Damn Barbara Walters.

by avishai 56 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • Quotes

    Shuck, I was hoping for at least a "Public Reproof", at which point I could WOW everyone with my spot-on Dr. Phil impression!

    "Now, how does that make you feel?"

    "Well, that just don't make any sense now does it!"

    "And how do you think that makes her feel?"

    "And what do you think about that?"

    (Am I the only one who think Dr. Phil is actually that very old computer program that is supposed to be a virtual pshychologist, that parrots back to you and asks the same quesitons over and over?)

    ~Quotes, of the "Make sure you listen to the Prank Phone Calls at the Sound Board site" class

  • blondie
  • gypsywildone

    Out of respect for Barbara Walters, does anyone thing for a MOMENT, that any interviewer would have refused this interview? Do you think anyone on television today would not have jumped at the chance?

    MKL is a pitiful, delusional thing, but aren't the mentally ill usually the last to recognize they are sick? She really is not very grounded in reality. She did not take one ounce of responsibility for her actions & the trauma she caused many other people in her life. She showed lack of consideration for her family & the children she brought into this world. She bears direct responsibility for the pain of many, yet doesn't even seem to comprehend it.

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    I think she is grounded enough in reality to have answered some questions very carefully. When asked about that first kiss she talked about having had similar feelings before. At the time I wondered if she was talking about when she was a kid and having some of those "first kisses" But now I have to wonder if she was being so careful and choosing her words so thoughtfully because she has done this before and some other young man is thinking he scored by nailing the teacher.

  • ThiChi

    After the Dan Rather fraud, the "Media" is loosing its confidence with the thinking public (which, I have faith, is the majority of people in the US), according to a new Gallop Poll. Never liked Ba Ba Wa Wa much anyway, I am not surprised...(a named used on Saturday Night Live for BW)

  • gypsywildone

    I thought those SNL bits were hilarious! I think Gilda Radnor started that stuff.

  • stillconcerned

    For that matter, I'd LOVE to see Dr. Phil get hold of Baba Wawa re this interview...

    Now THAT would be entertaining!!

    I think it's just a sign of the times; ANY sexual union of ANY sort is "okay", so long as you label it "LOVE"..

    kimberlee d.

    Kimberlee d.

  • Icansaylucky

    Quotes: Don't forget his favorite "So is it workin for you? yawn...

  • Icansaylucky
  • wednesday

    Barbara Walters should be very ashamed, she has a daughter, how would she have felt if it had been a 34 yr old man who raped her daughter? Somehow I doubt she would be calling it a love story.

    Yes CBS thought we'd buy any lame arse thing threw at us, but they forget, just like the Watchtower forgets, we have the internet. If u are interested in expressing disgust wijth Dan Rather and demanding his removal, go to www.danrathermustgo.com. Guy form NJ using his own money is runing ads about this very issue, the main stream media and how they have abused their power .If u are not, don't click on the link.

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