What is the truth?

by OldSoul 78 Replies latest jw friends

  • frankiespeakin


    Your one funny dude. A cool dude.

  • OldSoul
    Your one funny dude. A cool dude.

    And a middle one way up to you too, Buddy!

    Oh... er... um... you were being sincere, weren't you?

    Oops. Er... I don't suppose we might be able to overlook this slight departure from decorum, eh? I mean, surely you could see how hurtful your remarks would have been if they were sarcastic or biting. As it is, I suppose you meant well... but you might have been comparing me to this dude for all I know...

  • Sunnygal41

    LOL!!! Wow! What a mouthful or post full of questions!

    Welcome to this forum OldSoul..........whether you stay or go is up to you. No one forces anyone to stay here, no one coerces anyone to join or post, etc. As to your questions........the answers are as individual as each and everyone who has lived, breathed and died. The WTS may have brought us all together here, but, I think that each of us are here because we all have a common goal..........we are seekers and students.........and, most of us are aware of a spiritual need in our lives. We come together to share and question and to heal from abuse heaped upon us from an organization we trusted. So, again, welcome.

    Terri of the Old Soul herself class

  • frankiespeakin

    Double post

  • frankiespeakin


    Oops. Er... I don't suppose we might be able to overlook this slight departure from decorum, eh? I mean, surely you could see how hurtful your remarks would have been if they were sarcastic or biting. As it is, I suppose you meant well... but you might have been comparing me to this dude for all I know...

    When I said your a fuuny dude,,I was refering to your writting style,,because it was funny,,it was cool,,slick,,in a humorus way. But to be honest it did lacked coherence,,and made little or no sense.

    So will we see more beating around the bush in your writting style?? I think so,,Will it be funny? I hope so.

  • OldSoul

    Just call me free association! (pun intended)

  • shamus

    What is evil? What is love?
    What is the force that possesses us?
    Where is the beauty? Where is the truth?
    Where is the force that watches over you?

    What is it that makes us ashamed to be white?
    (when we close our ears to the sound of machine gun)

    And while the niggers of this world are starving
    with their mouths wide open
    What is it that turns the coins we throw at them
    into worthless little tokens?

    Why is it that anything on this earth we do not understand
    We are pushed onto our knees to worship or to damn?

    Those are the rules of religion
    Those are the laws of the land
    That's how the forces of darkness have suppressed the spirit of man

    That's why human beings still walk on all fours
    Whilst in the presence of their so called superiors

    Somethings telling you to wake up and salute
    The dangers of obedience and the violence of truth

    God is evil, God is love
    God is the force that possesses us
    God is beauty, God is truth
    God is the force that is watching over you

  • Sunnygal41
    It took me a long time to "come to believe" again. Much exploration and experience of christian and non-christian beliefs, including Native American spritualism, Buddhism, Bahai, some Islam, some Pagan, and some Unitarian, and AA's 12 steps.

    Brenda!!! LOL! Looks like we've been walking in each other's moccasin prints!

  • Sunnygal41
    "What is a narrow focused version of truth based only on the confines of a biblical context that I can feel comfortable with?" the possible personal game you are trying to play

    HAHAHA!!! Dave, you certainly called it and rather quickly too, I might add! His remarks to Narkissos certainly confirmed it.

  • OldSoul

    Let's make sure we quickly label the troll "TROLL!" or else his particular version of free-thought might corrupt (or <shudder> influence) our own! Too funny! Okay, can we please show an ability to accept and respect the fact that other people may not share our specifically unique view of the world? I understood that people from all backgrounds were welcome in here and that intellectual challenges to strongly held ideas were common. Was I mistaken? Or is it that it's only supposed to work one way, or what?

    "He's a Baggins, he is. A Baggins tricks us and steals our precious... he tricks us, my precious. He's tricksy, filthy Baggins-es. They's all tricksy they is, my precious. Yesh."

    Show of hands: Who have I converted on pain of death, so far? Yes, you in the back... oh, scratching your nose, eh? Sorry. Anyone else? No one? Hmm... that was clearly my objective... <sigh>... all for naught! If only I'd taken that sword with me. Or a small money purse... oh well, c'est la vie.


    Let's play a game, Sunnygal41: You point at me and scream "Restricter! Restricter!" and when it's my turn, I'll point at you and scream "Independent Thinker! Independent Thinker!" We'll both be wrong and if we keep at it long enough we'll each, in turn, experience the fate we secretly wished on the other while we spent our life being angry at... well... at nothing. Sound fun? Tell ya' what, I'll even let you go first.

    I being wildly facetious to make a point. No hard feelings from my side, just amused mirth.

    B_Ing Invisible

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