Worldwide Growth At 2% - the new service report

by slimboyfat 74 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • lazyslob

    Sweden -1%

  • Room 215
    Room 215

    Quotes: No worries; you're doing a great job by skewering them with their own words; Blondie's right about the need to factor in the wotrld population increase.

    Little Toe: I think that in one perverse way, the boys in Patterson are relieved to see the modest uptick in partakers; it buys them time, as they likley dread the day when that number falls to zero and everybody's still waiting at the station for the New World Express to pull in!

  • ozziepost
    waiting at the station for the New World Express to pull in

    LOL @ Roomie!! Good one!!!

  • ozziepost

    So Sweden shows a decrease of 1%?? Where did all those people go? Surely they're not all going to "serve where the greed is greater"??? Could they be migrating? If so, to where?

    Perhaps these people from the land of midwinter darkness have seen "the light"!!!

  • slimboyfat

    Poland: up 1% to 127,377 from 126,573.

    Ireland: up 2% to 4,757 from 4,666. The report does not list partakers (you would need to see Kingdom Ministry for Ireland in either the July or August edition for that figure, and even then I am not sure if KMs still show this figure). Mem attend in Ireland was 9,196.

    Is anyone interested in any of the other countries?

  • ozziepost
    Is anyone interested in any of the other countries?

    Yes please!

    Anywhere in Asia, say cambodia, Singapore, Vietnam etc

  • izobcenec

    I'm interested in Slovenia and Croatia and also on the number of baptized


  • ozziepost

    Can anyone scan the relevant pages? Please, pretty please!!

  • slimboyfat

    Cambodia: 19% up from 145 to 172

    Singapore not listed

    Vietnam not listed

    Japan: 0% up from 217,020 to 217,097

    Philippines up 1%

    Indonesia up 5%

    Korea up 1%

    Hong Kong 0% (actually up by 1 publisher!)

    Thailand up 3&aiwan up 7%

    East Timor 0% (remained at 38 pub)

    Malaysia up 3%

    Slovenia: 1% from 1,835 to 1,853, 42 baptised.

    Croatia: 0% up from 5,394 to 5,409, 119 baptised.

  • LittleToe


    I think that in one perverse way, the boys in Patterson are relieved to see the modest uptick in partakers; it buys them time, as they likley dread the day when that number falls to zero and everybody's still waiting at the station for the New World Express to pull in!

    I think you have a point!
    They'd need another "Tote" Wt on the Great Tribulation, then (Matt.24:22).

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