Keep on the Watch--What Does It All Mean? page 8

by blondie 11 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • blondie
    Jehovah's Witnesses have reached all nations with the good news.

    Really, what about the Islamic countries and China and India?

    Also, for those with a copy, is that a mixed couple on page 9 or is the husband just light-skinned. I have never seen a mixed couple pictured in a WT publication before.


  • Stefanie

    I dont have that publication, but you are right. I dont recall EVER seeing a mixed couple pictured in the WTS publications.

    Would you happen to have a copy of that?

  • kls

    Those countries are luckier more then they know.

  • ozziepost


    Try this link - it was given on an earlier thread by Elsewhere:

    Cheers, Ozzie

  • ozziepost

    Blondie and all:

    You're right in raising the deception in this publication. I see this new brochure as one of the most deceptive publications ever produced by the WTS and as I progress through it I'm posting my thoughts on it:

    Cheers, Ozzie

  • ezekiel3

    Blondie you are confirmed. But note that the photo is pasted on a page warning of worldly distractions. The page header "Where Is Your Life Heading" is followed by the quote: "Many people are so wrapped up in the affairs of life that they give little thought to where they are heading."

    The pictures on the page include the one below, an old man nodding off while fishing, a man buried in paper work at the office, and (the good example) a man reading a bible. It is assumed all the other persons pictured are giving "little thought to where they are heading."

    There have been no recent updates to the WTS policy on interracial marriage:

    *** w73 12/1 pp. 735-736 Questions from Readers ***

    In other communities, local prejudices produce discrimination and unkind treatment toward those of certain races of mankind. These prejudices do not make interracial marriage wrong. For the discerning Christian, nonetheless, they may give cause for thought as to the advisability of such marriage. No matter what the racial backgrounds of the mates, marriage of itself requires much adjustment on the part of both persons to be successful and to bring happiness. Human imperfection causes all marriages to bring some measure of ?tribulation in the flesh,? as the apostle Paul wisely points out. (1 Cor. 7:28) In certain localities, where racial prejudices are strong, this could put added strain on the marital relationship and could be especially trying for any children resulting. So the Christian should give thoughtful consideration to the probable consequences before entertaining the prospect of interracial marriage.

  • XQsThaiPoes

    Next yould be asking why all the recent depictions of bible characters look like tortillas instead of wonder bread like they used to be.

  • BluesBrother
    Jehovah's Witnesses have reached all nations with the good news

    The "Society" wrote back to me once, in the days when I used to send in my concerns. They said that

    "Jesus words at Mathew 10.23 indicate that there will always be some territory to be worked and thus we cannot assume that all will be reached personally with the Kingdom message before the arrival of the great tribulation... Wtower 15.01.2000 page 13 stated that while untouched terrritories still exist it may be that in Jehovah's due time ...........If Jehovah chooses , he could see to it that the good news is spread in ways that we cannot yet imagine"

    So there we have it, they say that the Almighty will call time whenever he is ready whether deserving people have heard it or not.

    I can just imagine someone saying that they have (probably) reached members of all national groups - which is not to say they spoken to all of them

  • Nosferatu
    Jehovah's Witnesses have reached all nations with the good news.

    Is this new light? What about the whole "This good news of the kingdom will be preached for a witness to all the nations and then the end will come" thing? Does that mean that Armageddon is still around the corner? LOL!

  • funkyderek
    "This good news of the kingdom will be preached for a witness to all the nations and then the end will come"

    Expect New Light? on the meaning of the word "then". It can probably mean an indefinite period of time just like "this generation"

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