How did you feel when you learned it was all a lie?

by what_Truth? 50 Replies latest jw experiences

  • lisaBObeesa

    Fist I was sure it was not the truth, and I felt frustrated to be stuck in it as a young person.

    I believed the people in the org who 'made the rules' just had made a few mistakes. I believed some of the teachings, but some I knew were big mistakes. Errors. As in, "Oooops!" Boy, that GB was sure gonna be embarrassed some day!

    Next, when I became old enough, I got out and felt happy and free!!!!

    Then, I did some research on a few things, and found that these were not MISTAKES, they were LIES.

    And then I felt SHOCKED. And Angry. Really, really angry.

    It was like finding out you were on one of those trick reality TV shows, and finding out nothing had been real.

    "Guess what, Lisa? You though you were on this show trying to win a million dollars, right? And you think you won right? You think you figured it out, right? In fact, you have spent your whole life struggling with this religion/game and now you think you have it figured out. (***me: huge excited grin** ) Well, I have to tell you, we LIED TO YOU. ( ****me: grin gone***) Just to mess with you. Just to get you do crazy stuff for us. You really don't win anything, because none of this is real. Thanks for being a great sport about it all!"

  • shotgun

    Sick in the pit of the stomach, combined with anxiety attacks knowing now that I know nothing at all and deep fear that my family would not believe me!

  • TheOldHippie
  • rocky220

    relieved, vindicated, liberated!!!!rocky220

  • kwintestal

    Welcome to the board, WT?!

    I felt mostly relieved that I didn't have to keep up the charade. I had already been inactive for a short time, but it removed the guilt from not attending 5 meetings/week and field service.


  • minimus

    For me it has been a gradual process. I "knew" many things weren't "right". But I stuffed those things in the back of my mind with the hope that I'd "get it" later. I "got it", alright! I didn't like JWS being called a "cult". Now I realize, it's simply what they are. I am relieved and happy to be out.

  • setfree

    Like you I am happy that my children will not be put through the feelings of guilt: Im not doing enough to be considered "righteous". Setting in boring meetings hearing the same stuff over and over and over. Watching children of elders,pioneers get certain privledges because they had alot of hours of "service" that they probably did'nt deserve,when I was struggling to get a few hours but below the "national average". I always had a desire to help in the congregation but could not because I was'nt "zealous enough" Not having to worry about making men happy.Beginning to learn that God loves me for my faith in him and not in an imperfect organization. Feeling more accepted by God every day Im away.

  • Redneckgurl

    First I was in shock, sort of a disbelief, like I was dreaming or something. Then, I was scared, how was I going to get out without destoying my family ties and confusing my children. I just had to do what was best for myself, my husband and my kids. We have been very happy ever since, and just avoid speaking with our parents and other family because it can be upsetting.


  • garybuss


    Pissed again when I found out they lied on purpose.

    Pissed again when they shunned me for knowing they lied.

  • franklin J
    franklin J

    Angry. Very angry. And for a while, very confused; scrambling for a direction and meaning for my life.

    I was still young enough ( 22) to start a new life; without Jehovah Witnesses or the debilitating influences of fundamental religion.

    Never regretted it. Never looked back. But I still remember very clearly the anger and confusion I felt. I will never forget that.

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