am sure you know!!!!



  • TheListener

    Welcome aboard the apostate train.

    I wish you success on your fade. It is nice to hear your husband is fading with you. That makes a major difference when the family pressure really steps up.

    Good Luck from TheListener

  • mrsjones5

    Welcome Sista from another "Sista"

    There are alot of good folk here who are glad to see you here. Pull up a chair and enjoy with us.

    I was born into the "truth", never got baptised, and left the organisation in my early 20's. I dont consider myself to be an apostate and even if I was one it's really not something to fear, it just means you have a brain and are using it.

    Looking forward to reading your posts.


  • Funchback

    Apostates don't dance, we just pull up our pants, and, do the rockaway.

    Now lean back! Lean back! Lean back!

    Hi, Sista.

    Welcome to the forum. I was (and prolly just about everyone on this board) where you were just three years ago. The road to recovery may look unfamiliar, but, once you travel on it everyday, it becomes the most comfortable road ever!

    From those of us just like you, check out this link http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/7/78348/1.ashx

  • keeshah

    Awh yes, the FEAR of apostates... I DEFINATELY had that. I thought the demons were going to jump out of my computer. Well, I soon found out that the fear of apostates (and the fear of demons) were just more silly little scare tactics that the Society uses to keep us in the org. and keep placing those mags. I remember taking my "Crisis of Conscience" book to my mother's house. I told myself that if I saw ANY demonic activity there (like the cupboards opening and closing on their own) I would hi-tail it back to the KH. Well guess what... nothing. With that and all the failed prophecies, I've decided (for myself) that they don't have the truth.

    Oh, and that WORD... I don't like their label. To them it's a dirty word. I know that in the dictonary it's not as bad as they make it to be, but I still don't like the negative connotation they put on it.

    Welcome to the board!!!

  • Namasti

    Dear Sis,

    I can promise you there will come a time when you will wonder how you ever felt the fears you're struggling with now, concerning Jehovah, the organization, etc. Just keep following your heart. Everything will start opening up for you and the light really does get brighter and brighter in our individual lives.

  • whyamihere

    Apostate means "One who leaves Jehovah and his teachings and then tries to have others follow you" something like that.

    I don't conider myself as an apostate because I still believe in God(Jehovah) and Jesus! And also I am not trying to have other people join me. Yes, I would love my family too see the light and leave but they have to leave for them. I can't do it!

    However I don't believe the cover ups and hiding and lies etc... I am also having a hard time because I have a huge family who is deeply in the JW religion and I have only been inactive 5 or 6 months now. Its really hard and I DO know what you are going through. All I can say is follow your heart. Try not to go and please them by going to the meetings etc.. because God can see that. I don't think he would like you going because of them and not God Himself. Thats what I have learned since being on here. Just follow your heart and I wish the best for you and your husband.


  • upside/down

    Many of the comments here PROVE that we're not poztates(well many of us anyway)! We're actually lovers of truth and HATERS of lies and hypocricy!!! Paul said that we need to check EVERY teaching and put it to the test, to see if it actually came from God (and reject if it doesn't add up). Da Bible says a poztate is someone who "beats" his fellow slave. The conotation being inflicting damaging blows to someone who doesn't deserve it. These discussion forums actually expose FALSE TEACHINGS of men and the organizations they create, for what they truly are- mere MAN MADE orgs. Now if someone is wrong on an idea (from da Bible), shouldn't it be exposed- or at least discussed? At what point did we go back to "the vomit" of letting a "priveleged class" do all of our spiritual chewing, swallowing and digesting for us? The fact that so many of us here felt "guilt" shows we are GOOD people. We are the few who actually were SUBMISSIVE and OBEDIENT, so much so that we went along with things we knew were not right (some for decades!), all in the name of NOT BRINGING ANY REPROACH ON J OR HIS ORG!!!

    The psychology is very similar to a child molester who PRETENDS to be your FRIEND, even threatening you with some embarassing consequence should you ever TELL anyone. The entire relationship is built on fear and extortion- but the victim usually doesn't see it that way. As far as I'm concerned it's ABUSE. I don't like the way many people use that word for every little injustice or percieved wrong, I mean it in the true sense of the word!

    How come they don't feel guilty when many of the ones I knew KNEW they were hypocrites- yet retained their ever so sacred "priveleges". I guess I have a major advantage when it comes to leaving the (B)org. I had to cut all ties and leave my life as I knew it once before- when I decided to become a Dub. So this is my second round- and they were SURE I couldn't and wouldn't do it. Like I've learned to say,"The troof" is a solo sport". Notice that the next time you read or meditate on the Bible accounts, most of the "faithful" people had to go it alone. They didn't have the luxury of hiding in the (B)org. You are actually the STRONG one for stepping out on your faith into the "unknown". While they remain in their spiritual filth (ie.Emperors new clothes).

    Congratulations, now you know how Abraham, Joseph, Moses, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Elisha etc. felt- very alone from an imperfect human standpoint. Yet they were close to their Maker!


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