The Global Flood

by coldfish 290 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Norm

    Well, Sabrina, about all I can say at this point is that you've nicely demonstrated what I find so sad about most Christians: they're illogical to the end, and refuse to deal with facts that cause cognitive dissonance. You in fact are angry with me because I proved that, despite your objections, you have no choice but to agree with Norm and me that Christianity is intolerant. If you disagree with us, you automatically disagree with the Bible. If you agree with us, your Christian ego is deflated. The resulting cognitive dissonance causes you to misdirect your anger.

    As for not reading the rest of my post, you've personally demonstrated yet another characteristic of many Christians: a tendency to stick fingers in ears and shout "LA LA LA LA LA LA!" until the irrititating thought goes away.


  • funkyderek

    I'm glad to see nobody here seems to believe there was actually a global flood 4,000 years ago (where is hooberus anyway?) but I don't understand the point of claiming there was a local flood. If the claim being made is simply that some people in the dim and distant past experienced some sort of flood, and it grew into a legend, then big deal, it's just like any other myth. However, aChristian seems to be saying that the belief in a global flood is based on a misinterpretation of the account and that the story is literally true in other ways. What I don't understand is why Noah would build a 400 foot long boat, fill it with hundreds of animals and stay in it for a year if the flood was local. Wouldn't he just move to higher ground like everybody else when it started raining. After all, he had 100 years to prepare.

    Clearly, the story is filled with inconsistencies. But perhaps some of these aspects are also based on a misunderstanding. As it would have been impossible - as well as pointless - for Noah to build such a large boat, this part is obviously false (or misunderstood). Collecting samples of all local fauna would be quite difficult - and again completely pointless, as the animals from surrounding areas would take their place once the flood waters had subsided. Perhaps it just means supplies of enough meat to eat for a year. But then, a year in a wooden boat would be very tough on a 600-year old man (obviously also misunderstood, perhaps the time-scales mentioned refer to something else altogether) and again completely absurd if the flood was local. In fact, none of the story holds up at all except, maybe, that it rained.


    Do you enjoy ridiculing Christians? Do you consider it to be good sport?
    Not really. No challenge in it, you see. Where's the sport in ridiculing claims that are so obviously ridiculous?
    It would be one thing if you, and others here like you, were actually trying to help us. But I never see any evidence of that. All I see are insults, ridicule, condescension, meanness and derision.
    Perhaps you're not looking hard enough. Some of the most gifted writers on this board have taken each of your (absurd) claims and politely and succinctly pointed out the flaws in your arguments with the purpose - or so I believe - of helping you to see how ridiculous and unfounded those beliefs are.
    Defending Christianity on this forum usually amounts to the 21st century equivalent of Christians being fed to the lions in the 2nd century, while the spectators gleefully watched every bite. But here the Christian hating spectators get to do the biting, which seems to make it all the more enjoyable for them.
    Ah, the persecution complex of the true believer. For once, just think about what you're actually saying. A couple of people say to you: "Sorry old boy, but that's a load of rubbish" and you compare it to being ripped apart by lions. For gods' sake, get some perspective.
  • Abaddon


    where is hooberus anyway?

    Researching dendrochronology?

    Not really. No challenge in it, you see. Where's the sport in ridiculing claims that are so obviously ridiculous?

    Very funny, and in some cases true. But let us not forget that a Christian's posturing is neither a result of his claimed Christianity, or an indication of Christianity. There's loads of Christians who don't make the ridiculous claims that attract the ridicule they deserve.

    As agnostics/atheists/humanists/individuals we are no more characterised by UFO nuts, who happen not to believe in god and think we evolved, than normal Christians are by their loony fringe.

    And I love the persecution complex; it's like Witnesses use people being opposed to some of their loonier doctrines, citing the opposition as a sign that they are god's people.

    "Come and see the violence inherent in the system. Help, help, I'm being repressed!"

    Do you smoke? As in weed? PM me if you're shy.

  • Greenpalmtreestillmine


    . You in fact are angry with me because I proved that, despite your objections, you have no choice but to agree with Norm and me that Christianity is intolerant.

    Correcting your assumptions, wrong conclusions and absurd statements:

    #1 - I am not angry with you. Are you some kind of nut? I disagree with you and don't like the way you have tried to manipulate what's been said. But I am not angry with you. Unless of course in your mind to disagree with you is be angry with you! Forget the movie etc. some professional counseling would be time well spent on your part.

    #2 - Has someone taught you that if you say something over and over others will believe it's true? Well, sorry to say, that does not work with everyone. No, you and Norm have not proven that I agree with you both that Christianity is intolerant. (Norm's ridiculous claim: Well, that was a refreshing post from you there. Finally we can agree on what I said in my first post that Christendom through claiming to be the only true religion are inherently arrogant, intolerant, discriminating and a thus a source of hatred and confict. In other words part of the problems mankind are struggling with, not the solution." )

    You both know perfectly well the exact opposite is the truth and despite my repeated statements to that fact you continue to, to use your terminology, put forth the same clap-trap either saying I agree with you or that I have no choice but to agree.

    If you disagree with us, you automatically disagree with the Bible.

    #3 - Who said that if I disagree with you I automatically disagree with the Bible? Are you the Pope? Oh I see, you and Norm are now the GB here and to disagree with your biblical opinions is to disagree with the Bible. Okay I get it. lol

    If you agree with us, your Christian ego is deflated. The resulting cognitive dissonance causes you to misdirect your anger.

    #4 - Now this is the funniest thing you've said so far. You and Norm have falsely claimed I agree with you and continue to do so without apology. I have admitted to making a mistake and you say I am the one with the ego? Tell me, when you and Norm get your heads together how many rooms in your house do they fill?

    As for not reading the rest of my post, you've personally demonstrated yet another characteristic of many Christians: a tendency to stick fingers in ears and shout "LA LA LA LA LA LA!" until the irrititating thought goes away.

    $5 - No actually, what that means is that I will not put up with arrogance and false claims of what I myself believe. When you can post in an adult manner, without arrogance and falsehoods, I will read your entire post and answer to the best of my ability. But don't expect me to play the target for the little games you enjoy playing. Post in an adult manner and I will respond in an adult manner.

    With arrogance dripping from your posts, you and Norm misrepresent what I have said then you have the audacity to say that I am sticking my fingers in my ears becasue I object to reading it! No, AlanF, I have no fingers in my ears I am simply directing your effluent to where it belongs.

    You and Norm have ignored the scriptures I used to show that Jesus does and will show love to all good people regardless of their religion because that is not what you want to hear and it's not what you want to talk about. You both want to talk about your obsessive compulsions to be proven right and if that means ignoring what others say that's just peachy with you both.

    When you are willing to discuss the Sheep and the Goats illustration of Matthew 25 (without arrogance) I will be willing also. But I don't think you ever will be, will you?!! Because that illustration shows that Jesus calls those who do good things, righteous, and rewards them though they are not his religious brothers. I went to some length with Norm on all this but he did not address this at all. No, he just kept on saying the same thing over and over and never addressed those scriptures. Then you and he say I have agreed with you both, that I agree that Christianity is intolerant because it claims to be the only true religion etc. What a sad lot you both are.

    You claim to see but when I point to a scripture you look away from it. Yet, AlanF you yourself complained that no one addressed your list of scriptures claiming that was a typical Christian thing to do. Now, since you and Norm have ignored my points and my scriptures I will follow your lead: I too claim that your actions are typical of atheist/agnostic apologists and should be viewed as your inability to deal with the truth when presented to you. It works both ways.

    You say Christians evade, well my friends, you both have done a great heap of evading on this thread and an even greater heap of false claims. When you want to discuss Matthew 25:31 PM me and I will join in. Until then....continue ranting away with the same rubbish, evading my scriptural arguments, and making up false claims about my stand on Christianity's intolerance. Do not attempt to speak for other people unless and until they have given you permission to do so.

    May your days be merry and your nights even merrier!


  • toreador


    Parts of the bible seem to be tolerant of other and parts of it seems to be quite the contrary.

  • Greenpalmtreestillmine

    Hi Toreador, (great name btw)

    Parts of the bible seem to be tolerant of other and parts of it seems to be quite the contrary.

    Yes. I have struggled myself with that very thing. I think the problem is that we've been taught a view, or picture, of God that is not in keeping with what the Bible actually teaches.

    This is just an illustration: During WWII the allied armies bombed Berlin and other parts of Germany. From our point of view though, while there were innocent lives lost and even innocent children killed, the goal was worth the price of not only their lives but also the lives of the soldiers on both sides of the war. The greater good was put before the lives of those people.

    Mankind kills for good reasons sometimes. He may not like it but at the time it was necessary. Did that make him intolerant? Personally, this has helped me to come to grips with the very thing you mentioned. Just a suggested line of reasoning on this.

    But of course the basic question proposed here is whether or not Christianity is intolerant. In this regard all someone has to do is read the words of Jesus and understand his teachings of love towards all peoples no matter what their station in life; to see that Christianity as taught by the Christ is not intolerant.

    Happy New Year to you!


  • AlanF

    Sabrina said:

    :: You in fact are angry with me because I proved that, despite your objections, you have no choice but to agree with Norm and me that Christianity is intolerant.

    : Correcting your assumptions, wrong conclusions and absurd statements:

    I think not.

    : #1 - I am not angry with you.

    Well ya sure fooled me! Wasn't it you who said the following?

    Uh, excuse me but Simon I think does not allow the language that I believe your statement deserves. So I will improvise...AlanF, when you use the words WE and ALL be certain whom you are addressing otherwise what you say may be regarded by some as, to put it very politely, Bull Shit!
    Uhh.... yeah, whatever AlanF. Hey if like Norm you require people to kiss up and say you're right I'm cool with that.....Hey AlanF, you got a point there wow what a splendid rebuttal and so coherent too! Thanks man, nobody like you ever!
    As I have repeatedly said ad nauseam it is not criticism that rankles but ridicule. My god what a wall! Oh...sorry, Norm's posting style rubs off easily.
    Yep, I see your point. If one is going to mow over some it is only proper that he mow over everyone. True logic there. Have to commend you!
    AlanF, you believe in your own religion, the religion of your own opinion. And since you believe that when it comes to Christanity and other belief systems your opinion is the only right one then that means that by your own definition you yourself are intolerant.
    But hey, no big deal. I've become intolerant myself. I've become intolerant of people who actually believe they are superior to others and who believe they alone know truth and the only truth. I've become intolerant of you and Norm.

    Those word are dripping with anger. They're also proof that you know you've been painted into a corner, and like any cornered thing, lash out wildly in anger.

    If you weren't so angry, you'd simply answer the questions posed. To date, you haven't answered a single question or specific challenge from me. Instead you've responded with pure ad hominems such as the above.

    : Are you some kind of nut?

    Some think so. I do too, on occasion. Largely for taking the time to try to reason with folks like you.

    : I disagree with you and don't like the way you have tried to manipulate what's been said.

    I've not manipulated anything. I've simply pointed out the logical consequences of your position. The fact that you refuse to see any problems with your position is, well, diagnostic of the Christian mindset.

    : But I am not angry with you. Unless of course in your mind to disagree with you is be angry with you!

    Not at all! In fact, I've learned from folks like Norm that spirited disagreement often builds strong relationships.

    : Forget the movie etc. some professional counseling would be time well spent on your part.

    Those with no real arguments always resort to ad hominems.

    : #2 - Has someone taught you that if you say something over and over others will believe it's true?

    Sure -- the JWs are a good example.

    : Well, sorry to say, that does not work with everyone. No, you and Norm have not proven that I agree with you both that Christianity is intolerant.

    No, we haven't quite proved that you willingly agree, but we've proved that if you don't agree, you have no choice but to disagree with the Bible, and it's a foregone conclusion that you won't disagree with the Bible. So, like it or not, you have no logical choice but to agree. But you must understand: up to this point we've been supposing that we've been talking to a normally logical person. You're making us rethink this.

    : You both know perfectly well the exact opposite is the truth and despite my repeated statements to that fact you continue to, to use your terminology, put forth the same clap-trap either saying I agree with you or that I have no choice but to agree.

    You're beginning to sound like the Black Knight in the movie Monty Python and the Holy Grail. In case you don't know the reference, the Black Knight was soundly defeated in a one-on-one battle, having his arms and legs chopped off. Still he challenged his conqueror, hollering "Come back and fight like a man!"

    :: If you disagree with us, you automatically disagree with the Bible.

    : #3 - Who said that if I disagree with you I automatically disagree with the Bible?

    On the point of discussion here, there are two and only two alternatives: (1) the Bible contains statements that prove that Christianity is inherently intolerant; (2) the Bible contains no such statements. Since I've shown that #1 is correct, your only choice is to agree with #1 -- despite the fact that you don't want to. If you agree with #2, you disagree with the facts, and Lord knows, you'd never do that.

    : Are you the Pope?

    No, my title is Grand Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan. I'm more powerful than the Pope.

    : Oh I see, you and Norm are now the GB here and to disagree with your biblical opinions is to disagree with the Bible. Okay I get it. lol

    More of that Christian logic at work, I see.

    :: If you agree with us, your Christian ego is deflated. The resulting cognitive dissonance causes you to misdirect your anger.

    : #4 - Now this is the funniest thing you've said so far.

    I doubt that.

    : You and Norm have falsely claimed I agree with you and continue to do so without apology.

    Repetition for emphasis? You yourself pointed out that repeating something ad nauseum doesn't make it true.

    : I have admitted to making a mistake and you say I am the one with the ego?

    To a little one, perhaps, but certainly not to the very big one we're discussing here.

    : Tell me, when you and Norm get your heads together how many rooms in your house do they fill?

    Well, we just put our heads together in a mayonnaise jar. Does that give you a clue?

    :: As for not reading the rest of my post, you've personally demonstrated yet another characteristic of many Christians: a tendency to stick fingers in ears and shout "LA LA LA LA LA LA!" until the irrititating thought goes away.

    : $5 - No actually, what that means is that I will not put up with arrogance and false claims of what I myself believe.

    No one believes you, Sabrina.

    Oh, you disagree? Ok let's give it a try!

    Does any reader agree with Sabrina on point #5?

    : When you can post in an adult manner, without arrogance and falsehoods, I will read your entire post and answer to the best of my ability.

    I've already posted plenty of material in an adult manner. But your infantile evasions preclude talking to you like an adult.

    Oops, I guess you won't read the rest of my post. Yep, fingers in the ears and "LA LA LA LA LA" yet again.

    : But don't expect me to play the target for the little games you enjoy playing. Post in an adult manner and I will respond in an adult manner.

    You've already demonstrated an incapacity to carry on adult conversations by your evasions.

    : With arrogance dripping from your posts, you and Norm misrepresent what I have said then you have the audacity to say that I am sticking my fingers in my ears becasue I object to reading it! No, AlanF, I have no fingers in my ears I am simply directing your effluent to where it belongs.

    Again, no one believes you.

    : You and Norm have ignored the scriptures I used to show that Jesus does and will show love to all good people regardless of their religion

    Nonsense. The only scripture you posted -- in a post to Norm, not to me -- was the difficult-to-interpret parable of Matthew 25:31. But your exposition ignored the fact that it contradicts a host of much clearer scriptures that directly state that God will kill all those who do not know him, and so forth. So your exposition simply does what so many other apologetic expositions do -- it selects only the scriptural notions that support what you want to believe, and does not account for everything that the Bible says. As is sometimes said, such is eisegesis, not exegesis. This is typical of Jehovah's Witnesses, Evangelicals, Mormons, Moonies, etc.

    : because that is not what you want to hear and it's not what you want to talk about.

    Until you can come to grips with the fact that your exposition of Matthew 25:31 contradicts a bunch of other scriptures, you'll hold this silly position. I have repeatedly asked you -- tried to cajol you, even -- to deal with the scriptures I presented. The fact that you still refuse proves that you're not interested in what the Bible says, but like a Christian, in coming up with excuses to continue to believe your own made-up version of Christianity.

    : You both want to talk about your obsessive compulsions to be proven right and if that means ignoring what others say that's just peachy with you both.

    Our posts have nothing to do with wanting to be proven right. We already know that our position is irrefutable, so we have nothing to prove. Our goal at this point is to show you (and of course, interested readers) that your claims are fluff.

    : When you are willing to discuss the Sheep and the Goats illustration of Matthew 25 (without arrogance) I will be willing also.

    You've already had plenty of opportunity to show why you think this doesn't contradict the pile of scriptures I already presented. Why should I think you're sincere?

    I've already demonstrated a willingness to talk about the scriptures, and certainly without arrogance of any sort. Go back and reread the sequence of posts and you'll be forced to admit this. Look at my post on page 6 of this thread concerning scriptural proofs of Christian intolerance, then go back and see if you can point out any trace of arrogance on my part toward you prior to it. If you can't, then you'll have been demonstrated to be a liar, or at best, irrational. But I already know that you'll never admit anything of the sort, because then you'd have to change your mind.

    : But I don't think you ever will be, will you?!!

    Try it out. Put your money where your mouth is.

    Trouble is, you've already left yourself an out by setting a standard that you and only you can judge -- anything you judge is arrogance is by definition arrogance, and off you'll run.

    : Because that illustration shows that Jesus calls those who do good things, righteous, and rewards them though they are not his religious brothers.

    Aha! A miniature test of your resolve!

    Reconcile your exposition with this scripture, which states in no uncertain terms that God "will come with his mighty angels, in flaming fire, bringing judgment on those who don't know God and on those who refuse to obey the Good News of our Lord Jesus. They will be punished with everlasting destruction." (2 Thessalonians 1:7-9; NLT)

    If you can't reconcile, then my point stands.

    : I went to some length with Norm on all this but he did not address this at all.

    You must take this up with Norm. I am not his keeper.

    : No, he just kept on saying the same thing over and over and never addressed those scriptures.

    I'd venture to say that it's because he already knows what the Bible really says, and simply addressed your claim with that knowledge.

    : Then you and he say I have agreed with you both, that I agree that Christianity is intolerant because it claims to be the only true religion etc. What a sad lot you both are.

    No, we merely usually assume that people act consistently. Obviously, that assumption doesn't always hold.

    : You claim to see but when I point to a scripture you look away from it.

    I haven't done so. This is a false accusation.

    : Yet, AlanF you yourself complained that no one addressed your list of scriptures claiming that was a typical Christian thing to do.

    Once again, why have you refused to do so? Why have no Christian apologists done so?

    : Now, since you and Norm have ignored my points and my scriptures I will follow your lead: I too claim that your actions are typical of atheist/agnostic apologists and should be viewed as your inability to deal with the truth when presented to you. It works both ways.

    Well, now that I've shown that your exposition of your one scripture (Matt. 25:31) -- not "scriptures" -- contradicts plenty of other scriptures (such as 2 Thess. 1:7-9), what are you going to do? Make further excuses as to why you won't answer? I wouldn't make any bets on you.

    : You say Christians evade, well my friends, you both have done a great heap of evading on this thread and an even greater heap of false claims.

    Bullshit. I've proved everything I've said. Norm can speak for himself.

    : When you want to discuss Matthew 25:31 PM me and I will join in.

    We will see.

    : Until then....continue ranting away with the same rubbish, evading my scriptural arguments,


    : and making up false claims about my stand on Christianity's intolerance.



  • toreador

    Both of you people could be comedians the way you banter back and forth. LOL

    Sabrina you could open and AlanF could be the headliner or the other way around.


    If you are an agnostic wouldn't you be safer believing in God ..... just in case? You know, kind of like

    why David brought extra stones when he went to fight Goliath.... just in case he missed with the first one.


  • a Christian
    a Christian

    Alan, You wrote: Anyone who thinks that there's something to biblical numerology ought to read the chapter "The Great Pyramid" in Martin Gardner's Fads & Fallacies in the Name of Science (Dover Books, 1952, 1957). Given a sufficient amount of writing containing numerical references, a smart operator can get all sorts of amazing things to pop out. Of course that is true. But we should also remember Jesus never said, "There will be signs in the Great Pyramid of Giza," or "The sign of the Son of Man will appear in the Egyptian dessert." But Jesus did say, "There will be signs in the sun, moon and stars," and "The sign of the Son of Man will appear in the sky." If Jesus Himself had said that signs would later be found in the desserts of Egypt, specifically in Giza's Great Pyramid, would it be "unchristian" for Christ's followers to study that pyramid looking for the signs Christ referred to? Of course not. However, Jesus did say, "There will be signs in the sun, moon and stars" (Luke 21:25), and "The sign of the Son of Man will appear in the sky" (Matthew 24:30). Why then should we consider it wrong or "unchristian" for Christ's followers to study "the sun, moon and stars" which "appear in the sky" looking for the signs Christ referred to? With Christ's own words in mind, such studies cannot be considered wrong for Christians. Following a fairly traditional understanding of Bible chronology (the same basic study published by Archbishop James Ussher nearly 400 years ago), JWs' date God's creation of Adam to 4026 BC. However, JWs begin their count back in time 20-21 years too early. For they do so beginning with a 607 BC date for Babylon's destruction of Jerusalem. But we now know the JW date for Jerusalem's destruction by Babylon is 20 years too early. We now know that Jerusalem fell in 587/6BC, not in 607 BC. So if we simply correct JW Bible chronology, using the correct date for Jerusalem's destruction, we arrive at the year 4006/4005 BC for Adam's creation. JWs also assign a 2 BC date to the birth of Christ. However, nearly all New Testament historians tell us that Christ was born in about the year 5 BC, some three years earlier than JWs say. With these things in mind, once we have corrected the JWs' Bible chronology in these two areas, it certainly appears that Jesus Christ was born into this world exactly 4,000 years after God's creation of Adam. When I as a Christian know that Bible chronology appears to date the birth of Christ exactly 4,000 years after the creation of Adam, and I then have my attention drawn to the fact that our sun has a diameter that is exactly "400 times that of our moon," and to the fact that the sun is also about "400 times as far away from us as the moon," and to the fact that the sun is also about "400 thousand times as bright as the full moon," and to the fact that we can observe a total eclipse over any one spot on earth "on average about every 400 years," and to the fact that our galaxy is said to have "400 billion stars," is it really unreasonable for me to believe that these "400s" in the sun, moon and stars may well be the signs Christ was referring to? For the number 400 certainly can be viewed as a short form or "sign" form of the number 4,000, the year of Christ's birth counting from Adam's creation. Thus, it seems quite reasonable for me to believe that the number 400 may well have been chosen by God to serve as signs of Christ. Though you have dismissed my biblical and astronomical studies as mere "numerology" and have unfairly compared them to studying the dimensions of the Great Pyramid, I think you know better. You know that the Bible often uses the number 40, obviously in some symbolic way. You also know to be true what Augustine wrote long ago, "Ignorance of numbers, too, prevents us from understanding things that are set down in Scripture in a figurative and mystical way. A candid mind, if I may so speak, cannot but be anxious, for example, to ascertain what is meant by the fact that Moses and Elijah, and our Lord Himself, all fasted for forty days." (On Christian Doctrine, Book II, 16:25) You used to be known on this board and others as a fair minded skeptic. But by not speaking one word in my defense while some here call me "insane" has caused me to wonder if you have lost all fairness and objectivity and have now become nothing more than an ordinary Bible basher. Mike Abaddon, I wrote: I've done no rounding here. You responded: No, but your sources have, and you are so eager to believe things that you don't check diligently. I was well aware that my sources had done some rounding. But I was also well aware that the men who wrote the Bible, under what I believe was God's inspiration, also often did some rounding of numbers. Some of the Hebrew kings' "40 year" rules were actually a year or two more or less than an exact 40. Some of the Bible's "70 year" prophetic periods were actually a bit more or less than an exact 70. 1 Kings 7:23 appears to tell us that Pi = 3, rather than 3.14. Many other examples could be cited of biblical "rounding" of numbers. So, if the same God who rounded numbers in the Bible created the universe I have no problem in believing that He would also use numbers in His design of the universe which required a bit of rounding to serve as "signs." For I am sure God knows that when we see a number that is a little more or a little less than an exact 400, the number "400" still comes to our minds. I believe my sources, including, NASA astronomers, demonstrated this fact when they wrote: "The Sun is really 400 times larger than the Moon, but it's also 400 times farther away." You say I owe you an apology for calling you a liar. I don't believe I ever called you a liar. However, I evidently said something which you took that way. I'm sure I worded something I said to you poorly and in the process offended you. For that I am sorry. Please forgive me. Mike

  • frankiespeakin


    Don't you see what happening here. You have a pet theory and now your stuck and you can move away from it. That's not good. Alway be willing to drop a theory as quickly as possible to free you mind and keep it out of being in a rut. Drop the theory,,stop trying to make the bible god's word and relax alittle.

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