What is the youngest age you've seen someone df'd or Da'd?

by avishai 52 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • juni

    A 14 year old girl. I don't know what she was DFed for, but the gossips blabbed that she looked like a hussy and what did she expect. She committed suicide. Very sad.


  • Dune

    16 year old who Da'd herself. Later got pregnant, this was used for fuel as to what happens when you leave jehoba...

  • AllAlongTheWatchtower

    Myself, at 13, from the Worldwide Church of God. I've told that story elsewhere on here, I had become a ward of the state and was living in a foster home. The ironic part of it was that when I was told to meet the minister privately, I thought maybe he was going to congratulate me on 'staying in the truth' despite 'living in the world' or something to that effect, maybe offer me some advice and tell me to stay strong. I couldn't have been more wrong...in retrospect I can laugh at it, and my own sort of pompous attitude, at the time I was crushed.

    I didn't have a chance to respond to it at the time, but I read the post someone made recently about their vigorous clapping and how they hoped it would get them noticed...I could very much relate to that incident, in some ways that's about how I felt the day I was DF'd; thought I was about to be singled out for an award or something, then WHAM. You're bad association, a bad apple that could spoil the whole barrel, a bad example and influence on other children.

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