Good point about the 15 minute rule. But do remember, that was not introduced during the service year covered in the new report. It was introduced in the service year covered in last year's repost. What is my point?
Well, since the addition of those submitting 15 minute reports inflated the figures last year already, then it cannot do so again this year. In other words, 2.6% may have been artificially added to the make the 2.2% increase last year (actually a decrease of 0.4% if we accept your proposal), but it cannot logically be said to have inflated the new figures relative to last year, since the 15 minute rule was operational in both years.
In short, while the validity of last year's 2.2% increase over the year previous to that may be questioned, the 2.0% increase in the new service report is not affected one way or the other by the 15 minute rule relative to last year.
When comparing this year and future years with years previosu to 2003, then you are correct, the difference in counting method brought on by the 15 minute rule should be taken into account.