Positive proof that Watchman & those who post on his forum are LOONEY.

by Schizm 72 Replies latest jw friends

  • gumby

    Rabbit....you little hoppin bunny buddy a mine. Schizm isn't afraid to answer you.....he just like pissin ya off and followin him around. He's actually kinda fun. Anjyone with half a brain realises the Lot story is embarrasing to a bible believer. Those damn jews were as horny and boastfull as the damn Mormons are. They like sex stuff.

    I hope your tummy is gettin a bit faqtter on this day ya bastard! I had Cambells Clam Clowder and some crackers.........and them some ta kill ya with leomonade and a smoke.......ya know

    Happy Thanksgiving you Schizm houndin, Lot bashin bastard you.


  • Schizm



  • Schizm

    Burp !!!

  • minimus

    Do you think "minimus" could post there??

  • Schizm
    Do you think "minimus" could post there??

    I double-dog dare ya to go over and register at the e-watchman site. Better register using a different handle though, 'cause ole You Know still visits this site and knows everyone here. Here's a great idea: Register under the name "/ You Know" (and don't forget the slash). That ought to make his ass want to chew tobacco.


  • minimus

    It's either minimus or nada! Who knows? Maybe he'll invite me??

  • Schizm
    It's either minimus or nada! Who knows? Maybe he'll invite me??

    Hell, "nada" will work for me if it'll work for you. Go for it! Who knows, you two might get along just fine together. I can already visualize the carved message on a bench in a lovely park: "Minimus loves You Know".


  • shamus

    I seem to remember Schism doing the same thing to other posters that were screaming, whining and beamoning because he/she would not answer they're question... LOLOL!

    Keep up the good work Schism! It is very entertaining to watch people get upset over internet 'persona's' that aren't real and don't matter, LOL! It ain't real life here... face it.

  • lisaBObeesa

    hey, has e-watchman been hacked?

  • Satanus


    Czarofmischief posted a while ago who he is. Since then others have suggested that it is robert king aka youknow.


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