The Global Flood

by coldfish 290 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • a Christian
    a Christian


    Do you enjoy ridiculing Christians? Do you consider it to be good sport? It would be one thing if you, and others here like you, were actually trying to help us. But I never see any evidence of that. All I see are insults, ridicule, condescension, meanness and derision. Defending Christianity on this forum usually amounts to the 21st century equivalent of Christians being fed to the lions in the 2nd century, while the spectators gleefully watched every bite. But here the Christian hating spectators get to do the biting, which seems to make it all the more enjoyable for them.

  • LDH


    The mistake here is that you assume you're a Christian. (no pun intended). Pompous windbags such as yourself rarely genuflect on Jesus' method of attracting followers to himself. Humility, kindness, and very little preaching or convincing. Jesus, if he was real, was concerned with how humans treat other humans, not what humans believe.

    If you are able to direct me to a passage in the Bible where Jesus went tit-for-tat with anyone (save when he was an immature boy of 12 who was arguing with priests) and I will humbly retract my words.

    Defending Christianity on this forum usually amounts to the 21st century equivalent of Christians being fed to the lions in the 2nd century, while the spectators gleefully watched every bite

    Yes, getting ripped apart by lions while having no defense such as being able to leave the arena actually DOES equate with someone disrespecfully disagreeing with your opinion.

    But here the Christian hating spectators get to do the biting, which seems to make it all the more enjoyable for them.

    As yes, now we are more into my type of sport! This will hold my attention! Move over Norm and Alan. <<<-----sharpens claws


    Didn't Focus call me a She-bear years ago? Class

  • SixofNine

    ditto what Lisa said, a Christian. And btw, I'm 100% sincere in saying that I think you are mentally ill. I'm not being mean, you really need to get yourself some perspective. Coddling you because you speak with a certain genteelity won't help. You're obviously highly intelligent, which is why it makes it quite easy to see that there has to be mental illness behind the just plain silly beliefs you preach. At least AGuest and Brownboy actually channel God; frankly, I almost think they are on more solid ground than yourself - you have no such voice in your head, just your own. But my God (pardon the pun), what importance you place on your own thoughts!

    I don't hate Christians, I hate intellectual dishonesty.

  • AlanF

    Hi Sabrina,

    :: From what I've read of this thread up to now, it seems to me that you and Norm (I think you're referring to him; correct me if I'm wrong) actually do agree that Christianity is basically intolerant.

    : No! I do not. Where did you get such an idea?

    Well, like I said before, you said that Jesus taught essentially that Christianity is the only true religion, and Norm said he agreed with that, and in an earlier post I quoted a number of scriptures that confirmed that unbelievers are to suffer a fiery judgment, and it's a no-brainer that a religion that teaches that non-believers will be killed by the religion's God is by definition intolerant, and I had the impression that you agree with what the scriptures say. The conclusion, therefore, is obvious.

    Now, if my conclusion is wrong, do point out which of the above statements is incorrect, or why, taken together, they allow of a different conclusion.

    : If you like to paint everyone with the same brush that is your sad problem.

    I have painted no one with any brushes save those with which they have painted themselves. E.g., calling a Christian a Christian.

    : No, I do not believe Christianity is basically intolerant.

    My, my. You disagree with the scriptures?

    : As I posted to Norm there are good and bad in every religion, Christianity included.

    Yes, but not everyone who professes to follow a religion does so. For example, some Christians have no problem with disobeying the scriptures and killing other people. Some Christians are tolerant of other belief systems, despite what the scriptures say.

    Do you not know that the same God who said these things:

    I am Jehovah your God, who have brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of slaves. You must not have any other gods against my face.
    You must not prostrate yourself to another god, because Jehovah, whose name is Jealous, he is a jealous God.

    is an intolerant God? Do you not understand that a God who names himself "Jealous" is by his own admission intolerant? Do you not know that the same God who said these things is the same God as Christians worship?

    : If you want to invent your own assumptions go right ahead

    I'm only quoting scripture, dear.

    : but I do not believe Christianity is basically intolerant.

    Well then! Let's hear your explanation of the Jealous God!

    : Good Golly Miss Molly! You haven't read a word I've written! But so what, it matters not.

    Of course I have! That's what I've been responding to!

    :: I'm sure that we all agree that a religion that teaches that people who don't go along with it will be killed by its God is inherently intolerant.

    : Uh, excuse me but Simon I think does not allow the language that I believe your statement deserves. So I will improvise...

    Oh come now! Simon can be understanding when pressed. Or perhaps obscene jesting is something you prefer to eschew.

    : AlanF, when you use the words WE and ALL be certain whom you are addressing otherwise what you say may be regarded by some as, to put it very politely, Bull Shit!

    Whoa, Nelly! I believe that you've just proved my point. Since you couldn't directly deny a conclusion that is blatantly obvious, you've resorted to standard old Christian intolerance!

    Alternatively, do you think that a religion that teaches that people who don't go along with it will be killed by its God is inherently tolerant? Or do you take the Fifth?

    : Look, believe whatever you want but do not attempt to speak for everyone. Or are you now the great GB of this board?

    I'm merely making an obvious conclusion that follows inevitably from the stated premises.

    :: If not, then the definition of intolerance means nothing. Norm stated that Christianity is like that, and you agreed by saying that Jesus pointed "the way, the only way". So it's possible to find agreement after all.

    : Uhh.... yeah, whatever AlanF.

    You may not like the fact that you and Norm and I agree on this, but your alternative is to deny the scriptures. Take your pick.

    : Hey if like Norm you require people to kiss up and say you're right I'm cool with that...

    Well, I don't require it, but I don't mind it too much.

    : ..Hey AlanF, you got a point there wow what a splendid rebuttal and so coherent too! Thanks man, nobody like you ever!

    I think you're getting emotional now, Sabrina. Calm down, dear. This is only a discussion board, after all.

    :: I'm certainly not going to dignify the ludicrous ideas of young-earth creationism by verbally 'allowing' that its adherents have every right to believe what they want.

    : I never brought up that subject.

    Of course you didn't. I did, in order to illustrate a point. A point which, in your highly emotional state, seem to have missed.

    :: They do have that right in a free society, of course, but not to be free from criticism.

    : As I have repeatedly said ad nauseam it is not criticism that rankles but ridicule.

    A great many people haven't the sense to distinguish criticism from ridicule. Nevertheless, I will ridicule ridiculous beliefs such as flat-earthism, astrology and young-earth creationism as I see fit, if their adherents attempt to justify their ridiculous beliefs. If you don't like that, I must ask you: Are you one of those people who think all beliefs are equally valid?

    : My god what a wall! Oh...sorry, Norm's posting style rubs off easily.

    Not a problem! I like Norm's style sometimes, and it suits you!

    :: And I'm not going to verbally allow that JWs have much dignity of mind and conscience when I know perfectly well what kind of mind control they're subjected to and how that affects their ability to reason, and even to recognize the truth when they see it.

    : Uh....huh.

    So, how does your answer fit in with the above discussion?

    :: So why should I not be consistent in everything else that comes up for discussion on this board?

    : Yep, I see your point.

    I don't think you do, dear.

    : If one is going to mow over some it is only proper that he mow over everyone. True logic there. Have to commend you!

    Good deal! No partiality here!

    Problem is, dear, I haven't done any "mowing" except logically. I've been very careful to maintain my cool. At least, I hope so!

    : There's a line from an Austin Powers movie that goes something like this: "There are two things I hate in this world. People who have no respect for other peoples cultures.....and the Dutch!"

    I hate those, and a few other things, too!

    : Your repeated declarations of disdain towards those who are in some way not to your liking such as believers in astrology

    Are you saying that you think astrology should be given respect? Horrors! What kind of Christian are you? Do you not know that astrology had its origins in the Great Whore of Babylon?

    : or Christians

    I only disdain Christians who loudly proclaim that they're giving solid answers to hard questions when all they're doing is blowing wind.

    : or whomever else in your heart you disdain is sad, very sad.

    So you would give equal respect to flat-earthism, astrology, Christianity, young-earth creationism, Mormonism, Scientology, the Moonies, etc.? My, my!

    : Because when you cannot see beyond a label and recognize that individuals are dynamic and are not all easily fitted into a box and that maybe just maybe not everything they believe in may be a crock;

    That's a bit of a truism, to be sure, but it's far too general to apply here. We're talking about specific beliefs like astrology. Don't you think that people who plan their every move by a horoscope is a nut?

    : you segregate yourself just as much as the JWs do.


    : AlanF, you believe in your own religion, the religion of your own opinion.

    No, dear. Religions these days are sources of income to their founders.

    : And since you believe that when it comes to Christanity and other belief systems your opinion is the only right one

    How ever did you conclude that? Certainly not by anything I've written. On the contrary, I've repeatedly made clear that if solid evidence is brought forth, I will change my opinion.

    You seem to think that, somewhere in this thread, solid evidence has been presented, which I have proceeded to reject. It has not.

    : then that means that by your own definition you yourself are intolerant.

    Precisely, dear! Intolerant of ridiculous beliefs.

    : But hey, no big deal. I've become intolerant myself.

    Become? But isn't that a requirement for all true Christians, according to the scriptures I've presented?

    : I've become intolerant of people who actually believe they are superior to others and who believe they alone know truth and the only truth. I've become intolerant of you and Norm.

    How you can conclude that is a mystery. But you also have concluded that the scriptures teach tolerance for other religions.

    : Everyone, everyone on this planet has the right to their own conscience and their own religious or non-religious beliefs. Everyone also has the right to be respected as an individual.

    I agree.

    : You said yourself you do not respect people who believe in astrology, you called it clap trap.

    Once again, dear: do you claim that astrology is not clap trap?

    : Fortunately, AlanF few in this world really care who or what you respect.

    Whether that opinion is true or not is of no import. What is important is what is true in the important questions of life, and what has evidence to back it up. Those who believe ridiculous things often hurt themselves and others. Do you not agree? If you do, then you have no business taking issue with people who are not afraid to criticize or even ridicule ridiculous beliefs. And as a claimed Christian, you really ought to try to argue so as to convince intelligent listeners. Wasn't it the apostle Paul who said something like, "when in Rome, speak as a Roman"?


  • Abaddon

    My term is coolest ;-)

  • Abaddon

    a Christian

    I love the way people who weren't gassed in the Holocaust, or burned as a witch, find it easy to be sanguine about human suffering and unfairness.

    The plain fact is some people still live and die with only the vaugest idea of Christianity. I can find some amusing explanations of Christmas by Japanese people if you like, and show how even educated well-off people know nothing of the Bible. If I can I will get the Japanese Christmas card which features Santa being crucified.

    I believe God is simply providing people today, by means of modern science, with some compensation for the difficulty many of us now have in putting our faith in Him, a difficulty created in large part by modern science.

    No, you are intelligent enough to be aware that human life is unfair, and make-up an explanation for it; if your postulation is based on a scripture, let me know what it is? I've never heard anyone use that defence before; modern technology compensates for there being insufficient proof of god to close the issue.

    Because that is the issue; you say "modern science that now allows us to clearly see the God of The Bible's Hand in the design and creation of our universe". That is an opinion, one you have significantly failed to defend.

    In past centuries most people were quite willing to believe in God.

    And witches, and goblins, and in how swallows buried themselves in mud at the end of summer. I could go on. People believed in god because it was the best explanation for existence at that time. Things have changed.

    Today, however, due to our widespread exposure to the findings of modern science and its theory of Godless evolution, many millions of people have great difficulty.

    Hang on, you just said "modern science that now allows us to clearly see the God of The Bible's Hand in the design and creation of our universe."

    Now you say "due to our widespread exposure to the findings of modern science and its theory of Godless evolution, many millions of people have great difficulty".

    So, science makes it easy to see the existence of god and makes it difficult to see the existence of god. Do you often believe in mutually exclusive conditions existing at the same time?

    The measurements I have cited for the diameters of the moon and sun ( 2,160 mi. and 864,000 mi.) are exactly as published by the World Almanac and most other reference works, including those I consulted on-line.

    You are drawing from soft-science sources; I got my figures from astronomical websites. And before you pronounce on how hard it is to determine the diameter of the sun, why not actually find out? Go on; prove you speculations.

    And of course, this ignores the 3 hundred something figure and the 402,000 figure; you defend the 1/1000 inaccuracy and ignore the 2.75% error and the 5/1000 error.

    I've done no rounding here.

    No, but your sources have, and you are so eager to believe things that you don't check dilligently.

    Now, I suppose God could have designed every one of these 400s to be an exact number. But then we would all be forced right now to acknowledge that the God of the Bible, Jesus Christ, created our universe. And that would defeat God's own stated purpose. believing in God.

    No, proof would not do that. That's what religionists tell you, but it is an illogical argument, albeit an obvious one to make if you can't prove god.

    I think the first shaman who used it was rather pleased with himself; "No, there can't be proof as if there was then you couldn't believe." In other words 'there is no proof and it is your fault you miserable human being; if there was proof then even if you did worship god it would be worthless'. Nice.

    An 'explanation' has been found for why there is no proof; but the explanation depends on one's willingness to follow (or worship) a person's opinion. It's not an explanation its an unsubstansiatable justification.

    You continually miss the entire point. Someone can come up with a different interpretation of the Bible to you, one that contradicts yours, by doing what you do.

    They can ignore history, logic, concepts of fairness, and vast chunks of science by careful selection of what facts they use, inventive imaginations and unprovable claims.

    So, I have to choose whether YOU or 'Fred' is right. And I am unable to do so with certainty, as neither of you have solid facts on your side.

    Now, I don't expect you to acknowledge this as true.

    If you acknowledged that anyone could play the silly games you play and claim they were right, you would then just be like everyone else. Your claims to hidden God codes (that only work in this epoch and then only roughly) prove nothing, just a C.T. Russel's use of numerology proved nothing; other than it is easy to do.

    Your faith isn't strong enough to see god as he may be; you are far too busy making god what you want him to be.

    As you are a presuppositionalist who plays fast and loose with facts and figures, and as you still have the manners of a pig (you still haven't apologised foor lying about me), I see little point in contiuning the conversation with you. It's really got nothing to do with god and has everything to do with your mentality and ego.

    Essentially, whatever the facts are, you will insist that you personaly are right. The fact you think this makes you right makes honest conversation impossible with you.

  • Greenpalmtreestillmine

    Hi there AlanF,

    Well, like I said before, you said that Jesus taught essentially that Christianity is the only true religion, and Norm said he agreed with that, and in an earlier post I quoted a number of scriptures that confirmed that unbelievers are to suffer a fiery judgment, and it's a no-brainer that a religion that teaches that non-believers will be killed by the religion's God is by definition intolerant, and I had the impression that you agree with what the scriptures say. The conclusion, therefore, is obvious.

    Now, if my conclusion is wrong, do point out which of the above statements is incorrect, or why, taken together, they allow of a different conclusion.

    You are knowingly posting false conclusions, but if thats what floats your boat go right ahead. You are trying to annoy, childish game, but you seem to enjoy it. Perhaps you're bored, please see post script below.

    The fact remains I did not agree with Norm and you know that. You said Norm was visiting you, gauging from the above quote it seems you two have started your New Years party already.

    I have started a new policy with regard to Norm's posts and yours. I read until a false accusation occurs or a superior attitude is manifested then I stop reading. Fortunately that moment came with the first paragraph in your post and I was spared reading the rest.

    Happy New Year or should I say Happy New Year Week!


    P.S. You're spending a lot of time playing games on this thread. Shouldn't you be taking Norm out to dinner or something. Perhaps you both could use a visit to Barnes and Noble, have a cup of coffee on me. Or maybe you could take him shopping or a movie? The opera? State Park? Shuffle Board? No? Well, then, nothing to do but to continue trying to entertain yourselves with posting untruths I suppose.

  • Norm

    Hello Lisa,

    You said:

    think I just got ADHD from reading three pages of this freaking thread. I had to stop, so my remarks are directed at only three people.

    AChristian who says, "GOD'S STANDARDS ARE VERY HIGH!" Yes, they are so high that they demand his firstborn be sacrificed to make up for some other creation HE made imperfect. This dude is brilliant, and probably had his second career as Kenneth Lay, former ENRON CEO. He makes up the rules as he goes along, mostly to benefit his fragile vanity. Hilarity. God is a Woody Allen creation.

    Norm and Alan, I can't even believe you have the attention span to dissect this minutia. It is a testament to higher learning, LOL, and your love of fellow man. You see, if I had the desire or the will, I too could pick apart this drivel. As it is, I try to stay mentally engaged and then moments later, uninterested in playing games of syntax and punctuation and inflection, resort to saying, "get the #*$& outta here."


    My three year old just made a mess. Should I behead the 14 year old? Class

    Yes it is kind of hard work wading through all that stuff, huh? But sometimes it can be interesting to venture into the bizarre world of Christian apologetics just to see if anything has changed lately, but alas it never change. It is always the same explianing away, instead of explaning, dodging simple questions and inventing stuff out of thin air. But I admit that I have had a little too much time on my hands during the holidays enjoying life here in beautiful Colorado.

    As of the question of beheading the 14 year old I think the correct Biblical procedure would be to venture down to the city gates and have a quick chat with the elders, they would probably go for a simple stoning, as if you remember this was the loving way God had ordained in dealing with difficult teens back in those good old days.

    Take care and a happy new year.


  • Norm

    Hi again Sabrina,

    Well, that was a refreshing post from you there. Finally we can agree on what I said in my first post that Christendom through claiming to be the only true religion
    are inherently arrogant, intolerant, discriminating and a thus a source of hatred and confict. In other words part of the problems mankind are struggling with, not the

    Through it's claim to possess the only truth it has caused enormeous suffering and bloodshed and been a scurge on mankind for centuries. As a moral and ethic guiding
    force it has proved a disaster. Lets hope that 2005 will see a better world with increased enlightenment and less superstition, hatred and war.

    Happy new Year,


  • Greenpalmtreestillmine

    Hi there Norm,

    Well, that was a refreshing post from you there.

    Why, thank you Norm!

    Yes, you're right. I'm so glad we have come to the same conclusion that Christianity is the one true religion and if religious leaders had only practiced it as the Christ taught many today would be living happier lives instead of bending under the load of the religious oppression found in Christian religions llke the Watchtower and many others.

    Norm, I am so happy to have reached this fine accord between us. My day is a happy one for sure!

    So, what did you and AlanF pick for entertainment today; the library or chess? Well, good luck to you brother!


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