Strange disfellowshippings!

by AK - Jeff 27 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • slimboyfat

    Being disfellowshipped for smoking seems a bit harsh... I knew a few.

  • 95stormfront
    You'd think the Holy Spirit would have flayed me alive as it ripped in sparking rivulets from the fingertips of the brothers who spoke with me, but no. Whew! Was I relieved!


    That was great.

  • 95stormfront
    I remember my friends who were both pretty good JWs were engaged to be married and had all the wedding plans and were 4 weeks away and the worst thing happened... he fingered her.
    Who would be so stupid as to go and tell the elders what 'you've been up to' when you're courting.

    Bloody Hell! They were probably disfellowshiped for sheer stupidity not hanky panky!

    Exactly what I was thinking. what the hell were these two thinking anyway......

    All they did was give a couple of dried up old men something to "get off" on. Oh how I bet they went home thinking how nice it would've been if at that moment in time, that they were that finger.

  • undercover
    Being disfellowshipped for smoking seems a bit harsh...

    I've never understood the smoking issue with the WTS. While I agree that smoking is not good for you and I don't much care for second hand smoke...I just don't get the stubborness with which the WTS has gone after smokers. Did R.J. Reynolds or Phillip Morris piss off a big wig at Bethel at some point?

    I knew a guy who was disfellowshipped in the 80s for smoking. Shunned for 20 years by the Witnesses. Then a couple of years ago he quit smoking...not because he was repentant or felt guilty about it, but because the doctor told him it was killing him. He quit, the local elders heard he quit and asked him if he wanted to be reinstated. He said sure and Bingo! he's back in, as if he never left. No remorse, no repentance, no confession, just quit and all's good. Go figure.

  • Country_Woman

    DF-ing for porneia - while in fact being a virgin......

  • booker-t

    I know a woman that was married and had an abortion. Her husband went to the elders and she was disfellowshipped for conduct unbecoming of a christian. I also know of some of the young brothers were disfellowshipped or disassociated for joining the military. One guy came back after serving in the army for many years and was reinstated and is now a ministerial servant.

  • lawrence

    I had a middle aged male bible study and a sister got friendly with him on the drive home from a meeting, slipped him her telephone number; they both were lonely. Three days later I got a call from the elders wanting to know when I was seeing my bible study next. Seems like her son called the elders and she had been shacking up with my bible study and they wanted to talk with her and him. He pulled the phone out of the wall and the two of them humped until the elders arrived. They didn't answer the door and drank more. She was disfellowshipped and reinstated the next year. He stopped his study and pined for her. I was "spoken to" about bible studies and worldly people. I hope they got together one day.

  • myself
    I remember my friends who were both pretty good JWs were engaged to be married and had all the wedding plans and were 4 weeks away and the worst thing happened... he fingered her.

    You mean he implicated her in some sort of crime? Or... oh, never mind


  • myself
    Who would be so stupid as to go and tell the elders what 'you've been up to' when you're courting.

    My ex-husband LOL

    About six months ago he told me he went to talk to the elders about some "pretty heavy petting" done while we were engaged. I would have loved to have been there when he was telling them.He thinks this is the cause for his current problems whatever they may be. My ex is 48 years old, said sin happened 23 years ago. He can't seem to take any responsibility for his current problems. I guess he already forgot that he confessed this one before we actually got married. The elder was struggling to keep from laughing and told him not to do it again till after we were married.

  • Gadget
    Who would be so stupid as to go and tell the elders what 'you've been up to' when you're courting.

    My ex, and this was even after her mother had told her that no matter how bad, some things were best kept between her and Jehovah. She told me she'd just got back from telling the elders everything, so I rushed off to see my local elders because I thought it would go better for me if I confessed rather than them being told by others. I got df'd and she got found to not have a case to answer.

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