WT WARNING EXAMPLES: Anybody see this video?

by cyber-sista 33 Replies latest jw experiences

  • upside/down


    Is everyone so "biased" as to not even try and give the benefit of the doubt? The command came from a man. Also what a stretch to imply rape was the obvious result of keeping these women. They were no doubt honorably assimilated into Israelit culture and families. I'm not saying I like it, but that's what took place. God after all only has so much control- as is obvios by the innumerable times "his people" didn't do what he wanted or what was right. Don't fault the history book if history isn't all cleaned up first. Also, is it not the height of arrogance to presume to know more than God. If God spoke to me and asked me to do something odd (being a modern opinionated person) I would probably ask him why, but if he said to do it (schizo being ruled out) I'd do it! But that's the only way I'd do it. If some man told me that God told him to tell me- screw you- get the picture. Those were unique times, literal physical manifestations of God's presence were visible to all, miracles happened on a national level for all to see (deliverance from Egypt, pillar of fire, manna, clothes not wearing out, no diseaseetc). Does not have the right to make a "call" and have it done? Again I'm not saying that this gives "religion" the green light to tell us what to do. But genocide? Man with all his limitations does no less in extreme circumstances ie. hunting down terrorists. I think some people just can't stand that God CAN actually make a judgement call and not have to answer to anybody for it(although he usually does).

    Be good little humans, and we've got nothing toworry about!


  • formerout


    I would be willing to pay significant cash to see someone make sure you took your daily medication.

    Holy smokes buddy. I hope this very rude reply to HappyGuy was only because you never had to experience the manipulation he speaks of and that this video proves. If it is made even though you are aware of these nasty things that happen to kids, then you're one sick puppy!!

    Upside/down said,

    If God spoke to me and asked me to do something odd (being a modern opinionated person) I would probably ask him why, but if he said to do it (schizo being ruled out) I'd do it! But that's the only way I'd do it. If some man told me that God told him to tell me- screw you- get the picture.

    I really, really hope that this guy never believes that God is ever talking to him...... good grief. Even more, I hope that he doesn't think that the words of the FDS is God speaking to him.


  • Sweetp0985

    I think alot of the head honchos up there have been watching SCARE TACTICS and are taking it to the extreme.

  • Little Red Hen
    Little Red Hen

    Our 12 year old nephew no doubt has seen this video. He comes from a very spiritually strong family, and he has been brought up to believe he will be one of the last 'princes' in the borg. He is a master of the 'death stare' and other good works. He is a good little hater.

    My husband and I are making book on how old he will be when he takes an assult rifle up a tower and starts picking off opposers of self-righteousness.

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