Correction - my mistake!
Partakers 2003 = 8565
Patakers 2004 = 8570
by slimboyfat 74 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Correction - my mistake!
Partakers 2003 = 8565
Patakers 2004 = 8570
Mexico 5%, Brazil 4%, Russia 5%, Peru 5%, Ukraine 3%, Zambia 3%.Those are all the countries with more than 100 000 publishers that have significant rates of growth
Mexico alone increased by 26,000 - which means that this one country accounts for more than 1/5 of the total growth worldwide (a mere 124,000)
This is what's saving them. The increase seems big but is almost exclusively in large poor countries where their worn-out techniques still work. Growth in the Western world seems to be less than that of the general population, and even negative in some cases.
Slimboy, can you post the figures for Ireland please, including Memorial partakers if possible. I'd like to know if any of the 11 have died yet, or if their ranks have increased.
Slimboy, can you post the figures for Ireland please, including Memorial partakers if possible. I'd like to know if any of the 11 have died yet, or if their ranks have increased.
From what I remember the only memorial figure they put for individual countries in the world-wide annual report is the number of those attending the ceremony. Only the world total of partakers is given. I may be wrong though.
Partakers 2003 = 8565
Patakers 2004 = 8570
Hm....5 people....raised from the dead! looks fishy to me..
YA those old buggers who claim to be of the anointed class "partakers" just don't die I guess.
Every year they stay the same or grow a little.
They have been doing this for how long now? Around a hundred years??
I won't be happy until those industrial nation numbers start to go NEGATIVE.
Like irradicating a dangerous microbial infection, I'm glad to see it is contained in the developed world, and not surprised it still has some growth in the developing world, but I want to start see those numbers SHRINKING!!!!
~Quotes, of the "Hope My Web Site Is Playing A Part In Dispensing The Truth(tm)" class
Oh happy day!
I won't be happy until those industrial nation numbers start to go NEGATIVE.
Canada: 0% growth (actually down from 108 409 to 108 012)
Australia: 0% (up by 23 publishers)
UK: 0% (up by 36 publishers)
Considering many who have actually left are still on the books as publishers then there is probably negative growth in these three countries.
Also what kind of level of donations do you expect they will be getting from the growth countries versus the above countries in decline. While theri may be a 2 percent worlwide growth, I wouldn't be surprised to see declining Revenue for Brooklyn.
Praise be for the increase! The ark's door is still open. The antitypical Noah class is reaping while the wicked one waits to plunder. Because of the zealous works of our former brothers and sisters many have been called - but to what...a life of Crooklyn bondage.