I'm worried about our 8-year-old -- anybody got any ideas?

by cruzanheart 61 Replies latest jw friends

  • xenawarrior

    Seriously though Nina- the fact that he suffers from asthma would lend itself to other allergies- especially environmental and they can wreak havoc on the system and exacerbate normal 8 year old stuff into ADD type symptoms and behaviors. You might want to talk to his allergist about this and look into the chemical, environmental and food allergies he could be experiencing.

    My mom was a teacher and she also is an expert on allergies suffering from asthma and many other allergies herself as do most of our family members. She would talk about the kids and how she could see reactions in them after lunch and in the spring and fall and when certain glues were being used etc. I know that for myself, if I'm exposed to certain allergans I can become very disoriented and irritable and have difficulty concentrating.

    Good luck with it !! (((((((Jackson))))))))


  • Mulan
    I thought perhaps he has a PDD (pervasive developmental disorder) under this catagory falls autism, Asperger's syndrome

    I was thinking this too. Our youngest son, now 25 has Aspbergers too. He got mostly A's in school too. One of our grandsons has it, and Jackson sounds a lot like him.

    But it could also be normal 8 year old. Talk to the doctor.

  • pettygrudger

    Regarding the "allergies" mentioned above, sometimes the allergists & specialists cant actually *diagnos* the allergy - it's more like a food sensitivity.

    The book "Special Diets for Special Kids" is GREAT in explaining this phenomena - and it DID work wonders for my son.

  • xenawarrior

    Yes Rhonda- for some allergists it's hard. But if you get a good one and go through and really find those food sensitivities through elimination diets and other means, it works great. I grew up with a corn allergy that I never knew I had until I was an adult. And corn is in everything !! It's not as bad as it was earlier in life but I still have to read labels all the time. And for kids-a corn allergy can be awful and create very uncomfortable symptoms for them and troublesome behavior outward as well.

  • La Capra
    La Capra


    Your poor little guy, he's probably a little frustrated with himself too. If he can get into TV or a video game, he probably isn't ADD/ADHD in the classic sense. The kids I teach that are truly ADD/ADHD, can't even do TV or video games for longer than five or ten minutes unless they are medicated. (I can tell the difference between the real ones and the ones whose parents are just fed up because their child is high energy. And there is a dramatic difference.)

    Here are my opinions/suggestions. First, he is only eight. For some little ones, it takes years to learn how to focus for longer than five or ten minutes a shot. (Some experts suggest that TV and video games delay or prevent the development of this skill, I'm more inclined to agree than disagree, but I haven't read any studies myself).

    Second, he is on a number of medications. Investigating all the potential side effects-and at this particular age- may shed some light on some of his troubles. If you find this may be the cause, perhaps changing the time medicines are taken can help with the sleep troubles, or tiredness, or lack of focus. Your doctor might suggest reducing dosages, or changing the schedule. Talk to her. (Actually, if I were the parent, I would do this first.)

    Third, absent any clear cause of a "stomach ache" (like eating the wrong thing, the flu, motion sickness, the meds) they are usually a symptom of stress in children. If they just started or became more frequent this school year you can reasonably link it to something with his new class this year. It doesn't mean something wrong is happening, it might just mean that he is having trouble adjusting. If this is the case, listen to his tales of his days, he likely won't know what it is, but he'll be giving you clues as he talks to you. It could be something so simple as the teacher's rule about getting a drink, or using the restroom, or something more serious, like a kid teasing him.

    Fourth, I have never heard of any child that actually responded to a diet change. This does not mean it doesn't work. As teachers, we are taught NOT to make any dietary suggestions to parents concerning their children (a big no-no). We all know the sweets and sodas make the kids bounce off the walls (no duh). Some schools have rules about goodies kids can bring to school. There are all these suggested diets for kids with different "problems."

    I had a cousin that had to have his diet monitored closely or he would turn into a whackadoo. It would happen pretty quickly after he ate stuff he wasn't supposed to. It was easy to figure out what the food items were. Unfortunately part of being a kid is eating all that junk. You can watch it when he is around you, but you can't control what his friends might share with him when you aren't around. I understand that for the real effects to start to show, the diet/nutrition thing is a long term proposition. (One of my classmates in law school is ADD/ADHD and he had to give up refined sugar completely-months before classes started-to get his body chemistry ready. He's also on meds. He said they don't work if he has sugar in his diet.)

    Fifth, since he seems to be holding it together academically, hold off on any special services testing until you can rule out side effects from the medicines, and see if he can get a bit more sleep (lack of sleep is actually a really big deal, it reduces immunity, energy, ability to focus, perform, retain, and just generally cope).

    He sounds like a sensitive boy, if something is troubling him it could be causing nearly all these symptoms you described. You will figure this out. You're a good mommy.

    Take care, Shoshana

  • Happy Guy :)
    Happy Guy :)

    Could be anything from allergies to airborn molds to the (early) increase/introduction of testosterone ...could be anything.

    I suggest you take him to a good pediatrician. If you do not have one get a referral through your local "Children's Hospital". Next stop will probably involve testing.

    It could end up being something as simple as hormones (get him into extra sports during the day it will burn off energy and allow him to sleep right now he plays gameboy instead of physical sports). If he is not sleeping at night that would explain why he is tired in the day. Less TV less video games more physical activities.

    If he is getting As then he probably does not have any learning disability so that's good.

    Anyway, I would suggest professional help from his pediatrician as a good place to start.

  • Odrade

    Nina, I know you've delved into some natural treatments before, but what do you think about taking him for a series of craniosacral therapy? It's been known to help with some of the problems you are experiencing with your son, and it certainly wouldn't hurt.

    I agree with a few of the others too, about the sleep deprivation thing. Certainly all those meds he's tried has had an effect on his quality of sleep, if not his quantity. CST may be able to help with that too. Lots of people (kids included) conk out on the table once pressure on the spinal column is relieved.

    He may also need his meds reevaluated--perhaps even by a different physician. I agree that much of this behavior is normal for eight-year-olds to a degree, but if it's extremely disruptive, and if you have that gut feeling (mother's intuition) that this goes beyond normal developmental growing pains, trust your instincts.


  • pettygrudger
    Yes Rhonda- for some allergists it's hard. But if you get a good one and go through and really find those food sensitivities through elimination diets and other means, it works great. I grew up with a corn allergy that I never knew I had until I was an adult. And corn is in everything !! It's not as bad as it was earlier in life but I still have to read labels all the time. And for kids-a corn allergy can be awful and create very uncomfortable symptoms for them and troublesome behavior outward as well.

    True XW - but the types of allergies I'm talking about would NEVER show up on a good allergists radar screen. Usually it involves caisens or glutens. It's not so much that the children are "allergic" to them as they are not able to process them correctly - and the *symptoms* of these *allergies* are EXACTLY as Nina has described above (with the exception that a large percentage usually have periodic problems with bowel movements - either really *loose* stools or constipation). And usually, there is a several week period of elimination necessary in order to see true positive results, along with healing the stomach from the damage that has been caused (usually a HIGH ratio of Candida Yeast in the gut - not symptomatic so one would not know).

    There are also natural treatments involved in removing the heavy metals from a person, as these can find a way into a child's brain & begin blocking neuro-transmitors- once again showing itself in the symptoms that Nina described above. The only true way to find out if heavy metals are the problem is seeing a Homeopathic doctor - the medical industry would just laugh you out of the office. Once again however, many parents have found this procedure to be their child's *cure*.

    There are finally several clinics now in the U.S. that work with the parents to treat these food problems, and they have a VERY high percentage of *cures* from the symptoms of ADD/ADHD/Autism etc., including the behavioral ones. Not all - but a lot!

    America has a diet that mostly consists of a lot of glutens & caisens in everything we eat. Which in turn has lead to a high ratio of all sorts of auto immune disorders (Fibromygalia, Diabetes, Chrohns Disease, IBS, etc). And also seems to have some correlation with all the *labels* we are applying to our children. As I said, not all, as in my son's case he will never be *cured* - but in a lot of cases, they can be asymptomatic just with a change in dietary habits.

  • lisaBObeesa
    If he can get into TV or a video game, he probably isn't ADD/ADHD in the classic sense.

    I do not agree. In my experience, most ADD children can get into a TV show they like and do very well with video games.

    (I work in an alternative school with many, many ADD kids. Also, one of my children is ADD.)

    Why is this? Because TV and video games can be paid attention to in a very passive way. You don't have to THINK to watch TV or play video games. In a video game, you may have to think, but only for one instant..then you react and the game is on to the next thing. It is just just a string of VERY short thoughts/reactions that make a person good at a video game. And TV requires no thought.

    But to pay your bills? That requires a person to sit down and THINK for an amount of time. Homework requires sitting down and thinking for an amount of time. It reqires attention, in the truest sense. That is what ADD kids have trouble with.


  • pc

    Nina I am dealing with a similer situation right now. My son is 13 exteremely bright but cant seem to stay on task. He sounds very similar to your son. I have gone back through all his school records and have seen a constant thread running through them. I believe he has ADD but can mask it. It is now presenting a problem because of the more intense workload. I am meeting with a specialist next week who deals in childhood disorders. I have also read some great books on it. People tell you all kinds of things to do and I have tried them all. I give my kids no food coloring, mega vitiamins, no preservitives, etc. I see very little effect at this point however. Two books I would highly recommend are "Driven to Distraction" by Hallowell and "Healing ADD the Breakthrough Program That Allows You to See and Heal 6 Types of ADD" by Daniel Amen.

    My pediatrician is who recommend the specialist I'm seeing. I let you know what she says. I see her the 15th. pc

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