What is the true Christian religion / faith?

by evergreen 79 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • heathen
    1. If you mean the Father is a person rather than a composite, I think you'll find that most Christians agree with you
    2. That would be a matter of opinion
    3. If you are resting your beliefs on the bible, you'll actually find that it's Adam's sin that is said to be the source of all our troubles
    4. Another opinion
    5. Yet another opinion, bearing in mind that the "kings" fornicate with the harlot, rather than destroy her
    6. That would be one of a few "millenialist views", which are worth comparing rather than blindly accepting
    7. Actually the New Testament says that Jesus is
    8. Have you actually read the whole of Rev.7 in context?
    9. Yet another opinion.

    LT --- You have offered nothing but opinion . Let's take #1 to begin with . The father is a spirit being just like jesus is a spirit being ,both are described as being in union of purpose but not the same physical entity in the bible. #2 the new testament is very clear on jesus being the first born of all creation .#3 In genesis it was a serpent that induced eve to rebel against the arrangement by lying to her. In the new testament the world is always referred to being in satans control .#4 is an opinion supported by the bible. #5 The beast does destroy the harlot and eat all her fleshy parts in revelation . #6 again supported by revelation .#7 Jesus is the resurrection #8 it's argumentative #9 it's in revelation .

  • LittleToe

    Sure he did, but they were autonomous collectives

    Heathen:And your problem with me offering a counter-opinion would be??
    And what's the issue with questioning Flash's reading comprehension?

  • LittleToe


    Flash wrote: much of their core doctrines are correct.
    And: Here is a list of the major things I am convinced the Witnesses have right;

    Am I in error encouraging folks to question even these assumptions especially when someone states that something is "correct" when there's a modicum of doubt?

    You replied:

    1. The father is a spirit being just like jesus is a spirit being ,both are described as being in union of purpose but not the same physical entity in the bible
    2. the new testament is very clear on jesus being the first born of all creation
    3. In genesis it was a serpent that induced eve to rebel against the arrangement by lying to her. In the new testament the world is always referred to being in satans control
    4. is an opinion supported by the bible
    5. The beast does destroy the harlot and eat all her fleshy parts in revelation
    6. again supported by revelation
    7. Jesus is the resurrection
    8. it's argumentative
    9. it's in revelation

    In Answer:

    1. Trinitarians don't believe that the Father is the same person as the Son (unless you're talking about Modalists)
    2. A hotly contested scripture, as far as translation and interpretation is concerned
    3. And yet sin entered into the world through Adam, right? (Rom.5:12)
    4. "Real" in what sense?
    5. Is the "beast "governments, though?
    6. "Real" in what sense?
    7. "And the life" and "the way the truth and the life" and "my Lord and my God", however I suspect that Jesus mayn not have been on his mind when he wrote his original comment
    8. The Great Crowd are also Priests...
    9. Didn't I continue on to say that? I question the use of the words "exist and terminated (Rev.20:10)
  • outbutnotdown


    Your question itself in the topic title: "What is the true Christian religion/faith?" is a contradiction in itself.

    Why should anybody believe that it has to be Christian? Maybe it's Muslim or Hindu or Taoism or Buddhism..... you get thet point. I'm not going to argue the merits of these other faiths but my point is that Christianity is just another theory that makes men have the illusion that they have found God.

    It's just one way to become spiritually more enlightened.


  • Flash


    I agree with you 100% Heathen! Surprised?
    Hey folks... are you sure the door is narrow enough?

    I hope to squeak thru last minute!



    I notice that most of your cherished beliefs are based on the book of Revelation. That truly isn't a solid foundation for a belief system for the present or future. It's predominantly dream, song and symbol, for which to dogmatically claim a correct interpretation of would be kinda bigoted IMHO .

    Not really, remember, Jesus had a lot to say concerning the future of humanity. I think Heathen gave you a good answers.

    Also, for #8 its being hashed out here:

    144,000 A Literal Number http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/12/79566/1.ashx



    "I like your Christ, but I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are not at all like your Christ."

    I love this, what a GREAT observation!


    LittleToe again...

    Heathen:And your problem with me offering a counter-opinion would be??
    And what's the issue with questioning Flash's reading comprehension?

    Your funny! My reading comprehension is very good - thank you.

    In Answer:
    1. Trinitarians don't believe that the Father is the same person as the Son (unless you're talking about Modalists)
    2. A hotly contested scripture, as far as translation and interpretation is concerned
    5. Is the "beast "governments, though?

    Since your question is directed toward Heathen I'll just respond to these.

    1 and 2) Who's talking about Trinitarians? The scriptures are very clear about it, Deuteronomy 6:4, John 20:17 and Colossians 1:15,16

    5) Read Daniel chapter 7 and 8. Your reading comprehension is good...right?


  • outbutnotdown
    "I like your Christ, but I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are not at all like your Christ."


    I can't take credit for that statement. It was another wise Ghandi observation.


  • gumby

    Gumby:Sure he did, but they were autonomous collectives

    Ah my son, you speaketh many a wordeth but youith dontith sayith anythingith I canith understandith. Do you my son even know the meaning of the words you reply to me my son? * still playin the Ghandi role*

    "Man who does not know the answer, swerves to the side of his fears instead of greeting them as they are harmless" Ghandi 12:3

    Gumghandi gumba'lia

  • outbutnotdown

    Ah my son, you speaketh many a wordeth but youith dontith sayith anythingith I canith understandith. Do you my son even know the meaning of the words you reply to me my son? * still playin the Ghandi role*

    LMFAO @ Gumby.

    You kill me buddy. Besides that, your observation has a lot of merit in it

    Brad ducks while LT swings at him

  • gumby

    Outbutnotdown....you gotta go to seattle in December and meet the LT bastard and myself and all the others....it gonna be fun. You sound about the same calibur as the rest of us heathens. LT is one of the nicest people you'll ever meet. I mean that.


  • A Paduan
    A Paduan
  • Jehovah is not a trinity
  • Jesus is God's first creation
  • The Angelic rebellion is the source of all our troubles
  • The Great Tribulation and Armageddon are literal and coming
  • God will use the worlds governments to destroy world religion
  • The Thousand Year reign is real
  • The resurrection is the only hope for the dead on earth
  • 144,000 are a literal Heavenly Government
  • Satan and his Demons have a finite time to exist and will be terminated
  • I believe it is all misinformed bulverdash

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