JW Spouse problems

by marcosgarcia 58 Replies latest jw friends

  • kls

    Marco , the only way to stop this is to stop your wife . Your children are being pulled into this and they will suffer. Try to educate as much as you can on WT doctrine so you can show it to your wife what they really are but this may only get her more involved with them . You see now you are the enemy and the devil is trying to stop her ( you ) from being one of gods people

    Truly Marco if there was a solution we would have used it. Educate yourself and try to educate her if she is not in to deep

    No one at the Hall will help .

  • marcosgarcia

    Okay I will not approach the Hall. Although I will continue to remind the teachers to stay away from my children.

    What I am hoping for and this sounds sooooo awful is that she would shun us all (me and the children) and leave, go pioneer or something. She has thrown away many things that I assume she thinks are demons?And as for holidays/birthdays me and the kids are on our own --- I do all that. She is more of an obstacle impeding us from living our "normal" lives.

  • kls

    Marco it sounds like she is already in very deep . You are in the fight of your life and i feel so sorry for you. Do what you can to help your children and yourself.

  • DaCheech

    Plain and simple ask your children: DO you understand that if you continue and become part of the

    JW's you cannot have any of your old friends, since JW's consider them worldly and evil?

    Question #2: Do you understand what JW's do to anyone breaking their rules? (Disfellowshipping)

    Wait a week or two after raising the questions, and feel them out again (elders probably spoke to them with half truths)

  • hubert

    Marcos, How old are your children?

    Research the Watchtower, and show your kids the proof of all the lies, before they get too deep in it, themselves. I think you need to put a buffer between what your wife and the j.w.'s are trying to teach your kids, and what you want them to believe.

    By planning a meeting with my daughter and her husband who is studying with the j.w.'s, I was definitely able to keep my other daughter out of it.

    Why?... because she wasn't influenced by them yet, and so she helped me get my material together for my talk, thereby seeing all the lies that the w.t. are full of...(among other things). Because once they agree to stop listening to all the adverse information on it, it's going to be very hard to get thru to your kids.

    Start talking to them about it now. Don't wait.

    I hope this helps. If it doesn't, I hope someone else can come up with something better.

    Sorry to hear you are going thru this.


  • jgnat

    Who will support her while she goes off and pioneers? I bet you are the breadwinner, and she is at home. If it comes to the worst, make it clear she has to give up it ALL. The house, the children, the lifestyle. Ask her if any of the sisters are ready to welcome her in to their home. If one of them says yes, maybe they should try it out for a while.

    Yes, you have a double front here, wife and children. Ask questions, lots of questions. Get them to think.

  • DaCheech

    I've been in this religion for 35 years, my wife was born in it. Everytime I try to expose the troof she does not want to hear any of it.

    Sometimes I get the good old books out of the library (the ones we studied as children) and she goes along with the "new light" bullsh--.

    There is no winning with these guys. If I stay like this she will not divorce, but she has made it clear that if I become a full pledged and

    demonstrating apostate SHE WILL. I got 2 children to loose!

    I cannot blame her, for we were this way when we got married, but you were not this way when you got married. She should respect

    the religion of the families when the love was shown between you two!

  • marcosgarcia

    Thanks. Those are some guidelines I will consider.

    I was looking for some pointers like those. I do not want to turn them off by interogating them or pushing them. I know eventually they will make up their own minds and i cannot stop that. I have told them my love for them is unconditional, I am their father and they can always speak with me. I have told them there is nothing wrong with celebrating life. Birthdays and holidays are special becasue that is when we are together enjoying each others company, living and clebrating our life together. Those are the special times I remember and look forward to. I have told them that saluting the flag is a sign of respect and there is nothing wrong with showing respect. I want them to be comfortable with themselves and not be afraid to live life. They are only children once and it should be a happy time. I am trying relaly hard, but need a lot of help.

  • DaCheech

    There are quite a few JW's reforming their ways to more modern things. For example my sister-in-law and

    a couple of elders I know let their kids play sports. Some will watch whatever movie or TV they think is good (not WT good).

    But the teachings are false, and what part can someone have with false teachings? I'm already here, but you can do something right now!

    Take pictures of these people, and tell the cops strangers are stalking your children!

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas


    I don't know if you're in the US or somewhere else.

    You're in a rough spot. Your wife is being indoctrinated into a cult that will turn her and your children against you if they can. Was your wife religious before? If so, maybe you could go talk to her former priest and explain that you need help -- your wife and children need help to avoid getting sucked into this cult. Maybe you can explain to her family about what is going on. You're going to need a "support group."

    You need to make sure your wife is aware of all the UNsriptural restrictions that will be put on her by the Watchtower, she needs to see that YOUR authority as husband and father is being undermined by a group of cowardly men who don't even have the balls to stand up and tell you which one of them is in charge of the congregation. Your wife needs to know about all the times the WATCHTOWER has incorrectly predicted "the end of the world" -- ARMAGEDDON -- only to then re-write their history and deny they made the false claims.

    You may want to visit your local police and talk to them about what you might be able to do to legal forbid the witnesses from having access to your children -- would a restraining order work?

    You may want to find yourself the meanest son-of-a-bitch attorney who will joyously SUE the individual elders for "alienation of affection" and undermining your parental authority. Throw those bastards out of their homes, make them sell their cars, TVs and refrigerators to pay off your suit, and see how willing they are to tangle with you then. They will treat your wife like she has leprosy! You have got to fight tough, fight "dirty," and fight to win with the first punch! You can't play patty-cake with them.

    You might want to try to find a sympathetic ear at your local newspaper who will print some human-interest stories about how the JW cult is trying to tear your family away from you.

    Because you have already voiced your opposition to them, the JWs consider you to be Satanic -- they may even be telling your wife that you are demonized. They aren't going to change their ways and lighten up unless you MAKE them lighten up.

    Best wishes -- you have some hard times ahead.

    Your wife probably got into this spot because she is a genuinely good person who thinks she wants to "please God." She's making the biggest mistake of her life, however.

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